Laptops Will putting a hot laptop in a sleeve bag or laptop bag after long use affect the hardware's lifespan and performance?


Normally, I wait until the laptop has cooled before placing it in the bag or sleeve. However, there were times when I simply couldn't let it cool off, like when I was working at the very end of office hours. I do place my hot laptop in a bag or sleeve. I'm not sure if what I'm doing is right or wrong. What advice would you give? Does it still have an impact on my laptop's hardware?
It should be cooled to a certain level before putting in bag as the material inside the bag tends to retain the heat and might even make the laptop more warmer.Best way is to use a laptop cooler then. It wont be cooler but also not as hot or warm when not using a laptop cooler. This might help..
Mostly I wouldn't worry
Laptops are made by default with poor cooling therefore they are made to cater for poor heat dissipation over time.
Once you finish work on it , it's only going to cool down , wether you expedite it by putting it near a AC vent or let it cool slowly by chucking into your sleeve n bag. If only occasionally you Chuck it in your bag hot, I wouldn't overthink it too much, otherwise it a dark deep rabbit hole to go down once you start thinking about component cooling.