FDI in Retail!


Staff member
Super Mod
Jun 13, 2009
New Delhi
BJP is not going to let it move without a Parliamentary vote. All the coalition parties are against it too. Congress stands alone.


Dec 28, 2006
what a smart move by congress , bring on this bill, opposition forgets about pricerise and corruption scams... , congress then blames the rest for not pushing this bill through , gets re elected ;d


Dec 8, 2007
I think this move to allow FDI is really smart. I think it will help eliminate lots of middle-men (wholesaler, distributor, retailer etc. etc.) and thus help keep prices down with only the producer and the big store in the picture. But of course we need to ensure fierce competition between the big shops so we are not monopolized by any one.
And I think the protests against this, are by the middlemen who keep the prices up with their profit margins while giving bad quality service.

Last week at a shop had wanted to get a white envelope and this shopkeeper wanted me to take one which had some smudges on it, when I insisted on getting another he was muttering all the time about how fussy and what a nuisance I was, he finally gave me the one I wanted but acted as if it was a huge favor he was granting me and how lucky I should be he was serving me.
Really pissed me off but didn't ask him to shove it (though I wanted to) as I was in a rush. Here I was paying the full price of a product and all he wanted was to push off a bad one to me and saying I was too demanding when all I wanted was my due.


Jan 24, 2010
but,will the middlemen actually be eliminated?they will simply use their muscle and make a deal with these chain-stores(it happens at the local MORE. shop here,i have seen how they do their deals).


Staff member
Super Mod
Jun 13, 2009
New Delhi
Boot_Comp said:
Last week at a shop had wanted to get a white envelope and this shopkeeper wanted me to take one which had some smudges on it, when I insisted on getting another he was muttering all the time about how fussy and what a nuisance I was, he finally gave me the one I wanted but acted as if it was a huge favor he was granting me and how lucky I should be he was serving me.

Really pissed me off but didn't ask him to shove it (though I wanted to) as I was in a rush. Here I was paying the full price of a product and all he wanted was to push off a bad one to me and saying I was too demanding when all I wanted was my due.

Yea, 8/10 of these small shop owners are pricks like this and behave in a moronic fashion. Some of the things I have noticed:

1. Whine for change.

2. Peep inside your wallet and ask for smaller denominations.

3. Do not hear you the first time.

4. Then yell at their servants after you request them 3-4 times.

5. If they do not have the item, they do not even reply back a NO.

6. Use MC/BC and any "C" under the sun while talking, even with females around.

7. Oogle and stare at females or sit and chit/chat with friends inside the shop.

8. Love to recommend their own ideas. Example: Buy normal milk, add water and it becomes toned milk. When I want toned milk, and they do not have it.

9. Make faces and/or refuse to take back expired stuff.

10. Sell expired stuff.

11. Jack up retail prices.

12. Do not give the free-bee bolt-ons. Usually sell them off as normal goods.

13. Have dirty and unhygienic storage areas. Rice / flour on floor. Open edible products.

14. No civic sense.

15. Leave the shop and leave behind a wife/granny or servants. These people are not allowed to handle the cash nor do they know what is where. So you end up waiting or wasting time. Last week I purchased around RS. 1000 worth of medicines. Wasted like 15 minutes, cause the shop owner walked off to take a piss, and was dilly-dalying with similar jerks outside his shop.

I am so happy that FDI will happen, and more larger stores will crop up. Bye-bye to the corner shops for me.


Jun 13, 2009
Mumbai, Maharashtra
mehrotra.akash said:
Most people commit a minor fraud by saying the stuff they are shipping is not for sale/ not purchased and mark it as a "gift"

I'm just guessing, but having this type of a restriction would lead to the opposite type of fraud IMO

Is the restriction due to govt. rules or of thier own choice?

My guess would be due to govt. rules.

Better explainded: The store here in kota right now is only for shopkeepers, so they are wholeseller for shopkeepers only, see you have to register with them showing that you are a govt licenced shop, they give you a card which you have to carry along to shop and only 3 persons are allowed to go in per card, I don't why it just rule.

Only thing which i don't like right now is that some things must be bought in packets or in a bunch, like icecream cups etc.

i don't know if walmart will be good for india or not, but store here in kota is doing good, even with the rules on sundays there is no space for parking and and its crowed in.

anyways today it was open and dad went to shopping, and guess what as there will a strike tomorrow they sold the vegtables for half price! hehe

atleast store at kota will remain even if walmart doesn't come.

OT: those who know somethings about kota, there is this "city mall" near the best price, when the mall was being constructed Indiabulls also started constuction of a mall right across the highway, and i am told that Indiabulls would have built a better cheaper(for shopping) mall, seeing the compition the owner of city mall along with few local residents complained that the underground explotion to remove rocks had damaged thier property (obviously a lie) so indiabulls stopped the constuction and also closed all thier stores in kota(3-4 i think) they provided better services and price then "big bazzar" at city mall . So its kind of example where few people for thier benifits effected whole city.

btw Indiabulls have started the constuction again about a month back at same place after about 2 year :)


Dec 18, 2009
Ghatkopar, Mumbai
ashvarybabul said:
Is there a Bharat Bandh tomorrow protesting FDI stuff..???

