Underwent LASIK: Aftermath


Apr 14, 2005
Boston MA
I had slight myopia and astigmatism in both eyes. -1.00/-0.75 LE and -0.75/-1.00 RE.

My number hadn't changed at all past 4 years, i.e. ever since I started wearing glasses and I was pretty tired of the blurry mess the life becomes with glasses and having to depend upon them everywhere you go.

I researched LASIK to death and finally came to the conclusion of getting it done for once and all.

After a thorough research, I came across reviews stating that Bausch & Lomb's Zyoptix had the best machine in the world for undergoing lasik, so I chose to use zyoptix. The machine has an incredibly precise set of measurements done for each eye, which most other machines lack. (I went to 2 opthalmologists to get my eyes checked prior to zyoptix) and none of them close to offering the set of results Zyoptix did. The zyoptix setup also offers sub micron precision, superior than most setups.

A complete checkup of my eyes revealed that I was an excellent candidate for lasik with a very healthy corneal density. The doctor suggested for my eyes, wavefront or any other advanced form of lasik wasn't necessary.

So I chose to go for the regular Zyoptix lasik.

Post surgery conclusions:

Eyes had a foreign body sensation and watering for 5-6 hours. I underwent the surgery at 6:00PM and went to sleep at 8:00 PM. After waking up, the pain was completely gone. Only the lights appeared haloey and a little brighter than usual. I also experienced some problems with focusing on short distances and couldn't read well.

This completely went away in 2 days.

After 3 days, all lights appeared normal, I had no dryness in eyes, no haloes, no problems in focusing up close.
It was as I had been given a new set of eyes :D
Post surgery visual acuity: 20/16 (clearer than what most normal people without eye glasses can see)
Personally for me, this surgery is life changing. The experience of being able to see everything so crystal clear is worth it.

Also due to low myopia, I had minimal loss of corneal tissue and minimal ablation depth.

Price I paid - 18k

Very highly recommended. :)


Apr 14, 2005
Boston MA
Its scarier than painful. Its not painful in anyway.

Only the eyes have a foreign body sensation after the surgery, something similar to dislocated contact lenses floating around the eye for 3-4 hours.

I would recommend to get it done in the evening/night and go to sleep directly after that.


Sep 24, 2005
Misleading title. :|
I thought you lost your sight instead of your glasses. :ashamed:

Congrats- glad it was good for you. :)


Aug 14, 2005
The major reason for you to undergo LASIK was Astigmatism i suppose ?

Because myopia doesn't demand serious surgery right ? (Just Curious)

Anyways nice to hear that surgery was a success. :)


Apr 14, 2005
Boston MA
@log 1, was just tired of having to wear glasses and the pair of crutches it becomes for your eyes. Not just astigmatism specifically.

I tried some holistic nonsense - eye exercises, sunlight therapy etc for a few months before giving it up. Just wasn't worth it.

LASIK is probably one of the safest of surgeries, with less than 1% of chance of something going wrong, if you are just unfortunate or in the hands of an inexperienced doctor.

Just being able to look up at the night sky lit up the stars without a visual aid is a worthwhile experience in itself.

Best money ever spent. Period.


Dec 17, 2008
i have only myopia, nothing else

r/e -6

l/e -5.5

even i m looking for lasik

but my parents are a bit skeptic abut dat

even went to a doc, he said if ur comfortable with glasses no need for lasik,

yes i m comfortable with glasses using them for past 6-7 years

though i use contacts also

but as u said--Just being able to look up at the night sky lit up the stars without a visual aid is a worthwhile experience in itself.

i also want to experience dat,:p


Aug 2, 2006
Nothing like getting eyes RMAed ;)

Congrats Amol. I wanted to go for LASIK too, but then i feel i look a bit presentable with my spectacles :ashamed: . I am completely confused whether to go for it or not. If only someone would give me a way :(

My mom has been through it as she had a higher number : -5 in both the eyes. She feels the same as you did - Extremely Happy :) .

But you know sometime i see her missing her specs (after having them for more than 30 years of her life). Whenever she lies down for a nap, she has that habit of removing specs.

I noticed it several times that she searches for her specs on her face and then out of nowhere she realises that she lost her friend who sat on her nose for 30 years on her life.

I dont want to go through that. In other words, i am completely confused :|


Apr 11, 2009
@Amol,Congrats buddy for the successful recuperation

@Mohit, Your power looks ideal for undergoing LASIK. If your Prescription did not changed much in the last 2 years or so(i mean stable) then you can try for this procedure. Hope you are above 20 years of age('cos LASIK gives best results to those who are in their mid 20s and early 30's with little or no cylindrical power and spherical power is under -6.00).

But one word of caution though, I have seen many cases of Post LASIK GLARE in the night time(in particular while driving)due to Corneal flap creation during the LASIK procedure.

If you have no trouble with contacts then try start using Silicone Hydrogels for the maximum comfort, clarity and safety.

Some of the leading brands are Johnson & Johnson's Acuvue Oasys and Bausch & Lomb's Purevision.

In spectacle lenses you could try Dual Aspheric/Atoric Surfaced Lenses(High Def Vision)Eg; Nikon SeeMax, Infinity, Essilor Anti Fatigue Lenses.

Consult your Ophthalmologist before going for any kinda invasive therapies.

Remember in Contacts as well as Spects there is always a chance for you to change the product if you don't like it after using, whereas in LASIK it is going to be a permanent procedure done on your eyes. If you don't like the after results then you can't change it

All the best

Just my 2cents

(Note:I was part of clinical research in Cornea at L.V.Prasad Eye Institute few years back, currently i am into totally different field)


Aug 14, 2005
@Anish :- Isn't that the funny reasoning to avoid LASIK.

If you are so used to using specs, After LASIK may be you can keep specs with zero number glasses. You can use it as a luxury and not necessity.

As to the habit of missing specs, Well its bound to happen, isnt it ?
But the pleasure of clear and sharp vision is non negotiable ;)


Molar Police
Staff member
Super Mod
May 25, 2007
Nice to see that the OP is happy with the Lasik surgery. Probably I'm also an ideal candidate for the same procedure, given that I have different power in each eye. My right eye is - 3.75 and the left eye is - 0.75. For the past 8 years my power hasn't changed a bit.

I have only one doubt.. Is there any restriction after surgery like you should not see bright objects directly..? 'Coz my profession makes it imperative that I look into microscopes every day. If any such restriction is there, then I'll have to look at undergoing this procedure when I can get some vacations.

P.S: The thread title is misleading.. :p


Apr 1, 2009
i know a guy (my best friend) who had -6 in both eyes. went for lasik and his vision is better than people who have never worn glasses..

He spent only two days at home for rest and resumed work on the third day. No problems in the past 2 years.


Apr 14, 2005
Boston MA
@hp-india. Presbyopia sets in at late 40s, if you do not have myopia. Myopia kind of offsets it, so if you hate wearing distance glasses like me, its a good idea to get LASIK, otherwise the advantage of having myopia is that you wouldn't need reading glasses till 60s.

But I have seen cases of people needing both glasses after the age of 40.