PC Peripherals CPU unit for a Music Composer.. Opteron 170?

what is the latency of your sound card?
latency is a big concern especially with live!
that track count is huge ?
so on every track u'll probably use 2 or 3 plugin's.for that track count i suggest you use offline processing for each track and freeze the vst instruments once ur thro' with them.

that way u'll save some cpu power!
sonic, you didn't have to post twice in 3 mins.... just edit next time ;)

100khz, I guess he's selling that rig for a Core Duo or AM2, maybe even Core 2 Duo... might wanna ask him.
sonicrealm said:
what is the latency of your sound card?
my latency as i have an asio card, can be reduced upto 1 ms, idealy 2 ms is ok.. although the lower the better.. so i guess a good cpu can handle this latency..

sonicrealm said:
so on every track u'll probably use 2 or 3 plugin's.for that track count i suggest you use offline processing for each track and freeze the vst instruments once ur thro' with them.
that way u'll save some cpu power!

wat do u mean by offline processing., is it playing the track on some other pc n recording with processing on other? plz explain a bit..? i have not explored freezing in LIVE. though its possible in cubase..
offline a la non real time,for ex. say u have a vocal track which requires a compressor,a reverb,an eq and a delay with automation ,these will eat into your processor when used as inserts in cubase...now there are two ways one is you right click and use plugins;
or a better way is to solo and export that track and import the processed voice track...

some vsti's such as bfd,vienna library load the samples onto the ram so u'll run out of ram real fast...so 2gb is a must;

with regards to latency anything less than 6ms should be satisfactory...
although 3ms is ideal(buffer size 128)

what monitors do you have?
they will determine how well your mixes translate to other speakers...
my advice is that if you don't have the budget for say the dynaudio bm5a's
or genelec 8030/8040 etc...don't buy cheap monitors!
buy the senheiser hd 600 instead,they should give you a fair idea!

don't let these things bother you,relax and just compose!
wish u all da best mate!
sonicrealm said:
.now there are two ways one is you right click and use plugins;
or a better way is to solo and export that track and import the processed voice track...

ya this is how i do normally.. rendering n then in 'keep on disk mode' back to a new track.. but it makes the process less flexible n big.. though i don't have an alternative with a slow system.. thats y i am looking for a system where i don't have to get bothered about CPU usage..

sonicrealm said:
what monitors do you have?
they will determine how well your mixes translate to other speakers...
my advice is that if you don't have the budget for say the dynaudio bm5a's
or genelec 8030/8040 etc...don't buy cheap monitors!
buy the senheiser hd 600 instead,they should give you a fair idea!

i don;t have monitors.. i have to buy asap.. genelec.. its really costly.. m-audio also has few solutions.. M-AUDIO i also agree cheap solutions won't do good job.. also acousticity of the room is imp... i have thought of doing it on my own.. experimenting with foam sheets .. (soon).. whereas Head phones r concerned.. i am quite apprehensive bout them.. though they r good but wat about subs? and overall effect.. there r SAMSON monitor headphones available.. they r good.. 2000hz to 20k hz..i will look for senheiser hds as well. senheiser is a big name.. but i always wish if i sould hear their performance before i buy.. but it isn't possible in most cases.. lets see.. i have to face enormous trouble in mixing.. have to hear it tons of times.. learning
Id advise you to go with Karans rig.

Reaches 2.7 Ghz and hes tweaked it to give Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 Ghz, a run for its money.

His price is also awesome.

Hes selling it since Core 2 Duo is around the corner. Notice his avatar :p.
mixing has to be extremely comfortable to you.
if you feel tired you'll need to take a break...
ideally to get a good mix the specified levels shd be 85dB...
well then on headgear;
some other great headphones you can chk out are
AKG K701
beyers DT770
all the ones i have used and can tell you that you get a great idea abt where you are heading with the mix !,and they have got a pretty good low end response too!

honestly i don't think samson headphones are all that great!
i have heard the bx 5's, to me they were extremely fatiguing and lacked definition!
but if they are your only option then you'll have to learn them,try and listen to as many of your fav. cdz on them.

