Is there any way to earn money from a High end PC???

Er, downloading can be anything and need not necessarily be illegal. Converting videos for phones is definitely not illegal, and ahem apps, well, I doubt anyone really cares. Most people here own Nokias, where you can get everything online anyway.
Start with the baby steps:


Note the spelling please.

Next find a local architect who might want someone to render cad etc drawings for him.

He will pay you decently.
kidpikoon said:
I have bought this PC for [strike]Gamming[/strike] ... <--- Gaming

But if there is someway I can get money out of it, when I am not Playing, [strike]than[/strike] then I can do that...

I aM not a fool to sell this rig cheap and buy a low end one...

Why not finish school first, properly, without skipping any topics, with good grades and focus on higher education and eventually a good career? :)

Coming to your query, since i have posted something here, it's also my duty to not leave it unanswered. :)

Invest some more money and join a course for animation/3dsmax or something like that.

Better still, don't spend a single paisa and borrow/dwnld tutorials for 3dsmax etc.

In your free time now, when not gaming/playing, learn that well.

Depending on how bright and keen and dedicated you are, in a few months you should be skilled enough to freelance/work as a 3D visualiser/animator/2D artist/3D artist/character modeller/game developer/... on at least smaller projects or side jobs.

In your free time then, when not gaming/playing, work for 3D Arch firms, Gaming/game development companies or related projects and not only make some decent amount of money for yourself but also also a nice career out of the same maybe.