Feedback on RadarHunter


May 27, 2005
^ Pixel hold your horses, its a feedback provided by radarhunter on what he felt, we will not edit it until we find his feedback to be totally misleading and for that we need to await his reply in this thread.

According to Amol
Okay....i called my friend Garav and Arvind (radar) is out to delhi, and will be back by today night. I hope he comes here and makes things clearer

So we will wait, after reading his reply and if you guys are not able to sort it out amicably we will take necessary action.


Mar 17, 2005
Class M Planet
the thing is i am not too sure its the ram problem from his symptoms.

it could be simple incompatability of this ram with his board. People might have forgoten about it but do you guys remember problems corsair RAM gave to asus motherboard users??? ( if you dont shame on you, that is how techboy menia started on te ).

Now its job of buyer to keep track of stuff like this. not the seller.


May 21, 2006
@dipdude : i will wait for his reply, infact im eagerly waiting for his reply. his story just keeps changing.

just got some more info from stormy, he told me that the ram was kept at his place all the while, and he told stormy that he had given the ram to garav for 2 weeks.

This just seems to be a lie after lie after lie..

@dipdude : i partiallly disagree with you as he has made statements that i have cheated him and is destroying my rep here on TE. i suggest if you could kindly "hide" that post until everything is clear.


May 27, 2005
^ Dont worry, everybody on TE has read your side of the story - so just hold on for a day, if by tomorrow evening he does not reply i would personally delete his feedback. But if we delete his feedback without giving him a chance to reply knowing that he is out of town or not logged onto TE would be unfair and unethical. Be patient.


Jan 29, 2005
Funky said:
the thing is i am not too sure its the ram problem from his symptoms.
it could be simple incompatability of this ram with his board. People might have forgoten about it but do you guys remember problems corsair RAM gave to asus motherboard users??? ( if you dont shame on you, that is how techboy menia started on te ).
Now its job of buyer to keep track of stuff like this. not the seller.

Err this is A8N-E and corsair value... same combo as techboy and same problem. Its a very well known incompatibility issue and nothing else. All this A cheating B is bullshit. I'm 99% sure that there's nothing wrong with the RAM. RAM sticks just don't die unless you continuously push insane voltages thru it... something that the A8N-E is incapable of doing as it maxes out at 3V.


May 10, 2006
Pixel got the money the very next day of the day via online transfer

I was clear on my deal

My cabinet came 3 days back and the Ram was kept in safe place by me

and the Rams don`t work i contacted

pixel and he clearly refused the exchange the Rams i never asked for a money back i just asked him to replace the Rams

And now he`s ready with Excuses

As what Pixel said that my Story keeps on changing i would like to hear all the stories that i told him.

It is not a matter of cheating but a matter of trust i trusted his and Stormblast`s statement and no replies.

And whenever i start my computer all i can see is boot screen and after that the computer hangs i am not even able to use a boot CD adn start an application.

Why do u think i shouldn`t be in rage. Everything thing is new except the Processor and the Ram which i had bought from Pixel.

I jus` am asking him to replace them but he`s such a stubborn person.

I told him that i`ll post on TE but then he said do what ever you want.

And i did

And now he starts some thread mudslinging me.


Jan 29, 2005
^^What about amol man... what do u have to say about that? Also why don't you run memtest86 as stormblast asked you to... Try it on ur mobo and also some other mobo cos A8N-E is incompatible with corsair valueselect.


Mar 27, 2005
if u dint try the ram then y did u tell ashwin everything is fine.

that indicates that everything is working. u yourself said that u used it for 2 days which means u are lying that u never checked it.

also asking for diff ram is as good as asking for money. y should he give u a replacement for something that has no warranty & u tell him 10days after u tell him that its working fine & suddenly u say its not proper. there is a risk when u buy 2nd hand stuff so u should check which u did & then told pixel that it is fine.

& why are u selling your brand new a8ne board, have u spoiled it. i would like to know the reason for sale for a brand new 2 days old board.

also what happ to ur usa ka thread where u wanted ppl to send u money so u could get stuff from usa.

also what do u say about your cheque bouncing that u sent to amol. u saying that the bank dint have 1000rs to give amol?

stop posting bs that this guy cheated u etc


May 10, 2006
And as for Amol I am sorry that the cheque bounced

Reason for such : I have an account in India Bulls and a cheque of 10,000Rs was taken out by them so the bank balance went nil and i didn`t knew that and the same day your cheque came in clearence and thus bounced.

I told you also that yesterday i would be in Delhi and will return by 11 or 12 so i`ll make a DD the very next day and mail you on Wednesday.

So the reason of your posting here is not yet clear but anyways I feel sorry on TE for not clearing your deal.

Your account was in suxh a bank whee i couldn`t deposit money in your account or make an online transfer but i think the best thing now is to send you a DD.

Once again i am sorry for a deal gone bad yuor side. I apologise where i am wrong.


