Bollywood and the art of minting money

they applauded for schindlers list when i used to go to theatres

Wow! Never knew Schindler's List released here. Must have been epic.

IIRC the crowd at the IMAX Wadala gave a standing ovation for Inception. No break/intermission between the movie and I was totally mind f'ed by the end of it, to stand up with the crowd and clap. :p
I really liked Inception because it was a mind-fk movie. I know there exists a thread on TDF for recommendations to such mind-fook movies. Really would like to see more such movies.
A shitty Bollywood movie is still better than a shitty Hollywood movie. That's for sure.

Just look at all the Scary Movies and most black comedies/tween movies/sex comedies.
Man, I really dislike those dumb sex comedies with all that partying and crappy portrayals of college life (even if it happens to be American college life). They're overdone.