Whom are you going to vote in India in 2013-14 elections?

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May 26, 2009
You don't seem to get it. I don't see anyone over here really defending the Congress or trying to champion their cause. Some people are merely trying to say that the BJP aren't saints either.

Many people are just trying to say that we are trying to determine which of the two parties are the lesser of two evils.
well i never said bjp as a party of saints. (right wing or otherwise)

i was merely questioning why someone would reject a candidate/party / thinking merely based on the opposition perception.
The opposition is merely using fear psychosis to drive the wave in their favour where in people are ok with corruption. that they would treat the alternative an untouchable.
At the max, they choose to abstain from voting.
Like what the SP& BSP have been doing all along.

When asked for reason/comparisons shy away from answering instead put up some irrelevant cases which has no bearing to the thread.
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Sep 19, 2007
You don't seem to get it. I don't see anyone over here really defending the Congress or trying to champion their cause. Some people are merely trying to say that the BJP aren't saints either.

Many people are just trying to determine which of the two parties are the lesser of two evils.

Some people however are trying to proclaim that the BJP are the next best thing since slice bread.

I think people are saying a lot more than just "BJP aren't saints either". I think everything under the sky is being done to tar and feather them by calling them right wing (what ever that means), non secular (no one has defned that yet) and fascists (again what exactly does this mean). All these words are associated with evil, but no one seems to know the exact meaning of any of them and yet they are used as liberally as chunna paint is used on govt buildings. Out right - Anything but Modi, well what is wrong with Modi ? He is no worse than any CM or PM in our history or even world leader. People are quick to attribute the riots to him, yes everyone without exception is silent on what event triggered those acts and who was responsible for it.

I have been called a right wing just job for being pro BJP. Is that what we have been reduced to ? To be ashamed of our own heritate, and ger to personal attacks for lack of better things to say. I do not see even one answer by the anti BJP/Modi brigade to the Question of .. One India one law, or one India multiple laws? Maybe the silence is the answer, as saying One India many laws would draw ire from even the most extreme of liberals.

@terence_fdes started frothing at the mouth and said I had condemned a man for life, just because I found his more favorite person in the whole world unimpressive. All that froth over a small difference of opinion, wonder how he (or any of us) would have felt and reacted if he heard 100 people had been burnt alive and his loved ones were in there? I shudder to even imagine. And yet he is quick to point the finger at the most convenient figure there.

If people are neutral and having an unbiased discussion, perhaps all questions should be answered rather than leaving them hanging in the air, and pretending it never existed.

No one is a saint anywhere, (including us), but we don't paint everyone as devils either all the time.
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wizened Dinosaur
Feb 23, 2011
People are quick to attribute the riots to him, yes everyone without exception is silent on what event triggered those acts and who was responsible for it.
No one is a saint anywhere, (including us), but we don't paint everyone as devils either all the time.

I reiterate, that I do not subscribe to any person's philosophy that says - "For every action there is an equal & opposite reaction".

Who first pulled the trigger ? or Why was the trigger even fired first ?

"An eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth....." - ONLY make this world (and our lives) a sadder place to live in.

There are yet many, many peaceful & non-violent ways to find solutions. Gandhiji or Martin Luther King Jr or Nelson Mandela wouldn't have caused major revolutions if they had chosen the path of violence & retaliation.
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Dec 18, 2009
Ghatkopar, Mumbai
Its like this scene in a movie, where the police kill the culprit for shooting a police officer, the media and human rights activists come and start doing morcha and all. That time the police officer asks that when a criminal is killed like this and not pulled up in court, human rights jumps on the issue. Where were they when the police officer got shot?

Everyone sees Modi as killer of Muslims. I would also like to know what has happened to those criminals who burnt the poor people in coach S6? AFAIK, they got away.

In the end, we would be split apart on religious lines. Thanks to politics.


Sep 19, 2007
I reiterate, that I do not subscribe to any person's philosophy that says - "For every action there is an equal & opposite reaction".

Who first pulled the trigger ? or Why was the trigger even fired first ?

"An eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth....." - ONLY make this world (and our lives) a sadder place to live in.