Just feeling too lazy to go to college tomorrow :ashamed:

You mean today? Yup. But if you want to support FDI policy, go to college and defy the bandh ;)

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

asingh said:
Yea, 8/10 of these small shop owners are pricks like this and behave in a moronic fashion. Some of the things I have noticed:

1. Whine for change.

2. Peep inside your wallet and ask for smaller denominations.

3. Do not hear you the first time.

4. Then yell at their servants after you request them 3-4 times.

5. If they do not have the item, they do not even reply back a NO.

6. Use MC/BC and any "C" under the sun while talking, even with females around.

7. Oogle and stare at females or sit and chit/chat with friends inside the shop.

8. Love to recommend their own ideas. Example: Buy normal milk, add water and it becomes toned milk. When I want toned milk, and they do not have it.

9. Make faces and/or refuse to take back expired stuff.

10. Sell expired stuff.

11. Jack up retail prices.

12. Do not give the free-bee bolt-ons. Usually sell them off as normal goods.

13. Have dirty and unhygienic storage areas. Rice / flour on floor. Open edible products.

14. No civic sense.

15. Leave the shop and leave behind a wife/granny or servants. These people are not allowed to handle the cash nor do they know what is where. So you end up waiting or wasting time. Last week I purchased around RS. 1000 worth of medicines. Wasted like 15 minutes, cause the shop owner walked off to take a piss, and was dilly-dalying with similar jerks outside his shop.

I am so happy that FDI will happen, and more larger stores will crop up. Bye-bye to the corner shops for me.

Having seen all of the above from a store near my house, I refuse to go there to purchase anything. Do most of the house stuff from D Mart.

BTW, you also forgot that they will start to try to push more items on you to buy. Like this shop guy used to tell me like "buy this, it nice...buy that its fresh". And not to forget, they see how much money you have in your wallet and make idiotic comments like how much money is there, act like they are first class snivellers :facepalm:


Staff member
Super Mod
Jun 13, 2009
New Delhi
Update for today:

DMK : Congress should keep their political interests in mind for TN state when pushing the FDI.

Didi : Not picking phone calls from the PM.

BJP : Have refused to start/allow a motion in the session regarding FDI. They will only permit discussion regarding the "economic situation in India". The bill has to be canceled. No if / but.

Modi : Monday (We, will welcome FDI). Today (I, am with my party).

Mulayam Singh Yadav : We will burn any such store in UP.

Apparently traders will be going on strike today. Large retail stores are keeping shut to to maintain a row profile, and prevent battery/assault/mob instincts.


May 29, 2008
What the bhen is happening to this country ? I bet all the hullaboo is being created by the middlemen/dalaals. :mad:


Apr 11, 2007
asingh said:
Update for today:

DMK : Congress should keep their political interests in mind for TN state when pushing the FDI.
Didi : Not picking phone calls from the PM.
BJP : Have refused to start/allow a motion in the session regarding FDI. They will only permit discussion regarding the "economic situation in India". The bill has to be canceled. No if / but.
Modi : Monday (We, will welcome FDI). Today (I, am with my party).
Mulayam Singh Yadav : We will burn any such store in UP.

Apparently traders will be going on strike today. Large retail stores are keeping shut to to maintain a row profile, and prevent battery/assault/mob instincts.
All this agitation is a trap for Congress. Its a test of wills or show of strength, if Congress backs down it is weak and can be attacked after. They need to grow a backbone and be adamant about it. No going back. Threats like burning stores in UP or anywhere else for that matter is a complete non-sequitur as the decision to allow these shops is a state decison anyway.

These parties are only representing themselves and not any small stores. Small stores hardly face any threat. Corner shops will always have their niche because not everybody has a car and can drive out to the suburbs just to buy a few things.

The biggest win will be the consumer as these stores have deep pockets so they place HUGE GO's. That means cheaper prices & choice for everyone via more competition.


Sep 29, 2006
blr_p said:
Corner shops will always have their niche because not everybody has a car and can drive out to the suburbs just to buy a few things.

The biggest win will be the consumer as these stores have deep pockets so they place HUGE GO's. That means cheaper prices & choice for everyone via more competition.

Totally agree.. We are not like Americans to burn fuel just to get that discount of 100 bucks... Granted some effect on local kirana stores would be there but they cannot be put out of business.. In any case most perishable items are always bought locally. We have sabzi mandis in every city but not many people actually go there to save money... Political parties are just making an issue out of it, like already said its a state issue to implement it or reject it...


May 26, 2009
After todays meet with mamata ban-er-jee it is agreed to put this notification in cold storage.
So now FDI =finished by didi's intervention.


Sep 6, 2009
Why parties are supporting middlemen who are less than 1% of country's population instead of supporting Farmers / Consumers ???