Post your steam id's here...


Now that the friend's list is working on steam why dont we make use of it... Its a great nifty utility to be in touch... We can call each other up on a particulr server or can inform people if a scrim is on or if somebody wants to scrim with TE... Please post id's only... Everything else will be trashed...



1.The steam ID is what you use to log on into steam and its not the nick you use while playing on any of the server...

2.Make use of the code feature cause that ways its easier to select and copy :)
Howmuchever i wish to,i cant cos since yesterday i am searching for CSS copy,cant find it anywhere in any shop here.

After getting it comes installation and then the horrific updates that i have heard of.

Then i will start playing online just facilitating an easy kill for fellow TE

After that i will post the ID...
Darklord said:
Howmuchever i wish to,i cant cos since yesterday i am searching for CSS copy,cant find it anywhere in any shop here.

After getting it comes installation and then the horrific updates that i have heard of.

Then i will start playing online just facilitating an easy kill for fellow TE

After that i will post the ID...

Darky wat city are u in?? Its all over the place here in Delhi, maybe Wii guys can arrange it for you :p