CYBER Bug...aarrr PUNK 2077.. Is it playable now..?

Rising sales and tooo many good reviews from STEAM...I was really hoping to buy it...

Can anyone tell if it's worth playing now or have to wait some more...?
Although ...They are going to release an update soon..
It's really confusing.
Underneath all the bugs, there’s an awesome story in there. I, for one, never really ran into the issues most people had. Good game, in my opinion.
Of course you can play, there are no game breaking bugs, people played and finished it in 1.0 while others are just procrastinating, like me, just looking for an excuse not to play it but the real reason is I don't have the time.
I'm midway through and its quite fun if you aren't too picky. Stuff like vehicles, dialog options and their consequences, Crowd AI, Open world interactions do feel a bit underwhelming but I didn't watch the many trailers and get too hyped about it, so I wasn't that disappointed. On the plus side, Night city looks amazing! I love it. I say go for it.

I get the feel that many things in-game were originally meant to be developed much further before getting cut out due to time or budget constraints. I'm hoping we get a really good modding community for this game. The world is breathtaking and the potential is massive.
Play it man. Its an awesome storyline. Rare is the game where you feel frustrated by choosing who you have to sacrifice in the end.

Or better yet look up YT videos and try for the solo secret ending.
I did not encounter any game breaking bugs. The usual artefacts are there(T-pose, clipping etc..) but was able to finish the game with no - less hiccups.
Welp... guess I was wrong. Funny they didn't bother to fix it since IIRC T-pose is nude right?
I noticed it on some NPC's in the city. And was also in some cinematics on the initial launch. Apart from some minor stuff which does not affect gameplay, the title crashed once, just once for me.
For me even when game launched I didn't face too many issue except few crashes here and there and some NPC's getting bugged. Game isn't perfect but damn it's fun also story is quite good I think you'll have a great time playing it.
Completed the game last night. If you are still on the fence, I would say go ahead & play it. Excellent gameplay & story marred by graphical issues, high expectations & broken PS4/XBone ports. There are still many visual glitches & issues like the odd guns hanging in mid air, but nothing game breaking.

Seriously, I played it as I wanted the updates & DLC to launch soon & knew it wouldn't happen unless I played it first. Lo and behold, updates came yesterday evening itself,, took one for the team here ;).
The new patch looks huge .

Yup, big update for sure & many new features to be excited about... But for those who have already played it on PC, I don't think there are enough new things for another playthrough. Console players should definitely give it a go though. Will surely try it back again in a few months.
Yup, big update for sure & many new features to be excited about... But for those who have already played it on PC, I don't think there are enough new things for another playthrough. Console players should definitely give it a go though. Will surely try it back again in a few months.
I messed up my immersion trying to get everything right for the secret ending by continously switching back and forth for Youtube tutorials.

I had planned to try the alternative endings as well but never got the energy to go back again.
I'll probably wait for another year before jumping onto it. Hopefully by then, I would have good enough hardware to play it and enough money to justify the purchase.