What should I get, through my brother returning from Japan on 19th December?

He thinks that since its releasing only in Japan, it will have only Japanese language and no support for english.

Any knife lover here, I heard Japanese knives are world's best.

Japanese knives are not best they are THE BEST...I own one personal experience..
Japanese knives are not best they are THE BEST...I own one personal experience..
there is no such knife as a best knife. you cannot use a thick, heavy cleaver to slice tomatoes, they'd burst!
same way, a thin paring knife wont be of much use in mincing tough meat.

that said, jap filleting knives are next to none. however, if you want a general use knife, stay away.

most jap knives lean more towards slicing rather than chopping (you move the knife forward and back on the handle-point axis in slicing. in chopping, you move it perpendicular to the axis, i hope you understand)

their knives tend to have a thinner profile, with some designs for very specific purposes (they have knives just for dressing fish, including one that looks like a reverse sickle.

these links may help :

Butterfly table tennis gear. Butterfly Timo Boll Spirit (ST handle) blade, Tenergy 05 MAX rubber(black and red). Also, Mizuno wave drive table tennis shoes.