PC Peripherals CPU unit for a Music Composer.. Opteron 170?

well black box is for u guitarists for the very known purposes.. n i tell u places where u get amazing prices in US.. i am sure to defeat ur lowest prices even.. but man, u have to pay duty (35%) then u will have to pay for courier.. shall cost u much 3k to 4 k for a resonable courier and lastly u will not get warranty in india.. if something goes wrong, u will have to send it all the way back to US spending courier charges to and fro.. and if u calculate all this and add up in initial cost then compare with promusical prices.. they will be similar or even less in case of promusicals.. try it..

wat u se on m audio site r list prices and in american online stores they r sale prices.. lot of difference.. had we would have been born in US... :) u know wat i mean..

hey, help me get an second hand opty in delhi.. lol..
Good idea, TE could do with a tech section solely for musicians now that I see we have a few around... Sudhin wouldn't mind joining this forum but I doubt he'll be active. I talked to him about setting up an online community for musicians when I was in Chennai and he didn't buy in to that idea - he thinks it's sad that musicians are busy and can't meet once a week to jam LOL... he's got a point man, but we can't help it with day jobs that eat up 72 hours of our week.

Btw, head over to the Market section and see if there are any Opteron 165's left... I know Funky was selling his, can't remember if it sold, I haven't been to Market in a while.
well.. as suggested by most of u guys.. that i should wait .. well although the month end has not come yet.. but i wanna know, if anything has been clear regarding availability of am2 or c2d.. well, i am following the latest threads in this regard. but in layman's language.. wat should be the best buy in first week of augest for a music composer like me.. budget 35k+.. need mobo, proc, ram, cabi, psu.. my current specs - P4 1.7ghz lol.... 512 ddr ram and intel mobo.. i know buying a c2d or x2 shall be a ape to human transformation for specs like mine.. but i need the best available in this price.. ur advices in advance r awaited once again..
Okie.. According to news.. C2D should be available in India at the end of July as well... Which I dont believe, but lets hope for the best... The E6300/E6600 are the best buys.. Anything else, is stupid :p.

Now.. Id say the C2D E6600 is the best buy possible, coz its got 4mb L2 Cache, unlike 2mb L2 Cache, on the E6300.. It makes quite a bit of difference.

Motherboard, cant say much right now.. no1 has decided on this :p.. Karan/Darky/Me/RiO are all confused :p. Me and Darky, has almost set our minds on the P5W-DH Deluxe though..
I was set for the P5WDH but Chaos was sharing that it has some problems so back to square one :)

100khz, if you're buying an E6300 get the ASrock 775twins... both should be within your budget (<15k combined), not sure about availability though. And expect Core 2 Duo to be available in the 1st or 2nd week of August.

EDIT: The 775Twins is available and costs < 4k ;)
RiO said:
not sure about availability though. And expect Core 2 Duo to be available in the 1st or 2nd week of August.

dam.. till second week of august.. i am becoming impatient after already waiting for 3 months now... i waited in lieu of either the prices of x2 will reduce or c2d shall arrive.. now, which is gonna happen earlier?

just to give u guys some insight into my dying pc.. my smps is a heart patient, one of hard discs have bad sectors, which i have managed to eradicate by unpartitioning that sector, once in a day i have to restart my pc cos contr+alt+del has no effect on it now.., i got 1.7ghz p4 :clap: .. i am like that early man who has woken up in this new age... :sos:
July 24, AMD is rumored to drop their prices like crazy... here's a peek at what it might be reduced to (btw, it might even be lower :)):


...this from Anandtech.

Anyway, my guess is we'd have to wait until early August to see the new AMD prices in India. Hopefully, you'll have the liberty to pick between an X2 and C2D based on your budget, without worrying about performance ;)
100khz said:
your mail is relieving... i wish, everything happens in the same manner u have predicted..

If you are still looking . . .
Prices have realy dropped. Halved in the US. Not exactly the same in India though.
40% instead of 50%.
The 3800 X2 is now priced at ~Rs9000
Go for AM2. The Mobos are going to be Rs 500 - 1000 extra though. I hear it saves power.
Or get the cheapest 939 Opteron (145 - 175) you can lay your hands on.
Get the DFI infinity Board (~Rs7000).
Stick in whatever graphics and sound cards you want.
Overclock 600 - 1000 Mhz.

Chill . . . :)