Linux Weird issue !


Hi, I am trying to run an executable file from a directory in a terminal, but it just won't happen. This is really strange:

alcy@alcy-desktop:~$ cd mprime
alcy@alcy-desktop:~/mprime$ ls -l
total 4156
-rw-r--r-- 1 alcy alcy    2110 2009-03-16 20:52 license.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 alcy alcy 4140905 2009-03-16 20:52 mprime
-rw-r--r-- 1 alcy alcy   23062 2009-03-16 20:52 readme.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 alcy alcy    6860 2009-03-16 20:52 stress.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 alcy alcy   19768 2009-03-16 20:52 undoc.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 alcy alcy   53776 2009-03-16 20:52 whatsnew.txt
alcy@alcy-desktop:~/mprime$ ./mprime
bash: ./mprime: No such file or directory
alcy@alcy-desktop:~/mprime$ sudo ./mprime
sudo: unable to execute ./mprime: No such file or directory

What's going on here ?! I have tried running other such executables, same error. Please help.
Strange indeed....

Type "file ./mprime" and post the output? Are you running 32 bit or 64 bit OS?

If 32 bit OS and mprime is 64 bit program then obviously it wont run. If you run 64 bit OS then install ia32-libs package "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs" and see if it helps?
Oh well. My tech life couldn't sink any lower.

But then I have been running a 32 bit OS on my netbook ( my primary machine) for 3 years now, and switched to the 64 bit one 2 days back. But then again I have been tackling issues on my dad's 64 bit system for quite some time.

There hasn't been a bigger blunder than this.

Thanks Vishal, anyway. :blushing:
dont fret - but hang on. i dont follow - did it work or not??? how did you fix it? or still facing the issue? :D
So you really want to embarrass me, right ?
Well yes, it was a 32 bit binary and I am running a 64 bit OS and hence the problem. Problem solved, yes.
@alcy: dont mean to embarrass :D just that you say "32 bit binary on 64 bit OS" then directly "problem solved" ... but how did you solve it? I think it was the ia32-libs package only but just wanted to confirm whether that was all or anything extra you did :)

(actually reason for my confusion is you said "thanks, anyway" and adding that "anyway" means/hints it did not work for you)

edit: and by the way - how did you think i had the solution ready? i've also had the same embarrasing "wierd issues" happening to me ever since moving to 64bit - but i moved like 2 yrs ago :p

alcy said:
I have been tackling issues on my dad's 64 bit system for quite some time.

Do post any further 64bit related issues, will be glad to help since I have faced many already. Its high time everyone moves to 64 bit and not get discouraged due to initial hiccups ...
yes, papul, but depending on the distro, like for example for ubuntu you need to (at least) install the ia32-libs package ... other work may be needed.