Ultimate Killer Gaming Rig


AMD Athlon 64 FX-55
The processor of choice for cutting edge gamers who desire the best CPU for PC games.


Rock solid, clean design and superb performance make this mobo a great choice.


2 x 512MB Corsair XMS Pro DDR400 (TwinX)
Low latency, a bit of bling, and enough overclockability make this matched pair of modules with their flashing LEDs a perfect match for the motherboard and CPU.


2 x ASUS Extreme N6800 Ultra
ASUS pushes the GeForce 6800 Ultra to the ragged edge. Add a second one for unparalleled gaming performance. But you'll put a big hurt in your wallet.


Koolance PC-720B Aluminum case with 3/8-inch water cooling system
The 720B offers improved ease of access to the internals and a removable motherboard tray.


Koolance 3/8-inch water cooling system
In addition to the case, you need Koolance's CPU water block, the Koolance CPU-300-V10 ($60); the AMD64 Adapter ($6.99); two GPU cooler blocks—2 x Koolance VID-NV@-L06 ($140); and two splitters—Y 3/8"-1/4" and L 3/8"-1/4" ($21.49).


Power Supply
PC Power & Cooling Turbo-Cool 510 SLI
The best power supply you can get for your SLI rig today. Maintains current load at high temperatures.


Hard drives
2 x Western Digital WD740 10,000RPM SATA
Add RAID 0 with the additional reliability offered by enterprise-class construction.

Optical drive
Plextor PX-716A
The PX-716A continues Plextor's tradition of building high performance, well-mannered optical drives.


Sound card
Creative Labs Audigy 2 ZS
EAX4 effects add additional realism to your gaming audio experience.


Avant Prime
The Avant Prime seems like a blast from the past—an almost exact clone of the legendary Northgate Omnikey.


Logitech MX518
A near-perfect mouse for right-handed gamers.


Dell 2405FPW
The 2405FPW offers a huge window into fantastic virtual worlds.


Customized Paradigm / Creative Labs
It's wacky, but your ears will love you for it.


Floppy drive
Mitsumi FA404A w/flash memory reader
You still need the floppy for installing RAID drivers, but at least you can use your memory cards, too.


Operating system
Microsoft Windows XP Professional (OEM)*
It's the best O/S for hard core gamers.

Total $6517


Am i the only one who totally disagrees with this "Ultimate Killer Gaming Rig" ? :no:
nope :p

a Tyan Thunder K8WE with dual opteron n SLI, 16GB RAM support, both x16 full speed lanes kick ass :p
I am unhappy with that floppy drive, I would rather have a seperate floppy drive and memory card reader, if I had the money. Also, I am not sure if that is really the fastest floppy drive in existance. I dunno about you all, but I would really like to save that extra second while formatting my floppy, a second saved there is a second more to live.

And windows XP? No no ... triple boot windows 2000, Free DOS, and Gentoo Linux stage 1 for the ultimate in performance :)
To be honest there is nothing special in Audigy4. Same old DSP..... Bah.
I disagree on soo many fronts.
I disagree with the case. It should be Stacker insted.
Also corsair is crap compared to Gskill memory. Its the KING when it comes to TCCD memory modules.
And by the way OS is spot on. This is not the ultimate performance machine. Its ultimate gaming machine so Linux is outa there. ;)
I can build a machine that will perform within 5% in gaming of this machine but with 1/3rd the price.
And by the way OS is spot on. This is not the ultimate performance machine.

Don't tell me that this ultimate gamer is going to miss out on supertux, lbreakout2 (linux), and Kings Quest (DOS) :D

Allright, I have done spamming, its a good PC :cool2:
Ya, it's a good PC, but I seriously love ur config Ujjwald...Not till too long ago, I had a very similar config ;-) but with a sis 6326 as teh GFX card.....

Frankly I don't understand this (on the verge of) madness for GFX cards....
Think some1 had this in his/her sig on TA, that we end up loving the GFX cards more than the games we play on em ;-)
To be honest Graphic card is what i decide first and then rest of the system. Without good graphic card, the PC in incomplete to me. And yes I do love my graphic card more than my games, I dont see anything wrong with that.
The pure pleasure of FarCry, HL2, Riddick running at 1600x1200 with all eye candy on is pure pleasure. And without proper graphic card, no matter what processor you have this is not possible.
And those who havent played games with cards like 6800GT/6600GT simply dont know what i am talking about ;)
Guys you need to experience it to know what is this madnedd for GFX card.
yes I do love my graphic card more than my games, I dont see anything wrong with that.
Ya, well to each his own,
But to me i still doesn't make sense coz it's akin to say, say , say, I love the sight of watching a Extra cheese Large Pepperoni Pizza passing on the baker conveyor at Dominos is more pleasing than takin a scrumptious, mouth watering bite off it :D :eek:hyeah: (sorry, can't think of a better analogy right now, thanks to the hunger pangs am having right now) ;)
I completely second funky's words. Take myself, for example. I had asked the same question some time back. Till about a month back I had a GF4 Ti4200 64MB AGP 4x running on an Athlon XP 2000+ with 256MB unbranded RAM. I *finished* playing Doom 3 on that system and I was awestruck by the graphics.

