Why our country will never succeed


Nov 23, 2010
I have a friend who does same what neha is saying. He blackmails corrupt officials, fixes a meeting later & makes 'peace'


Mar 26, 2010
I have a friend who does same what neha is saying. He blackmails corrupt officials, fixes a meeting later & makes 'peace'

^^ Makes peace for a price you mean!!

Well, you see that just increases the crime rate. Before the RTI, it was just the culprit committing the crime. With RTI it is the culprit as well as the 'RTI activist' who are committing crimes!!

And I for one would rather have one criminal than have one criminal and a hundred more pseudo criminals!!


Nov 23, 2010
^Yup, thats what peace means

btw he is the same guy who makes buttload of money with NGO [we discussed about this too in TE, hope you remember]. He is good at exploiting Gov & making money. And says Arvind Kejrival is his guru, LOL


Mar 26, 2010
^Yup, thats what peace means

btw he is the same guy who makes buttload of money with NGO [we discussed about this too in TE, hope you remember]. He is good at exploiting Gov & making money. And says Arvind Kejrival is his guru, LOL

^^ Hahahaha!!! Yep right... Arvind 'the fool' Kejriwal! The man who doesn't find time to vote due to fears of losing his flight and who preaches about responsible governance that the people can bring about using their voting right!


Apr 11, 2007
^^ I recently had a number of dealings with Dadar Police Station for official work. When it came to cases of RTI activists being killed or beaten, I noticed that most of the so called 'RTI Activists' were in fact blackmailers. They used to collect sensitive information and then extort money from the person against whom the information could spell trouble.

How can 'sensitive information' be privy to RTI ?

The RTI Act is one of the most misused pieces of legislation. Similarly, Section 498A IPC and the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act are the other 2 commonly misused pieces of legislation.

How so ?

And if the RTI activists are using information just to blackmail people with it and extort money, I would rather prefer them being dead. When I ask common people if they have ever used the RTI for any genuine benefit, the reply is almost always negative. In fact, despite being a final year law student who is practicing, I have used the RTI only about a dozen times for some official work.

Its only possible to extort money so long as system remains corrupt.

Why are public offocials paying blackmail money in the first place ? do you have any way to prove that assertion. Instead what we see here is a reverse reasoning, public officials are not paying blackmail money but instead offing RTI activists. The blackmailed public official isnt the bad guy, its the RTI activist.


Dec 7, 2007
And the information is only given to the applicant and not published as such!

This is what needs to change, and the RTI Act has not gone far enough in this regard to force the various govt. departments to publish information openly. If the govt. publishes all this information openly, no one would need to file requests for little nuggets of hidden information.

I had visited the USA shortly some time ago, and while interacting with some people who had bought a house, they told me that before buying, they had researched on the rate rates in the locality, etc. And all this from information that was published by the govt. This was just amazing to me.

If you look at the USA, any thing that is funded with taxpayer money has to be opened up to citizen access. For eg, you can pull up the NASA Challenger & Columbia Space Shuttle accident reports, the 9/11 Commission reports etc because those were funded by govt (Tax payers money). Even university research projects funded by the govt (Tax payer's money) has to make their reports & findings public.

No way can I imagine the govt. being so open in India. The reason they want to hide everything is because their corruption would come to light if they were so open with information.


Mar 26, 2010
How can 'sensitive information' be privy to RTI ?

^^ Sensitive information here means information sensitive enough to cause discomfort to a public officer or any person to whom such information pertains... What were you thinking?? Defense secrets??

^^ For that you need to be either a lawyer (law student) or a police officer or a member of the Judiciary. It is too much to explain in too small a space. Please google the sections/acts and you will still get enough information explaining 'how so?'...

The blackmailed public official isnt the bad guy, its the RTI activist.

^^ So, isn't that exactly what I said in the first place??


Jan 3, 2011
The RTI Act is one of the most misused pieces of legislation. Similarly, Section 498A IPC and the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act are the other 2 commonly misused pieces of legislation.