Mar 27, 2005
@radar - what bout the usa thread u created

what bout a8ne sale

& did u try memtest86, & also try on another mobo, u told me u tried on another mobo but i dont believe u anymore.

please reply to all these queries

u have not been transparent in whatever u have posted. please post clearly. it looks like u are trying to hide something or thinking bout something & not replying to all the queries. u havent even explained it clearly to any1 what exactly is wrong with ram, u just cant say that it isnt working etc etc & u want a replacement, u wont get that even if u tell someone after 2 days of buying that its spoilt, u have to explain the problem clearly so that ppl can tell u what to do. u told me yesterday that 1 ram boots 1 doesnt, it hangs in windows etc, please be clear in your posts.


May 10, 2006
Bluffmaster said:
I Don't Know wat the Truth is , But I believe u Guyz and I am with U ! And anyways u Guyz sold that Ram to Him and u mentioned that it does not have a warranty so even if it goes Kaput after 2-3 Days its None of ur business ! The deal has been made and now watever happens to the Ram is not ur Responsibility ! Its Really Good That u made This Thread so as to aware the people of the True nature of Radarhunter !

And If wat Pixel and stormblast r saying is Proven , I Kindly Request The MODS to Delete any market Threads made by radarhunter , so as to Further save the people from being cheated ! :)

Who got cheated eh....

Pixel got the money the very next day the deal was final ask him this was just by chance the deal with AMOL got bad.

But if he still have grudges despite of my again and again apologies then i can`t do a thing.

Bluffmaster said:
The Only Thing The MODS can do abt this is BAN radarhunter Plain and simple ! maybe Filing a case will Help, afterall His cheque Has Bounced which is a criminal Offence :|!

I know law more than you Bluffy

I am studying it.

And what bad experience did u have with me that you are again and again posting your expertise advices against me.


Mar 27, 2005
u dont understand do u radar. its not bout grudges.

its not bout u cheating, its bout u posting that pixel cheated u which isnt right. btw pixel also sold u a processor, if he wanted to cheat u then both wouldnt have worked. lol

also u are reading my threads still u are not replying to my queries

whats wrong with ram, explain properly & did u run memtest

y did u create usa thread when u were not going to usa n asked ppl for money.

y are u selling your a8ne

there is something really suspicious. u are reading these queries & still not replying to them n going offtopic n trying to make ppl feel sorry for u n show sympathy. just cause u apologize doesnt mean we will 4get the main questions that we have asked u.


May 10, 2006
after the boot screen the computer gets hanged i can`t even boot the computer from a cd

Nothing happens and i have to restart the computer . Currently i am using one stick out of 2 when both run together then nothing works and when run seperatly then i can log in the system with this ram but if i start some heavy applpicatino it gets hanged and i have no other option than to restart the computer and after 10 or 15 restarts the computer then loads the OS.

Tried to run mem test but the computer hangs and hence i can`t see anyt results.


Mar 27, 2005
did u make a bootable cd with memtest n check?

also please dont lie to me. did u really try the ram on a diff board or are u just saying. i dont want an answer to this but check the ram on another board n get back to us.
also reply to this

y are u selling ur 2 days old a8ne

y did u make the usa thread n ask for money where u clearly havent gone to usa


May 10, 2006
Stormy you don`t know how much humiliating this is when i am not even at fault. ( from Pixel`s side Amol i understand)

I was out of station and people here without any confirmation kept on saying that i don`t wanna reply i am jus` running away from the questions.

And as you guys asked for The US thing I never bought anything for any of the member even recently Mohit asked me but i told him that i am not going to US for the next 1 month and it`s also not sure that i will go or if i go i will come back.

So please don`t make stories out of nowhere come to the conclusions


Mar 27, 2005
i know it is himiliating. but even your actions are such.

u simply posted that pixel cheated u. i was also involved in the deal so i dint like it when u posted that.

no1 posted that u are running away & not replying cause it was mentioned by amol that u are in delhi.

also if u were not going to usa then what would have happened if any1 had transferred money to u to get stuff from usa. u dint have a usa ticket also n u created a thread asking for ppl's money to get stuff from usa,.


if you give us proper settings of the ram from bios etc we can help u n tell u what the problem is. u should also co-operate with other ppl. u made a post that pixel cheated u when i had asked u to check memtest. even pixel isnt at fault if u tell him 3 weeks after u bought the stuff that isnt working, its not right to make a thread saying that he cheated u without atleast troubleshooting.


Feb 9, 2005
@ radarhunter,
could you please go into ur bios setup and post the ram settings / timings. ??
also what is the vdimm.



Staff member
Super Mod
Feb 7, 2005
@Everyone: Chill out! People who are *not* related to the deal in anyway please stay out as well, no need to add fuel to the fire. Let the concerned folks sort it out :)

@Radar: Try the RAM on another board as Chaos mentioned, and do as Deejay said as well. Its probably something silly which you can resolve with a bit of troubleshooting rather than blaming it on the hardware :)