Graphic Cards zotac gt 240 1 gb gddr5 low performance in games.


Hi, I just recieved a zotac gt 240 gddr5 , installed it on my PC ( phenom 550 be,2gb ram) . Resolution @ 1440x900

Ran some games and noticed that the performance is not as i expected..

Bad company 2 runs badly even at medium settings - 15 - 30 fps ( small change in fps with high (5 fps)). Tried putting directx version as 9 also in settings.ini file, no change.

NFS hot pursuit runs badly at any settings fps remains same. - 15 - 45

Crysis is playable at medium settings but still drops too low sometimes randomly..

From reviews of this card and also its DDR3 variant, i found that it can handle Bad company 2 , crysis and NFS Hp easily on medium...

I think 2 gb DDR2 ram may be the bottleneck, my processor is fine @ 3.1 ghz...

Does RAM affect fps as such, read somewhere that RAM affects the fps drops while loading textures ....

I experience random drops in fps....

Other game performance - Resident evil 5 Maxed - 39 fps

Bulletstorm @ medium playable - 30-50 fps

Updated to latest drivers..

3dmark06 score cpu score - 2400~

SM 3 - 4000~

SM 2 - 3900~

Total 9300.. approx , low compared to benchmarks on net....

Max temperatures are

CPU - 64 C

GPU - 74 C

Any suggestions how to improve performance... Thanks
I do believe that Ram causes a performance drop... I use the same card but from XFX and i am getting better frames than you mentioned.

I haven't tried BFBC2 but Hot pursuit and Crysis performs better than you mentioned. My proccy is clocked at 2.8 and RAM is 4GB.
I do believe that Ram causes a performance drop... I use the same card but from XFX and i am getting better frames than you mentioned.

I haven't tried BFBC2 but Hot pursuit and Crysis performs better than you mentioned. My proccy is clocked at 2.8 and RAM is 4GB.

Can you tell me what fps you get in NFS HP and crysis at high without AA ... ?? which processor do you have?

Sounds like a severe ram bottleneck.

Your proccy is good enough.

I was in the very same situation as yours.

I had c2d e7500, XFX GT240 1GB DDR5 with 2GB DDR2 ram and ram intensive games like bfbc2 and crysis ran like sh*t!(8 months ago) before upgrading.

I just plugged another 2gb ramstick and noticed nice boost in framerates(especially minimum).

So yes, you should add another ram stick and you should expect nice improvement.

Also proccessor overclock will further improve your minimum framerates.

Also go easy on anti aliasing with GT240 as performance reduces drastically. Every game should handle at med-high settings without aa(coming from personal experience).

Sounds like a severe ram bottleneck.

Your proccy is good enough.

I was in the very same situation as yours.

I had c2d e7500, XFX GT240 1GB DDR5 with 2GB DDR2 ram and ram intensive games like bfbc2 and crysis ran like sh*t!(8 months ago) before upgrading.

I just plugged another 2gb ramstick and noticed nice boost in framerates(especially minimum).

So yes, you should add another ram stick and you should expect nice improvement.

Also proccessor overclock will further improve your minimum framerates.

Also go easy on anti aliasing with GT240 as performance reduces drastically. Every game should handle at med-high settings without aa(coming from personal experience).

Planning to get a 1gb ram stick from flipkart (Transcend) , will 3 gb be fine for crysis and NFS hp.. .. Anyways i have a 32 bit OS , so 4 gb doesnt make sense... Plz do reply
Yes, you are right.

But it doesen't hurt to be future proofed.

32 bit oses can use upto 3.5 gb of ram btw.

So, you get 512mb more to spare.
Yes, you are right.

But it doesen't hurt to be future proofed.

32 bit oses can use upto 3.5 gb of ram btw.

So, you get 512mb more to spare.

oh ok.. but im planning to buy new system with DDR3 , maybe after 5 months. Also on a budget.

3 gb will do it for me , right ? i just want frames to be above 30, thats it. Any better performance is just bonus. Thank you

Btw DDR2 Modules all come in 240 pin configuration only ? iwas confused regarding that .Are all DDR2 rams same?
Then your choice to go with cheap ram is a good one.

Also, are you interested in shopping from TE classfields? You can easily find 2nd hand ddr2 ram, which will further save your money for upgrades.

Yeah all DDR2s use same pins. It's just the frequency and quality that differs.
I got the 1 gb ram stick! quite fast within 2 days,

The results.

NFS Hp - fps 28 - 45 - Became playable with less random stutters. Though i think 1 more stick would make it totally stutter free ( by stutter i mean sudden frame drops from 45 to 30 rarely going into twenties )

BFBC 2 - Now playable at high with HBAO - On without AA. 25-35 fps, rare random FPS drops.

Crysis - Not much improvement, dint change the maximum or average fps but reduced the Random FPS drops... Barely playable at medium - high settings . Btw i play crysis pre release demo.

Witcher 2 - Unplayable at medium settings during fight.

Just Cause 2 - Playable (25-45) at High with all other features like decals high res shadows etc OFF. Goes down to Teens in intense fights

Far Cry 2 - 25- 45 at Very high .

Overall there is improvement, but just enough to make the some games playable to me.

By the way, can i overclock the GFX card and CPU ?? Is overclocking very complex? . Am beginner in this, Plz let me know what is the easiest way to overclock.

The max temps are

CPU - 65 Stock cooling

GPU - 74 . Fan speed not 100 %

Any room for overclocking?
You can surely oc GPU.

My GT240 easily reached 615Mhz core and 925Mhz memory with MSI afterburner.

You can download it from here-

Please note that not every card is of same quality and your mileage in max.overclclocks may vary.

I have never used an AMD processor, so can't help you there!

Also in BFBC2, HBAO is a performance hog with little affect on quality! Turning it off will definately improve your fps.

At 1400x900, you are definately pushing the card to it's limits!

Witcher2 is really unoptimised game,

try tweak guide-

. I am presuming that you downloaded latest patch for witcher2 as there are optimisations.

For proccessor, since it's a be, overclocking is really easy with unlocked multiplier, here is oc guide-,2366-6.html

Hope this helps!

Also, you can unlock it to a full quad core proccessor if you are lucky!

But you would have to invest on a good CPU cooler(around 2.5k) as stock one cannot handle a quad core.

If you are interested, we can suggest good CPU coolers and there are lot of guides online to unlock the proccessor.