Want to Upgrade Motherboard and Processor ... also a PSU if possible


Hi Guys..

My Processor is losing its life and want to upgrade it along with the Mobo. I am a Casual Gamer and the GFX is fine for me.
I use the PC for watching movies and importantly my PC is shared on the network (LAN - DC ++ ). so a lot of downloading and LAN play takes place. Looking on the above scenario . suggest me a decent processor and mobo.If Possible I would chip in for a PSU and 2 gbDDR3 RAM(RAM mostly not required as i think the current one would suffice)..Anyways..Give your valuable suggestions..

Budget : (Proccy + Mobo = 6k ) + (a decent/good PSU for my GFX= ?)

My Current Config :

Processor : AMD Athlon 64 LE-1640 2.7 ghz
Motherboard : Asus M2A- MX
HDD : 640 gb + 40 gb
GFX : XFX Radeon HD 4650 DDR2 512 MB
PSU : PowerForce ATX- 450W

Thanks and Regards..
AthlonII X2 240 ~ 2.8k / AthlonII X3 425 ~ 3.15k

Gigabyte GA-MA74GM-S2 ~ 2.7k/ Biostar A780L ~ 2.7k

FSP SAGAII 350w ~ 1.5k (FSP is a major PSU OEM and this PSU carries 2 years warranty)
+1 for Athlon X2 240

Stick with the Gigabyte GA-MA74GM-S2 and ditch Biostar.

Buy a decent PSU as your PC's running time will be much-much greater than a regular usage PC, so 2yrs down the line your SMPS will loose its efficiency by about 30%(at least). The best PSU for your budget will be Corsair CX400(2.7K) or another good quality PSU that you can go for is Seasonic S12II-380 (3.1K) both these PSU's have 3yrs wrrty.

Your budget is going over by 2.2K you can sell off your old CPU+Mobo+40gb+SMPS and get some additional money.
I have the Athlon II X2 250 in mind...wud that be a gud choice??
Motherboard choice will be Gigabyte and will go for the Corsair PSU. If the budget goes way high , then will switch to FSP SAGA..

Thanks & Regards..