There are yet many, many peaceful & non-violent ways to find solutions. Gandhiji or Martin Luther King Jr or Nelson Mandela wouldn't have caused major revolutions if they had chosen the path of violence & retaliation.
But yet you can say what the original action was can't you? sorry I missed the point where you said you don't even want to know what or why. If the original action is inconsequential to you, how come the reaction bothers you so much?

I wonder if India would have been independent in 1900 had G been born 50 years earlier? He was in the right place at the right time, in front of a declining world power. I know this is not the popular view, so what.[DOUBLEPOST=1366483384][/DOUBLEPOST]

Everyone sees Modi as killer of Muslims. I would also like to know what has happened to those criminals who burnt the poor people in coach S6? AFAIK, they got away.


What did happen ? did any big inquiry take place, is it still on? Nah, they were expendable, they were from the majority community, they don't need any protection. So what if a few 100s die.


Mar 21, 2005
But yet you can say what the original action was can't you? sorry I missed the point where you said you don't even want to know what or why. If the original action is inconsequential to you, how come the reaction bothers you so much?

I wonder if India would have been independent in 1900 had G been born 50 years earlier? He was in the right place at the right time, in front of a declining world power. I know this is not the popular view, so what.[DOUBLEPOST=1366483384][/DOUBLEPOST]

What did happen ? did any big inquiry take place, is it still on? Nah, they were expendable, they were from the majority community, they don't need any protection. So what if a few 100s die.

Please please do not try and play the neutral card here. In all your posts you have casually answered only what you wished, thrown wild statements without any proof whatsoever and questioned everyone's facts of only those who did not agree with you and come up with figures to suit your needs.

First off I have no qualms in mentioning that I do believe that the attack on the Sabarmati express was a preplanned event and I have no doubt about it. And 59 people perished in the attack (not 100 as you claim).

And for your information they convicted 31 Muslims for the attack and sentenced 11 of them to death. So its not as if everyone went scott free. Did all perpetrators get caught ? Of course not. 100s of people were present when the attack took place but justice in this world cannot catch up with everyone.

From your posts I have come to the conclusion that you felt that for the no doubt heinous crime at Godhra, more than 1000 people had to perish ? (Official estimates are 1200 or so but unofficial estimates are far higher).

Just think, if not for the riots would Modi have any real detractors now ? The US would have granted him a Visa everytime he wished and the Congress would have been running to search for anything to use against him without much success. The fact is however many international journals like the New York Times and the BBC have been very critical of Modi and his alleged role in the riots which is exactly what the Congress and Modi's other detractors needed to cast doubts on his character and his legitimacy to sit on the PMs chair.

You keep harping the rhetoric that we should be proud of our culture and yet you throw doubts on Mahatma Gandhi who sacrificed his career for the freedom movement in India and died from the bullet of a religious zealot. You must be well aware of our culture of non violence. India has never attacked any country ever. We have sent soldiers to many parts of the world on peace keeping missions. Yet you seem to think violence begets violence. That sir is not part of our culture and something you seem to be ashamed about !

You claim to be horrified at the state of our IITs but show no remorse to the 1000s of people who died in the riots or to the 10s of thousands who lost their businesses and homes. Perhaps those figures aren't 'macro' enough to get your attention.

You also take offense to the tag 'right wing' even going so far as to feign ignorance of its meaning (btw right wing need not be an insult as many parties claim to be right wing) but you have no qualms in using the term 'crony' which is a derogatory term any way you use it to a reputed journalist. Do you know that the BJP is said to be right wing on their Wikipedia page also ?

The term armchair critic is best applied to you in the above two instances. Of course that's only my opinion so feel free to disagree with me.

I have been called a right wing just job for being pro BJP. Is that what we have been reduced to ? To be ashamed of our own heritate, and ger to personal attacks for lack of better things to say. I do not see even one answer by the anti BJP/Modi brigade to the Question of .. One India one law, or one India multiple laws? Maybe the silence is the answer, as saying One India many laws would draw ire from even the most extreme of liberals.

I must admit I found this part to be best of all ! I tried arguing as logically as I could and tried to be as objective as I could while you painted me to be nothing short of a foreigner in my own country and asked me to interact with the masses to learn the truth !!!! :p

Lastly I will answer your question whether there should be one law or multiple laws. I firmly believe that no one is equal. An egalitarian society is a utopian model at best but IMO has no place in the world today. There is a hierarchy and everyone is different. Freedom of religion is a part of our constitution and by that alone we cannot live under just one law.