Now, I have a 6600GT running on an A64 3000+ sitting in a Asus K8NE-Deluxe with 1GB Hynix 400Mhz RAM. I have just started re-playing Doom 3 and man, I cant believe what I was missing out on!! The game at 1280x1024 with 4xAA and 8xAF was running at 2 FPS earlier and now runs at 35-40 FPS. It is not just the FPS that has changed, it is also the graphics quality and in turn the sheer immersiveness of the game. It just looks so much better now.

Now, I regret not going in for a 6800GT or even a 6800 Ultra. Never mind the hole it would have burnt in my (shallow) pocket!
Now, I regret not going in for a 6800GT or even a 6800 Ultra.
I don not deny or doubt for a second what u r saying Jai, and that's coz u bought a high-end card because of ur love for Doom-3, and not the other round.....

If GFX were the only criteria, I wonder why I (an am sure many others too) still think that Super Mario Bros on a Puny (now) Nintendo is one of the ost immersive and enjoyable game I have ever played....
superczar said:
Ya, well to each his own,
But to me i still doesn't make sense coz it's akin to say, say , say, I love the sight of watching a Extra cheese Large Pepperoni Pizza passing on the baker conveyor at Dominos is more pleasing than takin a scrumptious, mouth watering bite off it :D :eek:hyeah: (sorry, can't think of a better analogy right now, thanks to the hunger pangs am having right now) ;)

HaHahaha...nice one abhi. :p :tongue:
Think some1 had this in his/her sig on TA, that we end up loving the GFX cards more than the games we play on em ;-)
That wud be nikhilesh.
If GFX were the only criteria, I wonder why I (an am sure many others too) still think that Super Mario Bros on a Puny (now) Nintendo is one of the ost immersive and enjoyable game I have ever played....
Spot on dude. I have played mario 1,2,3 Super Mario World and let me tell you Super Mario World on SNES is amazing. And u haven't lived till u have Played Donkey Kong Country 1,2 &3 on SNES.
Frankly good graphics are really necessary, but what I want most is gameplay.
Thats where a term enthusiast come in.
Most of the guys you see who own high end graphic cards are not just gamers. they are enthusiast. Thats what I like to do. I dont build system just to play games. I build it just to own the mighty machine. I still play many games which are decades old.
But do you think that all todays games are just graphics and no gameplay? Look at FarCry and Riddick. These two games have better gameplay experience than anything else. THen there are games like MAFIA.
MAFIA still hold a high place in many true gamer's hearts even after 3 years only because of its game play experience. Retro games did that and modern games also do that.
And to enjoy modern games with its full glore you need modern hardware.
And dude, there is 1 difference between the analogy of pizza and graphic card.
I can show off my graphic card and benchmarking numbers too. And thoushands of people go creazy about it. Heh, i remember when i was one of the very first owners of 9800XT which i bought from USA the week it was released there and still in short supply. I watercooled it and benched it and posted results on guru3d. And people went bizzark. Thats was enough to convince me that I am not in minority in this world and there are 1000s of other people like me in this world.

I have been to situation wherei was stuck with onboard graphics, been there, done that. And then I am here with my current machine and then I am making these comments. I seriously go mad when people say graphic card is useless and onboard will do. Sure thats what you want. Then have it. I have no objection. But when people say why is the fizz about graphic cards without experiencing it then I feel sorry for them. ;)
Its my money and i will blow it as i want :D
Yeah I yet fail to understand whats the big deal of a camera on a phone !!! This guy wont think twice to buy a 20k phone, but will curse you to death when you recommend a 5k gfx card.

But 1 thing I have noticed, always buy mid end and upgrade every 4-6 mths much better then buying high end and keeping it for 1.5 yrs...
Aces170 said:
Yeah I yet fail to understand whats the big deal of a camera on a phone !!! This guy wont think twice to buy a 20k phone, but will curse you to death when you recommend a 5k gfx card.

But 1 thing I have noticed, always buy mid end and upgrade every 4-6 mths much better then buying high end and keeping it for 1.5 yrs...
HAHA.......Spot on.
Well i agree with the mid budget theory. it usually offers good results. 6600GT is fast enough for almost anything.
I buy high end and sell it when its still hot in indian market. Thats how u can keep upgrading. :)
My upgrade cycle is approx. 1 year for graphic card and CPU/mobo.
It may slow down a bit now for CPUs as Intel and AMD are slowing down the progress. And my current mobo is future proof and good for atleast a year from now. May end up getting R520 though ;)
Whoa, what a PC!

but for gaming, i'm just as satisfied as satisfaction can be with the consoles (Ps2 and Nintendo Gamecube) they get all the latest games (plus, some awesome exclusives like WWE Smackdown and Metal Gear) without any tension of HD filling up, or upgradtion of RAM or most omportantly high end video cards :p
Ya, but they just dont cut it. PS2 offers amazing gameplay experience but i never got hang of the controller. My XBOX is sitting used only as DVD player.
I only played Halo2 on the XBOX as its for now Xbox exclusive. But AA and AF has spoiled me. :p
PS2 now looks totally dated wheni t comes to graphics. Xbox looks good but PC has surpassed the quality long time ago.
I used to play games on dreamcast as a child. But after that i never got back to consoles as i used to be.
Still its a very good for avaid gamer.