What Mobile and Where to Buy?

Note: People who have the same budget and looking for a smartphone, you need not go through this thread. GRAB YOUR NOKIA N8 right away! Its a steal at 24K!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a Nokia and Apple Hater, so I wouldn't be considering this mobile though it has a Superb 12MP cam with Xenon flash and 720p video recording with H.264 and AAC encoding and 3.7" multi touch capacitive AMOLED 16M screen, 16 GB internal Storage, Wi-Fi N, Video Call Camera, TV Out - 720p, Dolby Digital VIA HDMI, secondary call camera for 3g video calls (expect low tariff video calls from 2011) and the list goes on . . .

I'm looking forward to buy a smartphone. My budget is 30K.
I've shortlisted the following phones

1) HTC Legend - 22.5K
2) HTC Desire - 30K
3) HTC HD2 - 26.5K
4) Google Nexus One - 30K
5) Samsung Galaxy S (Price too high, ATM)

And the main reason for me to open this thread is not what to buy, but where to buy?

Is there any store or deal, where in I can find Desire at a much lower price?

Now, let me get into the details.
Requirements: No need of much talktime (1hr MAXXX), but I browse a lot (4-5 hrs) and rarely watch videos. And if the audio quality is good, I'll use the music player for about 2-3 hrs a day.

Loves & Hates

HTC Legend:
Love: Superb Design(IMHO), AMOLED, Sense UI, Sweet Price.
Hate: 3.2" ONLY, 600 mhz CPU. Doubt on android 2.2, No Secondary Call (it means no 3g video call? :( )

HTC Desire:
Love: Decent looks(IMHO), AMOLED, 1ghz CPU, SENSE UI
Hate: 3.7", Doubt on android 2.2, No Secondary Call (it means no 3g video call?)

Google Nexus One:
Love: Better looks than Desire (IMHO), 1 Ghz CPU, AMOLED, Google, Definite Update for quite some time
Hate: 3.7", Slower UI though it has 1 GHZ CPU, NO SENSE UI, Not so sensitive touch buttons, No Secondary Call (it means no 3g video call?)

Love: 4.3" FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Thin, Screen surrounded by small margin of outer body unlike other phones which has waste area at the top and bottom surrounding the screen, 1 GHZ CPU, Win Mo, Great VFM for 26.5K
Hate: Win Mo Sense UI is great addition over Win Mo Default, but still no Android Sense UI :( :( :( , No Secondary Call (it means no 3g video call?)

Samsung Galaxy S:
Love: 4", Super AMOLED, 1GHZ, Best Performer even battery wise (7 1/2 hrs of video playback), secondary call camera
Hate: Worst Design - Copy of iPhone (and iphone design sucks, IMHO), highly unappealing TouchWiz UI - copy of iphone (iphone UI sucks - I guess, I'd be the only one to say so)
About Operating Systems:

Android 2.1 / 2.2: Number of apps increasing on daily basis. Drastic advancement in O.S Version release. It's a good thing if your phone is updated, but you'll be ruined if your phone is not supported.
Suppose, if your android 2.5 is released in this year and next version is released by next year and your phone is not given the update for some reason(Legend/Desire), there is a high possibility of one to lose compatibility in latest applications. (Of course, most of the applications and games support older versions too, but still . . .) BTW, Can I have applications like CoreAVC, Winrar etc., in android?

Win Mo 6.5: Slow update. Less number of apps. Almost dead O.S. But still IMHO( and this case, its just my guess), win mo is more standard O.S than non-standard Android, which is still learning a lot in every release. From 1.5 - 1.6 - 2.01 - 2.1 - 2.2. Simplified Task Manager. In fact, the entire O.S will be just like using PC.

The reason I'm being in a state of dilemma is that, how much ever you try, your phone can't replace your PC. At the end of the day, its just a phone. So why go for a phone (HD2) which has a O.S which is almost PC-like but not a PC and definitely not a good O.S for telephony than choosing a phone (Desire) which has a O.S that has no resemblance to PC but a much better O.S for telephony?
Please leave in your opinions. I'm going to buy the phone ASAP!