Sep 19, 2007
@Brendon - Wow you have said a mouthful, and would love to respond to it, but before that, you missed out a critical point, Secular - what exactly does it mean? Still waiting on that, Would be much obliged if you did that.

And also please list exactly which Qs I left unanswered so that I may answer them for you.

Thank you
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May 17, 2009
New Delhi
Omg........just saw the thread n ongoing conversation.
Thread is only asking which party u r going to vote, not why?

My answer : AAP (Aam Aadmi Party).
At least they r having crime free honest leaders.
They may not win nationwide, statewide but I want their leader at least in my constituency.

Enough politics have been played by Congress, BJP, CPM, AIDMK,JDU,Etc etc. for past 66 years.


Sep 19, 2007
Omg........just saw the thread n ongoing conversation.
Thread is only asking which party u r going to vote, not why?

My answer : AAP (Aam Aadmi Party).
At least they r having crime free honest leaders.
They may not win nationwide, statewide but I want their leader at least in my constituency.

Enough politics have been played by Congress, BJP, CPM, AIDMK,JDU,Etc etc. for past 66 years.
Thread is about which guy u going to vote for. :D

Welcome to the party buddy


Dec 28, 2006
@Brendon adding to your post , bjp and their subsidaries are the only ones that i actually feel physically threatened by in my own country , i just feel scared when i see the orange flags come up and they are going in a procession , probably because i came a bit face to face in the coimbatore riots and my wifes stories of what happened in gujarat when she was there. Then you hear the reports of their moral policing in their states and its just enough of turn me away whenever i think of them as an alternative
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Mar 21, 2005
@Brendon - Wow you have said a mouthful, and would love to respond to it, but before that, you missed out a critical point, Secular - what exactly does it mean? Still waiting on that, Would be much obliged if you did that.

And also please list exactly which Qs I left unanswered so that I may answer them for you.

Thank you

India is a secular state as per the preamble. And a definition of a secular state is "A secular state is a concept of secularism, whereby a state or country purports to be officially neutral in matters of religion, supporting neither religion nor irreligion.[1] A secular state also claims to treat all its citizens equally regardless of religion, and claims to avoid preferential treatment for a citizen from a particular religion/nonreligion over other religions/nonreligion. Secular states do not have a state religion or equivalent, although the absence of a state religion does not guarantee that a state is secular." ... From Wikipedia.

And you have been woefully silent on the Gujarat riots issue. You dismissed my news links showing atrocities against minorities by those in power as 'small' incidents but you have been very silent on your views on the Gujarat riots. Perhaps you feel 1200 people (official figures which frankly I don't believe in) too small to be considered 'macro' by your definitions.

Also you 'claim' you don't condemn acts of violence against minorities you didn't even express a tinge of regret over the actions done by the BJP , Shiv Sena and their other allies.

You are also very silent on the indictments of the two of the former BJP presidents and yet you say they are very ethical ? The last incumbent was hand in glove with the Congress in the irrigation scam. I suppose you believe he was a lone wolf doing it alone and no one else in the BJP knew about it ?

So many of Modi's right hand men have been found guilty in the probe of the Gujarat riots. If he real was clean of all the bloodshed (I don't believe that at all) then he is pretty incompetent if he doesn't know what his own people were involved in when he was chief minister.
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It's Nothing Personal
Nov 3, 2010
So many of Modi's right hand men have been found guilty in the probe of the Gujarat riots. If he real was clean of all the bloodshed (I don't believe that at all) then he is pretty incompetent if he doesn't know what his own people were involved in when he was chief minister.

And suppose he is innocent in that matter, the article posted by @terence_fdes earlier would show how flawed the Gujarat-model of development is, and only benefits the industrialists and those in power. He even lies about the development in Gujarat while many starve and stay below poverty levels. In short, it is no better than the rest of India, and he has been up-jumped to national politics only because of the Butcher image he maintained in the eyes of hardline supporters over the years, and partially also due to cries from secularists as many crimes went unacknowledged, let alone on trial or unpunished.

