Post your game stunts

I am not that good with bow & arrow still in this montage I have included bow & arrow kills too.

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Far Cry 3 Multiplayer. Flare gun.
I think this is one of the most annoying weapons in this game for multiplayer. Annoying because I think it glitches & acts strangely at some situations. However if you manage to use it properly its a powerful weapon. Its slow I mean very slow therefore it is only suited for close combat or if you want to have some fun. Then again I would always prefer a shotgun over it.
The following video is a bit offtopic. This video shows a complete (multiplayer) match of advanced warfare & one of its issues. lags (especially at 5.00). You can easily spot some lags towards the middle of the video & I encounter these frequently.

It has been announced recently that they will be fixed soon. Lets hope they fix it properly this time.

(ps:I am not using the shield.
I am playing cod multiplayer after a long time & am not good at it yet.:D)
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