US India diplomatic row over Devyani Khobragade escalates

No wonder people here hate American's. If everyone there are like these clowns posting racist comments on fb and twitter, I hope they stop procreating.
Nothing racist in those comments.[DOUBLEPOST=1389535182][/DOUBLEPOST]
Basically what happened past 2 days. She is back here....!
As expected, she won't be doing any time. She won't be able to return to US though. Small matter there are over 180 other countries she can be assigned to.

We promoted her to the UN so she would have diplomatic immunity. as a result the US could not detain her. But they could expel her.

This is a good & satisfactory ending to the saga.
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Yea.. Strip Seaches and Stupidity is standard US Govt, procedure ..

To the People claiming that the MEA lowerered their standards and hired Devyani .. looks like their US Counterparts don't achieve any better also.
1. Diplomat is back home sans family.
2. Diplomat who aided in ejection of house helps's family given 48H notice to leave.
3. Embassy cars fined for violation on roads (including tinted glasses).
4. House help gives a cryptic message to the public.

Kick to the nuts.
general elections in three months time.[DOUBLEPOST=1389535360][/DOUBLEPOST]
"Applies only to INdians.....not Westerners!"
Don't follow ?
That comment was racist, and then the attitude in the other comment trail comparing the diet (and/or appearance?) of a poor gardener to that of a well-fed dog.
We have different definitions of racist. You are using the liberal definition. As in one that causes offence. I don't use that because it makes you more vulnerable. And everybody has different thresholds here. Can't go on what causes offence.

my definition is simpler, do the comments advocate violence against Indians ? no, hence not racist. I find this way of looking at it a great deal more empowering.

You could call it discriminating. More that than say prejudicial.
Does it offend me? No. But it is still racist.

Violence isn't the only form of discrimination. In most cases it is just the last straw.
The act of violence is the last straw. advocating it precedes it. That's usually where the line gets drawn.

In India its different, unfortunately we set the barriers much lower. Anybody can whine about being offended, abroad unless its threatened or explicitly advocated there is no case. Much simpler all around and preserves freedom of speech which we do not allow in India to the same extent.
Much lower? LOL. In India it is far worse, only it takes the form of casteism. Most people here are used to being offended just because they were born into the wrong family.
my definition is simpler, do the comments advocate violence against Indians ? no, hence not racist. I find this way of looking at it a great deal more empowering.

You could call it discriminating. More that than say prejudicial.

I think you are confusing racisim with potential hate-crime .. racism is a mind set .. acting on that mind set leads to discrimination and ultimately hate crimes ..
I don't think the many darker skinned nationals who work & settled in these western countries would count this as just being "prejudicial"
I think you are confusing racisim with potential hate-crime .. racism is a mind set .. acting on that mind set leads to discrimination and ultimately hate crimes ..
I don't think the many darker skinned nationals who work & settled in these western countries would count this as just being "prejudicial"
yes, rascism leads to hate crimes. But I don't believe in hate crime or hate speech. Was a crime committed ? then treat it like that. What is the need for this extra qualifier 'hate'. Racism means you want to kill people of a certain type. That's it.

Immigrants would benefit the most by setting a high barrier before using words like racist. By not taking offense. It means to be less vulnerable.

So i do not agree with the url, racistdiplomat, heh what an oxymoron. What undiplomatic behaviour.

I look at those comments as no different to somebody that like one device knocking the person who owns another in terms of magnitude or gravity.

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What are you even talking about? :facepalm:

We are debating about what constitutes racism here. And just wishing to kill a person from the other race isn't racism. There are many layers to it. It can be social discrimination. It can be economic discrimination. It can be institutional discrimination. It can just be symbolic discrimination. There are many ways in which racism takes hold.
Now that she is not enjoying any diplomatic immunity, I request any diplomat who is stationed in united states of barak obama to take devyani as a maid.
What are you even talking about? :facepalm:
Very simply how you cope with it. What is the most effective way. Cannot control what people say, should not control what they say. Can only control how you perceive. i don't believe in political correctness. Its useless to have people not say bad things to your face and then say something else behind your back. That is what a pc system enforces. Hypocrisy. The people are hypocrites, the system turns them into it.

How the books define it do not in any way help you. All they do is make you feel like a victim. You're on the back foot already. I don't want to be in that position as early.

We are debating about what constitutes racism here. And just wishing to kill a person from the other race isn't racism.
I would say advocating violence against a group is the foundation of racism. The primary requirement to qualify.

There are many layers to it. It can be social discrimination. It can be economic discrimination. It can be institutional discrimination. It can just be symbolic discrimination. There are many ways in which racism takes hold.
the most common word you used is discrimination. Call it that. Just because you discriminate does not mean you are racist. Discriminating people may be racist but for you its already a foregone conclusion. No, it isn't If people do not like certain things they should be free to say so not threatened or embarased for doing so. Otherwise this is not freedom. its coercion.

You are using broad strokes, i'm reducing it to its bare essence. This way of thinking allows me to say what that diplomat said isn't racist. She did not like it here. Why should she ? Not racist.