No one debated after @terence_fdes posted the sources and further iterated his points as asked earlier? And that too after accusing the writer, and then even Tehelka as a whole. And then when that accusation was ripped apart and explained, the topic was further changed, and then the one changing it accused the other of "changing the topic", how convenient.

Most of Modi supporters are nothing but fanboys, and most argue on the lines that most religious-zealots do. Their best defense is accusing the other party, or shaming/blaming/labeling without giving a single though to the arguments posted. There are a few who are rational though, but they're just sold on the "development" agenda, and a few are just sick of the current overtly-corrupt government and need a change, whatever it might be. While the early supporters of Modi where religious-zealots themselves, the new ones are confused souls who are just following the "image" and the "vision" promised, like a prophecy. And anyone who stands in the way of their prophecy, whether they be worse or better, the supporters would just tear them apart no matter how rational you be with them, after all, who doesn't want a prophecy fulfilled.
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wizened Dinosaur
Feb 23, 2011
Just the past one week's reports in the press have plenty happening - Maya Kodnani & the gang gets sentenced (RSS fumes - "Why Narendrabhai has not 'defended' them", apparently they are foxed!)

Tulsiram Encounter - Call records show that the top cops were in constant touch with the CM's office (of course NaMo could have been out of town & claim ignorance:nailbiting:). I am stunned at these exposures still happenning since 2002 - YES.
NaMo's so called efficiency, has tried to cover up all his tracks (using coercion, force, intimidation, transfers of people to remote or lacklustre destinations, even encounter killings) ............ BUT FOR HOW LONG ?

US Sate Department's report on "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2012" condems the 2002 riots & the failure of NaMo's government to protect it's people.

Jagdish Tytler - back in the docks as courts tell CBI to reopen 1984 riots case.

Justice & the Courts are an extremely slow & long-drawn out process in India - but things are slowly shaping up, if we examine whats been happening in the last two years. All those who are/were powerful and mighty and thought themselves to be above the LAW are slowly beginning to get nightmares, as old cases are reopened and the Law is (at last) catching up on their disgusting past.

I certainly believe that one day, Justice & the Law of our Nations Courts will triumph - then where will NaMo run ?

I include all those corrupt politicians irrespective of their parties. They all need to pay a price for what they have converted India into - a land where greed & corruption rots the very foundations of our existence, their insane self-belief that "they are the law" needs to be trounced by all those who believe in Justice and Fairness.

I have never given up my hope of fighting for Truth and Justice and stand by my daughter's generation too (she is just 11 years young) - but needs to fight against all these forces, and not just politicians, but also common people like you and me who time and again want to "turn our backs and not face the harsh truths". Their future and our country's future rests in our own hands.

Much of our frustration today at who to vote for stems for the fact that the present incumbent government has already had 2 terms. Our lives have not gotten better than what it was 10 years ago. Meanwhile all over the world - everything has changed (from what it was at the turn of the millennium). Suffice it to say - things are no better in most other countries or continents of our world. We are right now looking at a "quick-fix solution" and without looking at things holistically, could fall into the trap of - "Who is speaking or convincing us the best!"

I have already defended what (just one person out of many - Praful Bidwai wrote) and debunked as - the "Gujarat Model of Development". Credible statistics were provided, and yet ........ there is SILENCE AT TE ?

If NaMo is chosen as a PM candidate and if he ever wins (trust me - he will be the most suave Politician this time to use ALL of Media's available skills - to hoodwink ever the most naive amongst us), then that would be the saddest day of my life and in the history of my land, and the world at large. What would I then do ? How will I then move on ?

I will move on, God-willingly - because he can never brainwash my soul or my conscience.

To conclude todays debate - I really was touched by what @kippu shared in the shortest possible space -( i have highlighted all that is so very, very true .... & added my comments in italics)
bjp and their subsidaries are the only ones that i actually feel physically threatened by in my own country , i just feel scared when i see the orange flags come up and they are going in a procession (this scenario can chill anyones bones as lumpen elements go rampaging thier ways - I have witnessed it umpteen times), probably because i came a bit face to face in the coimbatore riots and my wifes stories of what happened in gujarat when she was there. Then you hear the reports of their moral policing in their states and its just enough of turn me away whenever i think of them as an alternative
Yes my friends - this is the scary truth. These are no tales of fiction.

