Who found TE?

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[ E ] vs TE, I guess. I signed up on both at about the same time I think, but ended up sticking to this one more.

Why can't we all get along? :p
I am just scared about admins banning me here ( I am active on both the forums, though). The other one is E-Ro-Dov

Not sure about who found TE, I know about all the mess that happened that led to the genesis of the other forum.

Petty talks, I'd say.
i dont know why posts r deleted and why are we not allowed to talk about the other forum

when all members are almost same

and even one of the mods here is also a mod there

so y not talk abt it!!
This site started out from TechArena.in

The owner of techarena and the administrators had some conflict of interests... which is why, the admins decided to move out of techarena and start out TechEnclave...
the starter of the TE is from lko! can't mention his name though.

techarena's owner was caught in some"lafrebazi" and rest experienced member's of techarena came up with this site:)
The answer to all your queries is on the internet, and the best index point to raise that query is google. If you are not sure on how to phrase that query efficiently to get that query answered, again check on google. Its clear as crystal to me.
TE has a long and illustrious history, it would be wrong to put a finger and say who founded it. Its history goes back to 2003.

Let me dispel some doubts:

1. TE was officially launched in March 2005 so thats when we celebrate its birthday and hold celebration contests.

2. TE started out from proboards when we got sick of the sad forums at former digit

3. The domain has to be registered in someone's name, and so it is. That does not define who owns TE.

4. We banned the said forum on TE as they aggressively tried their best to break TE staff, members and spirit. I hope they have moved on.

PS: Thanks for the all appreciation but its the disciplined enthusiasm that you all exhibit on TE that makes it such a better place :eek:hyeah: You found TE and made it what it is now, so keep up the good work.
I beg to differ.

It wasnt like this.

I cannot name the ppl who were involved but the original Admins and Mods one fine day decided to go on a beer binge and had a drink too much.

They were so wasted they all slept together and the next day they all woke up conceived with the idea of TE.

Now whatever the story of registering the domain name, u mst have seen in countless movies that name of a person is necessary for the records.

You can easily guess that how things work, the Admin is the big daddy here and mods are, oh well u know who they wd be.

Admins seldom speak but wen they do, Mods simply observe.

Its a tight family system here you know, with secrets even within the Creme De la Creme.

Mods clearly dont know who supersedes them as in who's the Numero Uno guy and hence y one of the Mods' custom name keeps asking -Who's The Daddy here.

He came in late here ofcource.

We all came to know about TE and got friendly with TE. We all are common friends of TE.

TE is there in all the meets, TE enjoys our company and in return has been the binding force within us.

TE is what we are, you can tell a person by the company he is in. And thats y the Admin n Mods try to discipline us so that nobody gets a bad name.

It has been a hectic job for the Admins and Mods but they been doing a decent enuf job.

We discuss various things here like new toys in the market, the social issues and how we can grow up to be more of a geek.

At times there are incidents, somebody pulls somebody's hair, sometimes ppl promise they got candies to trade for marbles when all they got is half eaten tidbits. So there is commotion then, which some ppl enjoy and some try to resolve.

Obviously the Staff team oversees the resolve part but they are kept on their toes.

Yes we are all brats.

Lets keep trying to grow up with TE. Let us try to take TE along with us.

TE is our window to the world. Must try to take it beyond known boundaries.

One Last thing that everybody shd know.... Ever Since the conceived idea of TE has come into being.. Admins and Mods havent been able to rest. They know TE is a huge responsibility and give in their best efforts. They know its worth..

.. They never ever tried to get that stoned again in a party. They got their hands full ever since.:eek:hyeah:
Well put Spacey!

In TE time frame, I am just a new born. But I have always enjoyed myself here. In fact, the biggest compliment I can pay to TE is, that it is one page that stays open on my browser. All the time, 24/7, night and day! I just love to be here and learn so much and hear what people have to say.

Thankfully, I have met extremely classy people too. That makes hanging out at TE all the more fun!
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