weird orkut error


folks i swas checkin ma scraps and all of a sudden i get this error message,

when i try to edit ma profile and i cant even scrpa any one :(

here is the error "You have temporarily been disallowed from performing this action. Please try again after some time."

here the screen shot of the error plssssss help me folks :( :(

yeah orkut sometimes disables some privileges if u click on some unwanted link or something... dont worry..just log out and check u r profile after 5 hrs or so ...

u r profile will come back to normal :)
This is similar to Banning system of Forums..

If you run some Scripts [Orkut tricks mostly], They disable your account for few hours..

I got same message, but after logging out and logging in again, it got resolved ;)

be Google man :yeah: :p
This generally happens when you use Powerscrap or any other java scripts to send scraps to all of your friends.Try logging in your orkut after 5 hours.Should work !