User Guides Using Google Desktop Search as Remote Lan Monitoring Tool

Google Desktop Search can be used as an application for remotely monitoring computers across a LAN.

materials needed:

(1) recent copy of Google Desktop Beta
(2) copy of of TCP/IP port redirection utility like datapipe.exe
(3) basic understanding of TCP/IP networking
(4) a web browser

Let's get started!

First, install your copy of Google Desktop Search.

Next, start datapipe.exe so that it is listening on TCP port 1180 and forwarding requests to on port 4664. The command line version of this looks like this:
datapipe 1180 4664

Next, conduct a search using the actual Desktop search. Note the special salt value after the localhost designation in the browser's address bar. (Example: &s=1548888641).

Open a browser on a remote machine with this target URL:

Search the remote system to your heart's content! Note: if you select to open one of the search results, it will not open on the machine with the browser, it will open on the machine that is running the Google Desktop Search instance. Hmmmm, could Google Desktop Search become a platform for executing code remotely?

@arudit - m8 plz post the source of the matter if you are taking the article
from some where else.
Plz give the credit to the one who wrote it.