We can chose denial, ignorance, defiance or some claustrophobic sense of "secularism" & "development" ( that we alone have defined for our convenience) in making our choice of "Whom should I Vote?"
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Aug 6, 2012
Phew! If there are Modi-fanbois, then there equally shrill Modi-haters/baiters.

US Sate Department's report on "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2012" condems the 2002 riots & the failure of NaMo's government to protect it's people.
Are you referring to this report: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...figures-in-US-report/articleshow/19668757.cms ?
If yes, then I quote: "The report, titled 'Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012' released by the US state department, as mandated by the Congress, says human rights groups continue to allege that ... <snip>". What I've highlighted is that the report refers to what human rights groups think - so its not the official US line. The US will never present its opinion on a matter that's internal to India. Issues of infringing sovereignty and such-like. You'll never know what the US really thinks, until there's a Wikileak of this.

Earlier in the thread, I posted this:
Please have a dekko. And if you find the time, do read Madhu Kishwar's articles: http://www.manushi.in/articleList.php
She's interviewed a few Muslims in Gujarat and hear what positives they have to say about Modi.
Terence, you wrote about action-reaction... Is it about Modi's purported justification that Gujarat riots was a reaction of Godhra? If yes, in the post above, I've mentioned how Zee misquoted him.

NaMo has APCO, because Congress has the main-stream media in its bag. Follow www.mediacrooks.com. You'll be surprised how the media works in India. Few posts:
Especially, this one, where a producer at NDTV asks its anchor to "defend Congress":

A while back on this thread, somebody was wondering why Modi is considered non-secular. Coz because the media has branded him that way. This is how it works, if a media outlet decides to eff-you up:

I was watching a rerun of the Gladiator the other day. There's this scene where two senators discuss Commodus' decision to restart the gladiators games, to divert the citizens' attention. One of them says: "Rome is the mob". Just then it struck me, he was actually talking about us... India is the mob. So whether its a saffron-mob, or a green-mob, or a specific caste-mob; its scary, uncontrollable and ugly. Its easy to pin blame on the politicians, but the actual killings are done by ordinary citizens - the mob.

I've so much to write, but work calls. Let me have your thoughts and a civilized discussion.
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Aug 29, 2009
I honestly didnt go through any of your links cause im at office and today is the strike for the additional taxes but i would like to tell you something about a few clients who are from gujrat.

The gujrati's and kutchi's tell me, that leaving out surat and Kutch, there is no chance that Modi will lose.
On the other hand a lot of Chilia's(they r those white kurta and topi guys, hoteliers and cloth merchants), what they say is that all they want now is safety cause in the riots they were the worst hit when it came to businesses. They dont wanna have a non BJP leader as it ensures safety all the time. And yes, they all use the word 'safety'.

Now you might quote me and say that this is an individual view but its just not 1 guy saying it. After 10 yrs, i honestly dont think they care who wins. All they want is their families safety and thriving business. And if one thinks about it, it does make perfect sense.

Phew! If there are Modi-fanbois, then there equally shrill Modi-haters/baiters.

Are you referring to this report: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...figures-in-US-report/articleshow/19668757.cms ?
If yes, then I quote: "The report, titled 'Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012' released by the US state department, as mandated by the Congress, says human rights groups continue to allege that ... <snip>". What I've highlighted is that the report refers to what human rights groups think - so its not the official US line. The US will never present its opinion on a matter that's internal to India. Issues of infringing sovereignty and such-like. You'll never know what the US really thinks, until there's a Wikileak of this.

Earlier in the thread, I posted this:
Please have a dekko. And if you find the time, do read Madhu Kishwar's articles: http://www.manushi.in/articleList.php
She's interviewed a few Muslims in Gujarat and hear what positives they have to say about Modi.
Terence, you wrote about action-reaction... Is it about Modi's purported justification that Gujarat riots was a reaction of Godhra? If yes, in the post above, I've mentioned how Zee misquoted him.

