what are your views about p2p?


Dec 6, 2004
All over the place!
To start off,, this is a discussion thread. :eek:hyeah:

Now while i am myself an ardent user of p2p a thought that often is at the back of the mind whenever you download(now even more so cos of RIAA and MPAA) that this as a medium(and a very poweful one at that for file sharing and content distribution) has never actually been exploited in a big way for commercial purpose. After all we have in p2p a superb and quite a robust service for content distribution. But for whatever reasons has never been exploited.

Right now you have mostly music, application movie swapping going on. And we have the commerical guys going all out against the users and the developers and site hosters of p2p. Frankly, if what i see in all this is that as a medium of sharing, the populaity of p2p shows that it does offer a cheap alternative to all companies to make their products available to all and while save there own cost (yes there are issues here most notably what does the man in the middle of the p2p chain does to the original file and who pays to whom when he downloads a file say from another peer). In effect the savings (BW saving.. content distribution saving) can be passed to the users. Most importantly no file ever is lost this way. I would think that the music industry should actually be looking at all this in a positive manner and trying to make use of the power of p2p rather than going all out to close it and making it more popular and more of an illegal medium.

cos what you have now is a system where everything mostly will be illegal at best of times and companies closing networks(or trying to anyway) and still there being more n/w's coming up ... No one is winning this and its gonna hurt the companies more than anyone else..


Feb 6, 2005
Most content companies/artist view P2P as evil, this phenomenal has truly changed the world
IMHO in a good way & not a bad way,p2p is not only about downloading music/movies/software but it has more to it then that,many many have discovered new styles of music/new bands same goes to applications which you might use for only 1 time.

Is it theft? hmm i guess that's a hard question to reply to,but who invented writing?who invented the internet? ain't they a copy right too? ain't they ip too? p2p was a revolution & today it's a state & it's here to stay weather me,you or others like it or not.


Feb 1, 2005
Well what will be the incentive for people to share files and use their upload bandwidth (which might be charged by some ISP's) for commercial music which they pay for. People on warez networks do it because its free and there is a an atmosphere of a group and team spirit. But this is not the case with commercial ventures. People arent going to help companies increase their bottom lines at their expense... Imho, p2p works only because its free.

P2p does have legit uses like sharing linux distros, downloads of free apps, basically free is the key word.

And do you seriously think that starting legit p2p networks will stop closing down of the non-legit ones. It might actually increase it.

Anyway on the p2p subject, its not going to go anywhere no matter what the **AA does to incite fear. It will just push people faster to annonymous and distributed (no central point of failure) ways of sharing data, and more developments will happen in this area.

Anyway instead of going after the people they should concentrate more on making quality stuff so people actually will feel like buying them. Mp3's aren't substitutes for having an audio cd. If the songs are good people will buy it.


Jan 6, 2005
No matter what the RIAA and Mpaa try to tell the courts and anyone who will listen to them. Its all about control. They want to have complet controll on what they want the public to see and hear.


Mar 27, 2005
Sorry m8 I removed the flame
In addition to what my college NitnayLion said,your total reply has been removed.
Your political views about this country or the other you can keep them for yourself,we don't wanna hear them hear.

This thread is about p2p not you giving us a lesson in politics & history.

There are members from all around the world here,the least you can do is show them some respect.

I have totally no idea how you managed to turn this thread into a flame reply towards a whole country & it's people.

Have a nice day,




Jun 19, 2005
p2ps are very useful

jobinvk posted 0.73 minutes later:

u get what u want and u get to share what u get. its a matter of taking and giving


May 14, 2005
I think people will continue to use p2p for illegal downloads until theres a way to catch them. Innocent until caught.
Its not a nice thing, but since I too do it, I cant question others.


Mar 23, 2005
well ya bit torrent has really overshadowed other p2p networks(except i guess IRC) for the sheer amount of stuff available to download...
actually i feel piracy is never gonna stop..
its like a small kid, the more you try to control it the more agitated and irritated it becomes.. the more you try to control piracy the more its gonna grow and more and more people will start downloading....

plus look at it this way... there are so many people who love watching tv series such as joey and friends... the 10th season and the first season of joey are already over but they havent come here in india as yet :(... so what do you do then?? if you wanna watch em the only way to do that is to download em through p2p networks..
p2p networks can help in increasing the popularity of software... IMO...
that`s why i guess norton antivirus and windows XP are so popular cause they pirated copies are easily available..
just my 2 cents..


Jan 6, 2005
A word or two about what the RIAA calls "piracy".

Over the years I bought many many records and tapes. When I first started buying tapes they were 8-track. Yeah I'm that old. LoL Then everthing went to casett. I spent a lot of money updating my collection. Then once again when CD's came out.

Why should I have to pay again for stuff I have allready paid for 2 or 3 times, just because now I can record it ?


May 8, 2005
P2P has revolutionised the word piracy in a really big way
Its Natural, the more u do to stop anything the more of the same thing will happen.......same for P2P.If 1 P2P(say for ex Kazaa ) is closed down with some cases (like currently goin on against Kazaa) another will replace it........u cant stop it.....its reached such momumental proportions