Worlds fastest browser released!!

Opera released version 10.60 of its browser taking back the crown of the worlds fastest browser. Its a good 10% faster than Chrome 5 in the Peacekeeper benchmark.

Writing this thread in 10.60 :)


Download it here
Opera web browser | Faster & safer | Download the latest Internet browser free

Release notes and a few user benchmarks.
Opera Desktop Team - Opera 10.60 goes final

Some of the new features and benchmarks.
Opera's Developer Relations Team - Hello Opera 10.60

I have been testing the 10.60 Alphas-Betas-RCs for the past month and its been exciting to see almost nightly builds. Will post some benchmarks soon.
i dont really belive all this, performance remains the same for me with oepra, firefox, or chrome. Not mentioning chrome crashes a LOT.
Synthetic benchmarks are just that. I think good browsers like Opera, Chrome have progressed beyond the point where users notice the difference in speed during normal usage. I notice the difference between these 2 browsers only in extremely heavy sites or while Im having 30+ tabs open. I find Firefox uber slow once its handling more than 10 tabs with moderately heavy sites. IE doesnt even come into the picture as far as speed is concerned and remains the backup browser.

Once significant change that Im noticing - Opera 10.60 is a lot more conservative at consuming memory than 10.54.
raksrules said:
Myself am never able to measure all this. Happy with my firefox :)
same +1 i use firefox with add on and hot-fix patch update and some tweak and it improve cause i can find some bookmark and some add on feature email easy :)
As big an Opera fan as I am, browser speed improvements are pretty moot now. Maybe when we were all using dial-up and 166MHz processors, but no more.
Only issue with firefox is that it is a RAM hogger, else everything is ok.

Restricted myself to using opera mini from the opera clan :)
^ Even Chrome creates separate processes (unlike FF, single process only) for each and every tabs opened. It's eats even more resources then FF. So while multi-tab browsing Chrome really sucks IMO.
crossbow said:
^ Even Chrome creates separate processes (unlike FF, single process only) for each and every tabs opened. It's eats even more resources then FF. So while multi-tab browsing Chrome really sucks IMO.

+1 Chrome sucks! The only thing is that it opens faster than Firefox/Opera, which makes n00bs think its a better browser..

Opera is a great browser too.. but.. I am happy with my Firefox. :)
I don't use multi tabbing but i had severe problems with chrome hence switched to FF forever, everything else aside. IE is only back-up! Bloated with MSN shitz!
chrome is buggy. Crashes a whole lot. Infact on my laptop after entering a site into the url it'll wait for 5 secs to start opening the site and this happens with every tab i open. Ridiculos. I've tried everything and reproted this so many times but to no avail.

Firefox on other hand has rock solid performance. Even Firefox 4.0 beta runs without any problems. Thats firefox.

Opera is a pretty good browser probably the best in terms of performance considering it uses least amount of resources but lacks few things for ex: extentions are in form of widgets which i hate as they run in separate window

Also the Ctrl + Click, why does it have to be so hard to make it work and few others. Also i like the firefox location bar features a lot.
dunno why people are encountering so many problems wid Chrome.. I haven't had even a single crash.. let alone the lag.. :S