blocked by Department of Telecommunications

Hi Guys,

This issue was occurring intermittently over the past 2 weeks but since about last Sunday has been completely blocked. Even https method doesn't work on Alliance Broadband.

I tried Google DNS on my PC only (the router is still using ISP DNS though or else login won't work) but still no dice.

I then tried Opera VPN but IDM is not working over VPN which is to be expected.Instead of the video it is capturing a 400 byte file.

Are you guys facing the same issue with other ISPs as well? Has somebody been able to circumvent this blocking? Reddit/Google don't seem to be very helpful in this regard.
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right now referred site opened for me. using BSNL - Google DNS - firefox

you may also try using Open DNS / Freenom DNS
I changed the DNS on the PC only to OpenDNS and flushed the DNS cache as well as Firefox history.Still it shows a blank page.
If I unblock unsafe scripts it shows the same message -
Your requested URL has been blocked as per the directions received from Department of Telecommunications, Government of India. Please contact administrator for more information.

Do I need to mess around with the router level DNS instead of doing it at a PC level?
I changed the DNS on the PC only to OpenDNS and flushed the DNS cache as well as Firefox history.Still it shows a blank page.
If I unblock unsafe scripts it shows the same message -
Your requested URL has been blocked as per the directions received from Department of Telecommunications, Government of India. Please contact administrator for more information.

Do I need to mess around with the router level DNS instead of doing it at a PC level?
Instead of messing at the router level DNS why don't you try first with Chrome and DotVPN....
Instead of messing at the router level DNS why don't you try first with Chrome and DotVPN....

I tried with Browsec on Firefox and frigate(which is what I use on Chrome anyways) but IDM is only capturing the 400 Byte files[DOUBLEPOST=1519298029][/DOUBLEPOST]
Try putting - https:// - manually before

It shows blocked for me too but with https it works.
Thanks buddy but that is the standard method for Indian bypassing which I what I use by default.
Issue is there for quite some time/ months from my experience. Now i open actual download page link using proxy site and once download starts, copy download link to idm and downloading from there instead of browser doing the whole job as it doesnt support resuming etc. Also ofcourse better downloading speeds which browsers dont utilise.

Edit: Just checked right now, and site is working/ able to visit from bsnl dataone which was giving problem earlier.
Issue is there for quite some time/ months from my experience. Now i open actual download page link using proxy site and once download starts, copy download link to idm and downloading from there instead of browser doing the whole job as it doesnt support resuming etc. Also ofcourse better downloading speeds which browsers dont utilise.

Edit: Just checked right now, and site is working/ able to visit from bsnl dataone which was giving problem earlier.
Can you let me know which proxy site you used please?
Here is a neat little guide to directly download from Openload with IDM or any DM.

For Chrome browser

Open this script page first -

Now download either Violentmonkey/Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey

(choose only one)


Click on the "INSTALL VIA THIS URL" link at the top of the script.

After installing one of the monkey extrensions and then clicking the install button on script page
Click confirm installation in the top right corner.

Now simply go ahead and click a openload link

You can now directly download the file without going through the site.

Just tried it with IDM, it works and with resume support too! :)

This is pretty nifty but a no go for me as after right clicking on the link it still goes to the same blank page in Chrome.

In case of Firefox something weird is going on as I am not getting the install prompt even with the .js URL.

Ok got it working in Firefox but its a pain.

First of all the files I am looking at are embedded within the webpage so I have to first hit Ctrl+U and bring up the page source.

Then I have to to a Ctrl+F with as input string to find the embedded URL which is like this

Then I have to replace the with the mirrors in the script one by one and see which one works.

In my case worked and I changed the URL to something like this-

When I pasted this into a new tab the script triggered the download as expected.


@zibalingz Thanks a lot buddy
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Seems its only your isp. Threaten them of shifting to a better isp or better shift rather than doing daily jugaads and still not getting it right
Seems its only your isp. Threaten them of shifting to a better isp or better shift rather than doing daily jugaads and still not getting it right
That's a bit of a problem as I get 40-45 Mbps speed for 1770 bucks.

Moreover they have local seeding so I can hit 8 MB/s easily on popular stuff.

Threatening them will be a no go as they will simply say that they have to comply with the court order.:(


  • upload_2018-2-23_0-49-18.png
    69.3 KB · Views: 448
Ok guys I am tinkering a bit with Greasemonkey to get around the blocks e.g. in case of I changed to https with this code block.
This code changes http to https and changes to
However the 3rd if block is to handle embedded links on a webpage to which I cannot get to work.:banghead:

I have zero knowledge of javascript and I am just mixing bits and pieces in a trial and error method to get something to work.

// ==UserScript==
// @name     Unblock Sites
// @namespace
// @version 1.0
// @description This script will rewrite URLs when pasted into the address bar of the browser or when the page is refreshed to unblock over Indian ISP
// @author theezitguy
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

if(window.location.href.substr(0,5) !== 'https'){
  window.location.href = window.location.href.replace('http', 'https');
} // new url: https (This block works)
else if(window.location.href.substr(0,16) == 'https://openload'){
  window.location.href = window.location.href.replace('', '');
} // new url: (This block works)

var as = document.evaluate('//a[contains(@href,"")]', document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
for (var i = as.snapshotLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  as.snapshotItem(i).href = as.snapshotItem(i).href.replace('', '');
} // Handle embedded url in webpage new url: (This block doesn't work)

Can any javascript guru help me out on this please?[DOUBLEPOST=1519806585][/DOUBLEPOST]Any idea guys?
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I changed the DNS on the PC only to OpenDNS and flushed the DNS cache as well as Firefox history.Still it shows a blank page.
If I unblock unsafe scripts it shows the same message -
Your requested URL has been blocked as per the directions received from Department of Telecommunications, Government of India. Please contact administrator for more information.

Do I need to mess around with the router level DNS instead of doing it at a PC level?

Instead of messing at the router level DNS why don't you try first with Chrome and PureVPN ?