The govt should lookout for a failsafe in case of both these Acts since any misuse of these Acts can lead to disastrous consequences for an individual, after all some of the other countries might have laws for such situations, why not borrow them.

Also due to the lack of a uniform civil code the current laws can get pretty sticky.

Regarding the Domestic Violence Act I recently read about an association, in Mumbai I guess, protecting the rights of Men.


Apr 11, 2007
^^ Sensitive information here means information sensitive enough to cause discomfort to a public officer or any person to whom such information pertains...

it appears you want to create an excuse for govt officials to refuse RTI, you know one extra way.

What is so embarassing here btw ? define embarassing, give examples

If you know your subject that should be trivial.

What were you thinking?? Defense secrets??

who knows, you did not give any examples. Thats the main problem i have.

^^ For that you need to be either a lawyer (law student) or a police officer or a member of the Judiciary. It is too much to explain in too small a space. Please google the sections/acts and you will still get enough information explaining 'how so?'...

And you're a law student so if you know what you're talking about then you can give us a concise summary. Let me remind you, you're the one making the charge, it isnt for me to support your charge.

I would advise ppl to disregard neha's comment here unless he gives a proper explanation.

^^ So, isn't that exactly what I said in the first place??

Since i dont know what your basis is i do not understand why you would say this.

Its sounds ass backwards to me.


Mar 26, 2010
#blr_p : I know that you have a knack for posting comments and counter comments and arguing with people for any length of time... Well, here's news: I don't give a damn for what you think.

I posted a view which was substantiated by another member #avi by giving an example. Now, if you are so keen on typing lengthy passages and improving your English, please find sumone else!

And the fact that you do not know how the sections and acts I mentioned are being misused clearly indicates your lack of general knowledge. I would suggest you start reading up on a good national daily.

I reiterate, I am not here to prove anything to you nor do I give a damn about what you feel about me! Please find another one like yourself who would be willing to do the essay writing exercises with you!!!

And yes, I too would request people to disregard my comment as I am not gonna substantiate anything here when some intellectuals are trying to make me a partner in their English improving exercises and especially not when someone tries to judge me!

More so, I don' give a damn! Can you stop me from posting whatever the hell I want??

Like I mentioned in my very first post:

After saying anything and everything here, I can bet that everyone posting here is just gonna go back and live his own life. That is how it works.

Ohh... And BTW, the last time I argued with a member in GT, that member got banned for a week. Not to mention that our relationship got sour forever. It's in our best interest to try and avoid anything like that.

So, as you cannot stop me from posting anything that I want and as I am not at all interesting in proving any of my points to you, let's just keep our views about each other to ourselves! I sincerely hope we do not have to quote each other again...


Apr 11, 2007
#blr_p : I know that you have a knack for posting comments and counter comments and arguing with people for any length of time... Well, here's news: I don't give a damn for what you think.

Look kid, i asked you to present your evidence. I've not even begun to argue with you as yet.

I posted a view which was substantiated by another member #avi by giving an example. Now, if you are so keen on typing lengthy passages and improving your English, please find sumone else!.

Did not explain what 'embarassing info' was.

And the fact that you do not know how the sections and acts I mentioned are being misused clearly indicates your lack of general knowledge. I would suggest you start reading up on a good national daily.

Links to articles ?

Ohh... And BTW, the last time I argued with a member in GT, that member got banned for a week. Not to mention that our relationship got sour forever. It's in our best interest to try and avoid anything like that.

So, as you cannot stop me from posting anything that I want and as I am not at all interesting in proving any of my points to you, let's just keep our views about each other to ourselves! I sincerely hope we do not have to quote each other again...

Haha, simple questions asked and we got some whining in return.

Forums i'm on if you make statements then you're required to back them up whenever challenged.

Otherwise its you that gets banned, suspended or whatever. If i was a mod here thats how i would do it. This saves on a lot of worthless opinions that have no basis. In short it leads to a much more informative discussion.

yes, you are required to back your stuff up, not the other way around If you start arguing and tap dancing around this requirement then its obvious you cannot do it. In which case what is your opinoin worth ? nothing.

