Lion Transformation Pack for Win 7 Ultimate (64-bit)

Hi guys,

I just bought a new PC with Win 7 ultimate 64-bit. I came across this Lion transformation pack for Win7 .

Lion Transformation Pack | Windows X's Live

I have never experience any apple OS but always liked their Grey themes and the looks of it. I'm planning on installing it.
I want to know if it will affect my system's performance in any way. I'm also paranoid about messing up my perfectly working system.

Please share your comments if you have experienced this OS X transformation pack.

I don't have direct experience, but had issues with Windows Blinds (offers themes not available on regular OS). If you are paranoid, spend some time, install on a VM and try!
Yes it does slow your system. I installed it and removed it completely. Even after uninstalling the system took a long time to login. Ran reg fix and now its perfectly fine. Any transformation pack is going to slow down as it has to run on top of win OS files.
I have used it. Its cools. Its smooth. Only problem will be faced while reverting, you cant revert completely back. It does uxtheme patch. Though you can apply othr themea packs.
if you want to use, take a system snapshot; then once you are done with the theme, you can restore to the default look.
Unfortunately I use a lot of work related apps that do not have MAC compatibility. Thats why. Any way not going to screw a perfectly working system.

OK, but having used the transformation pack, it puts a lot of unwanted load on the system.

As far Mac/Hackintosh is concerned, you would need a seperate partition, thats all. No need to screw the entire system!