Which Servo stabilizer?


We are facing a lot of power fluctuations in our locality. We need to run at least 2 window AC of 1.5T continously. Which Servo stabilizer would you guys suggest? I am looking for a branded one which can provide proper installation and After Sales Service.

Also is servo or CVT recommended? Request all servo stabilizer users to chime in with your opinions.
The branded servo I guess might be close to 30-40% costlier than a non branded one. When we got one installed that was the price difference. We got a custom one made from a local vendor and theoretically no service is needed once installed. Only once we had an issue and the guy came over the next day and fixed the issue. Actually, we had got a bypass switch added too when we got it installed so as soon as something is wrong with the servo you can simply bypass the stabilizer and get direct connection. Now a days you have stabilizers with digital + servo for better protection which has digital management + the copper Servo windings.

While buying the servo take the following into consideration

The kind of fluctuations you have. Say whether its 180-250 / 140-260 etc based on that the servo is designed. The wider range you want the higher the cost. Secondly whether you need a single phase or a 3 phase. Finally the capacity you need. Two 1.5T means a min of 4kw. Ideally if you go in for a 10kw it should solve your issue. But remember if you are running both acs on 1 phase in a 3 phase connection then preferably shift each AC to separate phases for load balancing. In case of 3 phase I guess minimum you would get would be 15kw being 5kw per phase.
Thanks. I am getting the following configuration for Rs.8500. The input range is 140V to 270V. Is it too good to believe or is it ok? Its a brand called IPC available in chennai.

I am looking to install a servo stabilizer before my inverter so that the stabilizer passes out clean and steady power to my 3.5 KVA Su-Kam UPS/Inverter. Is the attached configuration recommended? I am getting this IPC servo stabilizer for Rs.8500 - 5KVA, 140-270 Input Voltage range. Please recommend other servo stabilizers if any.


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@greenlobster Sorry for not responding earlier. Actually I am not sure if you need a stabilizer before a UPS/Inverter. They already have inbuilt mechanism to output power at a specific range and can get power at a wide range, so I dont think a stabilizer before an inverter would serve any purpose. No expert in electricity matters but its my feeling that it would not help