We are not talking about how many sugars you take with your coffee.

For a law student this should be obvious, if you ever have any hopes of successfully arguing a case in the future.

Whereas here, all we see is you telling us you are some law student, but whose knowledge does not come across much at all. Its like you just parroted something from a book without even understanding what the basis for it was. Its very obvious you never did any research on this at all.

An opinion by itself is worth nothing.

A qualified opinion is better

Best of al is one that can withstand challenges.

This is how i tell whether people know what they are talking about regardless of whatever purported titles they hold.


Mar 26, 2010
#blr_p : Well, I am just glad that you are not a Mod here. And hopefully will never be!

Post all you want, I am not answering any of your queries... and sadly (for you), there is nothing you can do about it! And again, I don't give a damn about you or anyone else thinking anything about me!

P.S.: Please find the post where I have mentioned anything about the 'embarrassing info' that you mentioned twice... You don't even read everything before posting, do you??


Oct 11, 2011
After saying anything and everything here, I can bet that everyone posting here is just gonna go back and live his own life. That is how it works.

@ OP: I am not saying that your views are wrong. Just that nothing is gonna happen over it! I am just being practical.

I was hoping the thread would be locked after this. Well said my friend.

No offence to the OP but the only thing you have got wrong is the title "[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Why our country will never succeed[/font]"

You state it as a fact but it can be disproved.

So lets see what we have:

#2 : OT

#3: rant

#4: reasoning & OT (lol)

#5: true/ Fact 1

#6: true/ Fact 2

#7: true/ Fact 3

#8: No comments

#9: Statement: brave enough to say one is coward

#10: ???

#11: the most hilarious reason anti-Fact 1

#12: Fact 4/ Quote

#13: true story - some more points to the discussion

#14: ???

#15: true story/ experience

#16: First line - nice | Second line: trollol

#17: some more statements

#18, #19, #20 ... #23: kill RTI activist vs Don't kill RTI activists

#24: dig at Arvind Kejriwal

#25 onwards: then blah blah blah...

There we had a useful thread. Please lock it.

Lord Nemesis

Jun 3, 2005
The RTI Act is one of the most misused pieces of legislation. Similarly, Section 498A IPC and the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act are the other 2 commonly misused pieces of legislation.

I for one definitely agree that RTI is one of the most misabused/abused/overused legislation.


Apr 11, 2007
I for one definitely agree that RTI is one of the most misabused/abused/overused legislation.

Out of a 100 RTI applications, how many are legit ?

How do you define legit or misuse ?

Unless you can answer those two questions your statement is just spin.


Mar 26, 2010


Apr 11, 2007
I'll give you something better than a thread. I'll give you a forum!! Here: http://www.rtiindia.org/forum/content/

Finally, we get one source..

Search for the word 'abuse' on that page finds this..

HC fines man Rs 50,000 for seeking private info under RTI

Read the comments below (esp. Atul Patankar) to see how contentious the ruling is.

5) The CIC does not go into merits of the case or quote any sections as to why the information need not be disclosed. She just deduces that the applicant is settling personal score and 'dismisses the appeal'.


Mar 26, 2010
Finally, we get one source..

Search for the word 'abuse' on that page finds this..

HC fines man Rs 50,000 for seeking private info under RTI

Read the comments below (esp. Atul Patankar) to see how contentious the ruling is.

^^ So, you expect everything and anything to be available on the net?

What do you expect? That the persons who abuse the provisions will come up to that forum and post details of their abuses?

You really need to understand that there is a world beyond search engines and the internet.

What you expect essentially is akin to me going to a Criminology forum and searching for 'crime' and hoping that I get to see posts of criminals confessing their crimes!

Or worse, going to a government website and searching for 'scam' and hoping that the results include all details of the scams of the concerned government!

P.S.: That link was only posted coz a fellow member asked for it politely... So, if you are gonna demand proofs, evidence, bla bla with a threat of disbelieving... it is not gonna happen!