!! Virtual Dub Problem - Urgent


Hey guys,

i wanted to compress a certain avi file using Xvid and Mp3 but when i tried using Virtual dub, in Audio Compression i couldnt find any options under Mpeg Layer - 3, which is unusual !! I am posting a screen shot.!!

Well usually i HAVE to unwillingly do all my compressions under Win XP as same thing happens when i use Vista. I dont get any option under Mpeg Layer -3, But this time even under Win XP i am not gettin any option.

I want to solve it once and for all even for Vista. I installed and uninstalled Klm Codec Pack, Vista Codec Pack but there is no change.!!

Heres the screenie

The codec packs are your problem . i would suggest you to use Virtualdub Mod , demux the audio track from the source file . encode it using lame and mux it again to the compressed video .

This should help .
SharekhaN said:
The codec packs are your problem . i would suggest you to use Virtualdub Mod , demux the audio track from the source file . encode it using lame and mux it again to the compressed video .

This should help .

If codec pack is problem..which codec pack should i use..!!!

Plus i have lots of vids to compress... so the above step will take lot of time..!!

Is there anything with codecs that i can do to get it back..!!

@saumil :- will the size of ACM be equivalent to MP3 at same quality..!!??
ideally no codec pack is to be used . except for an install of ffdshow and xvid .

in this case , yeah , it will take a time but not that much . there are many 1 click solutions avilble . why dont u try them .
lemme know some 1 click solutions..!! but yeah expecting decent quality..!!

one more thing...

what do i do for Vista..!! without installing anything....theres no option of MP3 in vista..and i can i uninstall or install something in XP to make it work
dipen01 said:
@saumil :- will the size of ACM be equivalent to MP3 at same quality..!!??
It's an mp3 encoder only.
It's also better than the default mp3 encoder since it lets you encode at ABR instead of CBR which will yield the same quality output at smaller sizes.

Download the zip, extract to a temp folder, then just right-click lameACM.inf and install.
If you want to fix broken a codec, there is one codec pack that is pretty good called k-lite codec pack.

K-lite will search for and attempt to fix any broken codecs during installation and IMO does a pretty good job, also I think it uninstalls pretty cleanly too.. I have had some horrible experiences with codec packs too, until I tried k-lite.

I would only install the basic or the standard, as you will unlikely need any other codecs besides the ones installed. This will install pretty much everything you need including ffdshow and xvid and not a lot of junk... it will give you options to chose what you do not wish to install as well. If you plan on installing this codec pack, I would make sure you attempt to uninstall any non-retail version of codecs you have already installed ... first. if there is a conflict it should tell you during installation and give you choices. There is an option to install a couple of utilities, I would go ahead, as one of them will let you check and see all codecs installed on your system, and show you all broken ones too. If at worse case scenario, you cannot fix your broken codecs, there is a way to re-install windows default codecs... but I have to check... it was a long time ago I had to do this and I don't remember how offhand.

good luck :)

else for encoding audio, use BeSweet, and BeSweet gui, check Doom9.net for more info.. it does about the best job of audio encoding I know, and is basically a command line utility that has a gui to create a script for you. it uses lame and other popular encoders, as long as you have them installed on your system, it is fast and accurate and phenomenal quality.
@Artful :- i guess u missed my 1st post... i am only one codec installed and thats Kl Codec...but it isnt helping..

@saumil :- i couldnt achieve the compression i intend to with

44100 Hz, 320kbps CBR , stereo 40kbps

settings in Lame codec..

Should i lower the bitrate??

EDIT :- one more thing...NOISE is introduced in the encoded file... and rather noticeable one.. thats why i like Mp3 no hassles..!!
COuld you let me know the kind of files you are trying to compress . ie the source files .
is it an Mpeg 2 source , or DVD's or compressed files like avi .

and what kind of system are you running this on ..ie processor type
@Artful :- i guess u missed my 1st post... i am only one codec installed and thats Kl Codec...but it isnt helping.

Sorry about that :)

I think you will find that ac3 will give you better sound quality, and you should be able to compress a single divx movie with ac3 to a single cd.

And I re-iterate... you will get great quality and great compression from BeSweet and BeSweet GUI (GUI separate download) ;) either using mp3 or ac3. Very fast encoding, very good quality, and uses lame if you are going to do mp3
@saumil :- will try it.. btw why was NOISE introduced.. CBR is supposed to better isnt it ? (sorry i dont have any idea on it(

@sharekhan :-

I am encoding 350 MB HDTV Rips.

Usually i compress it to 180 MB and theres hardly 10-15% drop in video quality and audio is unnoticeable. I use Xvid + Mp3 in a Two Pass Compression.

Total Compression used to take approx 30 min.

My System is

E6300 + 1 GB Transcend 667 Mhz + 7900 GS

@Artful :- Thanx, will try Besweet GUI

I want Mp3 back :(