remember monitors are a personal choice so listen to them before taking da plunge!
sonicrealm said:
AKG K701
beyers DT770
all the ones i have used and can tell you that you get a great idea abt where you are heading with the mix !,and they have got a pretty good low end response too!

wat monitors n headphones would u suggest that r not too costly for the time , i can afford them n can get a considerable performance.. near surface monitors n head phones..

i guess i can always go for buying even costlier head phones cos they shall be still in my reach.. so i have got all options available to me in head phones but not in monitors..

i have 30mm dome philips head phones , the specs on its box say 10 hz to 30khz.. (i guess practically it doesn't provide this range) and also this range is very dangerous to mix..
if i had to pick 1 headphone it'll be the senheiser HD600...
in the budget monitor category
esi near 05 (you can get good judgement on these,for the price you can't complain)
m-audio bx5(mids sound crappy ,but u'll have to make ur own mind)
krk v4(good for the price,highs may be too bright for some people,has a gr8 bass punch for the size)
yamaha msp 5(gr8 stereo imaging,lacks a bit on the low end,overall good)
adam audio A7(new model frm adams for entry level,not heard them yet so can't comment)

are available for you to choose from.

note that though all companies claim a flat response for the above models,they do color the sound quite a bit ;
if you learn your monitors it would be possible for you to get good mixes!

i'd recomend esi near05 if your on a strict budget but if you have a chance do check out the others ,you never know what you may like;

and u can always add a sub later:)

note:since you are gonna mix on new monitors anyway do a/b the mix on your headphones,hifi/computer speakers whenever you are unsure;

i hope i didn't confuse you...
sonicrealm said:
note:since you are gonna mix on new monitors anyway do a/b the mix on your headphones,hifi/computer speakers whenever you are unsure;

i hope i didn't confuse you...

i think about all these things everyday i mix.. so quite use to the complexities.. no u didn't confuse me, instead i am glad to find someone whom i can comprehend n who can totally understand the amateur song writer's issues like this..
friends.. i have not bought the new rig yet.. lol... was waiting to collect few more bucks for an extra ram.. so after these many days. if u guys would want to suggest something new, which has arrived.. i was keen on getting opty 170 .. but as its june mid now.. what best can i get this time.. i would need proc, mobo, ram n cabinet.. i have got 35k :).. suggest..
Opty 165 + ASUS A8N-E + 2GB Samsung UCCC RAM is what you need :p

Edit: Btw, I need a pair of decent monitors... where can I get them from at a reasonable price? I PM'ed sonic but no response yet.
RiO said:
Btw, I need a pair of decent monitors... where can I get them from at a reasonable price? I PM'ed sonic but no response yet.

depends upon ur budget.. go for genelecs - 1029.. every thing else than genelec will be lesser. they rule.. there r many other models availabale.. for pro audio genelec.. otherwise there r quite a few.. like bose, yamaha, m - audio, aleisis, makie etc..

hey y opty 165.. lol it has 9 multiplier n 170 has 10..i am quite making my mind for 165 now.. dam
10k is my budget, however I was quoted 15k for a pair of M-Audio monitors by Promusic, Chennai. Genelec will probably be more expensive right? Rough estimate? I'm a guitarist so that's the only live instrument I'll be recording (and bass, of course).

And yes, get the Opteron 165 :)
well mr sudhin of promusic is a gentleman.. go according to him.. but don't compromise on monitors.. wait, collect more $$$ then buy.. genelecs shall cost u above 20k.. but they r good.. try BX5 of m audio.. watever, go for a minimum 5'' dome of a monitor..rest there r softs to help u to get the sound u want.. try making ur room less reflective.. enjoy..

secondly, i enquired... they don't have an opty 165 in stock.. damm..i am struck.. lets see.. i think i should buy some second hand opty...
After talking to sonic, I'm planning to get monitors for about 25k... and I know Sudhin personally, in fact, spent a good 30 minutes on the phone with him last weekend about my mini studio... my issue is what's available from him for 17 - 18k is available for $200 in the US (using the M-Audio Black Box example).

Secondly, get a used Opteron 165 from one of the TE users... you'll be assured of a good deal.