Budget 15-20K 15-16k Phone suggestion. Windows Phone 8?


Game Guy
1. Budget?
A: 16k max

2. Preferred Form Factor(flip, bar, slider)?
A: Bar

3. Preferred display type?
A: Best type

4. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.
A: No dislike or anything, want quality and service

5. Preferred input method (Touchscreen, QWERTY, etc.)?
A: Touchscreen

6. Camera required or not? If required, please specify type like front camera/flash/etc.
A: Yes very much

7. Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
A: I am thinking much on Windows 8, as it looks efficient and utilizes hardware properly?

8. Preferred connectivity options? (3G, Wifi, Edge etc).
A: All prefered

9. What is your intended use for this phone(internet, camera, multimedia, mails, etc)?
A: Mails, Maps, Gaming, Apps, Photos, also video calling.

10. Any other requirements?
A: Just want good quality phone which last 2 years

11. If you have already considered a phone then please mention the model.
A: Looking at 720, never seen so beautiful, I have owned only one Nokia phone i.e 5200 and it is working till now, but not fulfilling my needs, so I am sure Nokia has good quality, what do you guys say? Any suggestions on this and other phones is welcomed :)
If gaming them the Windows 8 platform doesnt have all the famous casual games. Even Temple Run 1 which was only released for win 8 few weeks ago needs 1GB RAM to run. So only Lumia 820, 920 is capable of handling temple run 1 from lumia range!

Else the other aspects such as mails, maps, photos and video calling are handled well by the win8 lumias.
^^ Err.. not even the nokia lumia 620 will be able to handle the games like temple run/subway surfer etc?

Sorry, total N00b with the lumia series.

lumia 520 , 620 and 720 : 512 mb ram
lumia 820 and 9120 : 1 gb ram

Temple run min. specs required on windows : 1 gb ram.

@OP : 720 is the best phone out there in this range. great battery back back and really good looks with lot of color choices. If you will use your phone just for surfing, mailing, casual gaming and telephony it is the way to go.
If you are really a heavy gamer then consider android.
I am going to game, but not that heavily, actually my sister has an Android with 512MB RAM and it runs temple run fine, why does windows requires 1GB? Doesn't it utilize memory efficiently?
Many games missing or are paid versions on WP8. WP8 is great for casual use with minimal gaming. However even though I am a casual gamer the huge amount of free games available on Android vs whats available on WP8 is too vast for me to like WP8.

However WP8 is a very well made OS as there is hardly any lags or even micro lags which Android is infamous for.
Mails -> Windows Phone 8 manages Mails like anything :D,
Maps -> You are never going to get disappointed by Nokia Here. Much better than Maps on Android or iOS,
Gaming -> I would say, very very minimal chance of gaming on WP8,
Apps -> You will get all the needed apps on WP8 and more coming day by day,
Photos -> Camera on Lumia 720 is AWESOME,
also video calling -> Skype ftw, Microsoft is anyway integrating Skype with Windows Live someday.

You will never get anything better than Lumia 720, 620 in that range. Low end Android phone sucks..
Picked up a lumia 720 a few days ago and I absolutely love it. Its 18kish but feel like a real premium phone. Its really fantastically responsive as well. No input delay or lag I noticed. And the screen is rather lovely.

Down side is that not so many apps in the market. I mostly use mine for videos, pdocast and music. Compared to the tons of apps you could pick up for those three in the Android Market place, the Windows one seems almost barren.

Oh and the battery backup is ridiculously good.

So if you like a great camera, fantastic screen, hardware that performs well with the OS and great battery life then get one ASAP. If you want a lot of apps then reconsider. As it is, Windows mobile OS isnt as apps driven as Android.
After using Lumia 520 i really have to agree to this...
I am hardcore Android fan, developer, follower but I always said the same thing. If you want Android, get something with more than average specs. Androids below 20k are just lag machines. About Lumia phones (WP8) I must say, they are the smoothest smartphones out there, no matter which lumia you use.. Even Lumia 520 is super smooth. Kudos to Windows Phone architecture and design :)
@cellar_door Actually WP8 store has all the apps you would need and more, its the games that are very few.
Let me know if you need an app for a specific purpose. I had found 99% of my requirements satisfied.

MXplayer on Android would play any video format I would throw at it, inc MKV and subtitles. Nothing like that in Win Mobile AFAIK.
Android has half a dozen good to great podcast apps for free. Only half decent one in WP is Podcatcher and that is paid.
Reddit had another 5-6 good apps including a couple of great ones that added cool stuff. Only decent one on WP is Baconit and its not too good.
AFAIK no app for Teamviewer which was something else I used a lot.

None of them are dealbreaker. Just minor inconveniences. And I really like the OS, its super responsive. But anyone who moves from Android is gonna find the marketplace really barren. No doubt it about.
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I have to disagree a bit with talk of low end Android phones being bad. Of course sub 10k Android phones are just bad but my friend moved from Samsung Focus to Samsung Galaxy Advance and he has found the experience to be great. The Galaxy Advance has enough power to run anything thrown at it and my friend has never complained of any game not working on the phone.

I use a 7k Pantech Burst while my sis has a Lumia 620. Her phone is a good performer but I never feel like I am using a superior phone in any way. In fact my sis who hardly ever uses her phone preferred her older Dell XCD 35 which pathetic specs like 600 mhz processor and 3.5" screen.

In 16k budget you can get big screen Android phones like the LG L9 with its 4.7 inch IPS screen. You are stuck with 4 to max 4.3 inch screens with Windows.

I am a casual gamer at best but I still like to try out some time pass games on the phone and frankly the sheer number of free games on Android is far far greater than what you get on Windows.

IMO buying a smartphone is all about its apps and Windows is just too far behind iOS and Android ATM.

The Nokia phones are good thanks to their offline maps support which is available for all countries but thats about it. I bought all India Sygic maps for 700 bucks for Android and most people use *ahem* static maps anyways.
MXplayer on Android would play any video format I would throw at it, inc MKV and subtitles. Nothing like that in Win Mobile AFAIK.
Android has half a dozen good to great podcast apps for free. Only half decent one in WP is Podcatcher and that is paid.
Reddit had another 5-6 good apps including a couple of great ones that added cool stuff. Only decent one on WP is Baconit and its not too good.
AFAIK no app for Teamviewer which was something else I used a lot.

None of them are dealbreaker. Just minor inconveniences. And I really like the OS, its super responsive. But anyone who moves from Android is gonna find the marketplace really barren. No doubt it about.
I never questioned the fact that there is less choice, just that if you want something done it not exactly a dealbreaker. When you say it has no apps, people understand that it doesnt have basic apps. I did too, but was pleasantly surprised when I got the phone.

As for Mx Player, yes its a truly amazing software, and with more rapid adoption of WP8 I think you might find them on wp8 too. BUT guess who's coming for WP8 -> http://forums.wpcentral.com/nokia-l...c-player-windows-phone-8-planned-release.html