Monitors Use Laptop Monitor as Desktop monitor (VGA)?


Not always but occasionally I need to use the VGA out of motherboard and am really out of monitors. I have two laptops on disposal but no monitors. Is there any hardware that can allow me to use my laptop's lcd as monitor?

For e.g.
I would like to edit bios setting on the motherboard and hence need a VGA monitor for same. Anyidea how can I route the VGA out to laptop?

Please advice.

i dont think its possible unless you have a vga/s-video in in your laptop. laptops generally have only vga/s-video out.
i guess a tuner for your laptop could do the trick.
Connect both PCs through ethernet (desktop and laptop) etc, you even have Wi-fi, right? Use VNC/remote desktop. if you plan to use the laptop monitor, power consumption will anyway be bout same, so just switch on the lappy n ur done :D
linuxtechie said:
I would like to edit bios setting on the motherboard and hence need a VGA monitor for same. Anyidea how can I route the VGA out to laptop?

techie_007 said:
Connect both PCs through ethernet (desktop and laptop) etc, you even have Wi-fi, right? Use VNC/remote desktop. if you plan to use the laptop monitor, power consumption will anyway be bout same, so just switch on the lappy n ur done :D

If you read carefully above (fast runner!), I would like to edit bios setting, ASFAIK my motherboard can't activate an ethernet stack in bios edit mode.


linuxtechie said:
If you read carefully above (fast runner!), I would like to edit bios setting, ASFAIK my motherboard can't activate an ethernet stack in bios edit mode.



oops :ashamed:

Borrow that monitor again :p

Or put in a WTB in the market :) You will find enuf in pune itself.
Photographer said:
i have a vga to Svideo cable and i can use it to extend the display on my lappy by putting the s video in the video in of the lappy

Am not having that facility in my lappy.

Please let the suggestions come-in.

like i said, maybe you can search for a usb tuner or any other laptop tuner which has a vga in or an s-video in. but i dont know of any tuners having that.

if you need the monitor just for doing a little changes in bios and dont need it permanently, i think you should just borrow i from someone. you could also try getting a second hand monitor. i think that would be much easier option since a small second hand crt monitor would cost around the same as getting the tuner setup minus the hassles. :)