L.A Noire - Discussion Thread

re: L.A Noire [PC] - Discussion Thread

Gannu said:
Wow! This is some awesome news indeed. R* could have definitely ported Red Dead as well but nvm. PC gamers will have a solid time this Q3/Q4. :D
This means we can finally play the DLC's :p
re: L.A Noire [PC] - Discussion Thread

Aman27deep said:
This means we can finally play the DLC's :p
It might also mean a hefty download since they are going to have 3D support as well. :(

Don't mind since we can get to play the DLCs. :p
re: L.A Noire [PC] - Discussion Thread

Gannu said:
It might also mean a hefty download since they are going to have 3D support as well. :(

Don't mind since we can get to play the DLCs. :p
Yea. Minimum of 20GB surely, lol. Until hey compress sounds, if they do it can be < 15 GB.
re: L.A Noire [PC] - Discussion Thread

^He better, because it was us PC Gamers who made Indigo Prophecy a hit. The Bugger doesn't have any respect for the only people who appreciated his efforts. :| Without Indigo Prophecy, there wouldn't have been a Heavy Rain.
re: L.A Noire [PC] - Discussion Thread

Bluffmaster said:
^He better, because it was us PC Gamers who made Indigo Prophecy a hit. The Bugger doesn't have any respect for the only people who appreciated his efforts. :| Without Indigo Prophecy, there wouldn't have been a Heavy Rain.

I hope you know that Heavy Rain was a paid Ps3 exclusive, sony paid the devs to keep exclusivity to its console, so what you said, ain't gonna happen until there's a PS3 emulator for windows...!
re: L.A Noire [PC] - Discussion Thread

^You do realize that there is a contract for that sought of a thing the details of which is unknown to us. You have no way of knowing about what kind of a deal the heavy Rain devs made with Sony, considering Heavy Rain is a new franchise maybe Sony would have bought the exclusive rights for maybe an year or so, the point is no one knows so lets just stop assuming things and hope for the best. :) GTA was a Playstation Exclusive once and so was Smackdown Vs Raw series. These were infact the best selling playstation exclusives and yet they went multi-platform. Even if Heavy Rain remains a PS3 exclusive, there is a very good chance of Heavy Rain 2 going multi-platform. Multi-Platforming these days just makes more sense, it also gives more exposure to the devs which is always a plus.
re: L.A Noire [PC] - Discussion Thread

Yes, seriously. Why skip RDR. Although, this is good news for PC gamers. This game is definitely worth a play.
Guys, I just got free from some exams and was going to buy LA Noire but before that I need to ask two things:

1. Should I buy it for Xbox360 or PS3?

From what I read and saw, the PS3 version is having SSAO.

Although I don't know what it is and how it helps :)ashamed: :p) but is the PS3 version better?

2. Does the box come with any poster or something, like the usual Rockstar games do?
re: L.A Noire [PC] - Discussion Thread

OMG one of the best news ever. :D

One question:

This game will run on a GTX295 right @DX9? I mean above 30fps like descent?
re: L.A Noire [PC] - Discussion Thread

ROTFL! Another game in November. Looks like there are enough games crammed in there to last for the entire first quarter of next year. :p

Any-hoo, really keen on trying it's DLC's out. :)