User Guides [TUTORIAL] Basic 3D Text

Three tuts in three days :p but basically i have no other work. :bleh:

Thanx a lot for the positive response guys:)

I came to know of this one quite recently when a friend of mine created a three dimensional sphere using photoshop.

He told me the trick which i am sharing with u guys, only i will be making 3D text here.

- Open a new PSD,preferrably with a black background.

- Create a text layer, selecting a blod font for more effect

- Type in the text and tilt the text window by a few degrees anticlockwise (around 30 degrees will do)

- Merge the text layer with the background using cntrl+E

- Go to Filter >> Blur >> motion blur

- Set the tilt at around 30-40 degrees (experiment with various angles like +30 deg or -30 deg etc). Set the blur pixels between 20-30 pixels (do not cross gets ugly)

- U will see a slight 3d effect already showing on the text.

- For more effect, lets add the 'glowing edges' filter. Go to Filter >> stylize >> glowing edges.

- Set the values that u prefer. I used values of 4-9-15 for width-brightness-smoothness.

- Click ok and tadaaaa...u have 3 dimentional text. Try out this on various shapes and objects :)

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Jun 17, 2005
38 u go :)

some edits:

1) to fill the background with required color the shortcut is 'ALT + Backspace'
Also the color to be filled is indicated by the foreground color (shown in the red circle in the image below)

2) For tilting the text, place pointer at any corner of the textbox and a curved pointer appears. click and tilt.

3) For joining the layers, shortcut key is 'CNTRL + E'.

4) For motion blur, go to layer >> blur >> motion blur.

5) For glowing edges go to filter >> stylize >> glowing edges.