NaMo has APCO, because Congress has the main-stream media in its bag. Follow www.mediacrooks.com. You'll be surprised how the media works in India. Few posts:
Especially, this one, where a producer at NDTV asks its anchor to "defend Congress":

A while back on this thread, somebody was wondering why Modi is considered non-secular. Coz because the media has branded him that way. This is how it works, if a media outlet decides to eff-you up:

I was watching a rerun of the Gladiator the other day. There's this scene where two senators discuss Commodus' decision to restart the gladiators games, to divert the citizens' attention. One of them says: "Rome is the mob". Just then it struck me, he was actually talking about us... India is the mob. So whether its a saffron-mob, or a green-mob, or a specific caste-mob; its scary, uncontrollable and ugly. Its easy to pin blame on the politicians, but the actual killings are done by ordinary citizens - the mob.

I've so much to write, but work calls. Let me have your thoughts and a civilized discussion.


Mar 21, 2005
^^ Don't worry I went through the links given by biozen. Extremely biased reporting that people shouldn't waste their time reading.

Mediacrooks is one of the most biased reporting I have ever seen and the author barely hides this hatred and anger at the Indian Congress. Nothing wrong in that as I have no real love for the Congress either and find a good deal of what he says is true but then such views shouldn't be considered as reading material to ascertain facts as he has tons of bias in his writings.

The other article on manushi is a far better article with an actual account of a person who was initially a Modi baiter but became a Modi supporter after meeting.

Ill admit it did open my eyes a bit to aspects of Modi I did not know. He was Chief minister for just 3 months before the riots. Secondly he is known to be not very close to the RSS which played a role in the riots (people may disprove this statement but that does not change my beliefs one bit). So he had to walk a tightrope between taking charge and handling his alliances well.

That said, after starting the article very well and with little bias and a lot of fact it suddenly degenerated along the way with wildly inaccurate figures, dates and even accounts of what happened.

To give an example, the writer says 5000 muslims were killed in the Gujarat riots of 1969 in Ahmedabad alone which would stand to reason that the actual figure was far greater. However a quick check with Wiki showed that a little over 500 people were killed in total as per official estimates. Even if one takes into account that official estimates will probably be lower than actual deaths, 5000 seems a gross exaggeration at the very least !

They paint Modi as a paragon of justice in that report but are completely silent on his support of Maya Kodnani even though she was under suspicion in the riots and of his aide Amit Shah inspite of being indicted in the false encounter case. His aide Amit Shah now holds a prominent post in his party at Modi's influence.

So while the first article is a decent read it does have some gross lapses in facts and has a lot of biases intermingled between facts and figures.


Aug 6, 2012
After 10 yrs, i honestly dont think they care who wins. All they want is their families safety and thriving business. And if one thinks about it, it does make perfect sense.
That is the whole point!.. You make people economically secure; religion, caste, identity take a back seat. That's probably the gist of the so-called Gujarat Model of Development. Though I have yet to come across a clear write-up that says what the Gujarat Model of Development is or Bihar's or MP's or Haryana's.

Just read this article:

The old vision that the Congress Party bases its entire political ideology on is that of a paternalistic state that takes full responsibility for `the poor'. The problem is that for this vision to remain relevant we will need poor people to remain poor, illiterate and cursed by divisions of caste and creed forever.

I honestly didnt go through any of your links cause im at office and today is the strike for the additional taxes
Ha, ha! The mob at work.

^^ Don't worry I went through the links given by biozen. Extremely biased reporting that people shouldn't waste their time reading.
I disagree, people should read what he writes and its for them to decide if its a waste of time. He's not as much anti-Congress as he's anti-MSM!

And if you think he's biased against Congress, what do you have to say about this, where a producer at NDTV asks its anchor to "defend Congress":
NDTV is biased in favour of Congress, what!
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Mar 21, 2005
His whole website seems to be a dream to the BJP. Not one article finding fault with them and his wording is extremely biased calling people 'stupid' and other terms. Such reading is generally reserved for people seeking attention rather than from any serious journalism.

You are free to express your views and I am free to express mine. I will not want to waste my time reading articles from someone who is clearly so biased.

I did read your Indian Express article and again it was written by a known BJP supporter. She does make some sense so it was not a complete waste of my time but she and so many others seem to believe Modi to be completely innocent in the Gujarat riots and I do not support that view.

Again if you are mistaking me for a Congress Supporter please do no not ! I have no doubt your mediacrook article on NDTV is very true but at the same time I will prefer to vote for them as I believe them to be the lesser of the two evils.
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