English TV series discussion

Stopped watching Six feet under after s04.The depressive mood of the show was too Much to handle
Finished da Vinci's demons s01 - a decent show,ample nudity & action and above all, very good writing
Finished Banshee s01 too, I was afraid this will be another disappointing reco after PoI, But i loved it, Its not deep/through or anything But over-the-top,ultraviolent and sexy.
its like Showtime's Version of Justified.watching it was awesome fun
Didnt Like Orphan black's Pilot much, does the show pick up later on?
Yeah Chuck has to be.

Saw first episode of Season 6 and its one of the worst episode ever no wonder people rated Season 6 so low
I had justified lying on my disk for a while, saw the first four episodes, quite good. It's quite similar to terriers, (another FX show) - some procedural elements, some serialized elements, some non-obnoxious humor thrown in, all in all a good way to spend 40 minutes.
No nudity; it's quite safe to view it in public.

absolutely no nudity. dont worry.

Errrm....There was nudity in the second and third episode of the first season. Fortunately, no one was peeping around at the time. Anyway, I love the show. It's witty and cleverly drafted. I thought they would be pulling off one long con which would cover the entire season, but it looks like one con per episode.
@Ethan_Hunt I must've forgot about that; saw it a long time back and the show wasn't heavily focused on sex. I just googled "Hustle+Nudity" to see whether I can come across other episodes and this is what I came across; it was a brilliant episode btw. (Google was smart to keep results pertaining to the magazine below).
Oh man, I've never felt so bad for Skyler. After watching yesterday's episode, I felt really really bad for her. :(

I knew that moment was going to come ..
Skylar is breaking bad now .. she's fought too hard to give up without a struggle .. Just like Walter.

They both have pretty similar beginnings and motivations .. Gus came after Walt's family and had to die at the hands of Walter .. Hank & Marie tried to take away their kids .. what would Skylar do ..

Looks the Aryan Brotherhood and Lydia are coming after Walt next ..

Hank will be occupied with Jesse ..