The Fitness Thread !


Jul 16, 2011
Hey do not skip breakfast. Its not good for health. [assuming you plan to continue this diet plan for months]
I'm Not Skipping any time meal. Its being covered by the nutrition shake. I think you quoted me by mistake.
Currently Just following the diet and no Exercise, Weight and Inches are Steady no loss no gain. Will Get back to Exercise from tomorrow or by Weekend.


Feb 22, 2009
You will be doing more harm to your body than you intend to if you are working out in the morning on an empty stomach. Right after you wake up, the body is very stressed as it hasn't fed itself for many hours; and by physically stressing it again, you are harming it. Your nervous system will recognize this and will try to recoup as many calories as possible for the physical effort, and what better way to get those calories than going for the easy target: your muscles.

You'll lose weight, sure, but you'll also reduce your metabolic activity, thanks to muscle breakdown. Over a period of time, your body fat% would actually increase, and you will be back to square one, but with an even worse metabolism.

Have you seen or heard some guys whining about how they stopped going to the gym and it made them even more fatter than they were before? Now you know why.

Solution: eat some complex carbohydrates along with a glass of milk before your morning workouts. It needn't be much; just enough to fuel you through the workout.
My problem is I don't put on weight though even if I have most unhealthy fatty food. And evening workout of weight disturbs my digestive system in such a way that I don't feel hungry. Thus making me loose weight, starting with a glass of water and morning workout and ending with a banana or some fruit works best for me. After analysing my body in past few yrs this equation is derived by me. Maybe every body reacts differently.


Jul 1, 2007
Guys need some advise regarding cardio workout.
My weight is 105K and its high time i lose weight. So purchased a treadmill that will be delivered tomorrow. Can you advise me on the workouts, type duration etc.

I'm no expert, but I was 107 in April, i'm 97 now, I have used only cardio (45min x 2workouts 6 days a week) and diet control (no rigid diet plans or anything, I just make sure I hit my calorie intake target for the day, else compensate for overshoots the following days).

Don't overdo it on the treadmill or you will blow out your knees. Start small and gradually ramp up. Also add strength training once you have a decent and regular cardio workout going (I've been meaning to get on the starting strength novice routine, I've committed (to myself) to start weights once i hit 95kgs.

Others on this thread will be able to advise you on the specifics better. Cheers and good luck. :)
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A Nobody.
Jun 21, 2008

I am in no way an expert, knowledgeable or anything. I will leave that to others. But just telling you my experience, just workout not going to happen.
You need to adapt a very strict diet and then do a workout regime. Start with just cardio, running alone. Say 4 days a week. For like 2 Kms a day. It will be a good start. Check your diet and calorie for first few months, then you will get the hang of it and will be in auto mode.

As many people have said, each body is different. try small see what changes.

I was like 118Kg in June 2013. Now I am around ~94 Kgs. I have cut down many things and my eating habit. Gone the days of binge eating. Although tendencies are there nowadays. Trying to work through it. My target is 85 Kgs, I am around 175cms and of wide body type. Then just maintaining that. I check my weight everyday now, put in a monthly chart. Started doing weights in gym, just compound ones and squat around a month back only. Feeling good and thinking that the next 9Kgs also will go down. Just to let you know I started running, gym and all 3 years back. Only when i started diet control from June I started to lose actual weight. My dinners are mostly a fruit with a fistful(1 or 2 oz) of cashew or pista and 2 litres of water. Only on Friday night is my guilty pleasure. just Half chicken grilled or baked, with 2 litres of water. It will be before 7.30pm also. Avoid sugar, fried items completely. No junk snacking perhaps a 2 oz dried fruits with a litre of water.

Also I pray and hope to God to help to get that 85Kgs goal. :D :D :D

Again, this is just me. Many things will be wrong. It works for me as far as i see. If any change or hitting a wall, will update here.
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Mar 11, 2008
Hello!! Its interesting to find so many people interested in training.

I'm currently bulking from last six months. My goal is to reach 80Kg. Currently my bf is 13% which is not bad with over all weight of 77Kg.

I'm eating 3200 calories meal. This is my diet incase someone wants to adapt or know:

Morning (Before workout) - Whey Protein + Pre-workout + 2.5gm Creatine
Post workout - Whey Protein (with 2.5gm creatine) followed by 1/2 liter milk + 2 scoops of peanut butter + 7-8 almonds + Fruit
Lunch - 4 Roti's with green vegetables + Curd + Dal
Post Lunch - 1/2 Liter milk with corn flakes or oats (Depending on the mood :p)
Evening - Whey Protein
Late Evening - 200Gm Chicken Breast + 5 eggs full omelet with cheese
Dinner - Normally something with rice.

Macros - Aiming at about 200gm+ Protein (Not really bothered about Carbs and Fat since I'm getting them in sufficient quantity)
Lots of Sleep then :D

Yes I literally workout fasted and no i don't lose muscle.
Currently I'm doing Neil Hill's Y3T Program which is interesting. I workout Monday to Friday. I usually do a lagging body part on Friday. My Chest and Back are weak.

Plans after Bulking:
Will start cutting with Ketogenic diet followed by IF and would like to go down from 15% to 8% which won't be too hard.

Current Supplements : Ultimate Nutrition Whey Protein + Creatine + Pre-workout (MP's Assault)

Hit me up if you would like to know about anything including supplements. I have a good idea about most of them.


Mar 11, 2008
^ Losing weight? Have lots of caffeine throughout the day especially before breakfast and before lunch or before working out also switch to IF Diet which is basically 16 hrs fasting and 8 hrs eating. Very effective and works wonders. Google is your friend. I did it during my cutting phase at the beginning of this year. Liked it a lot. Went down to 9% BF.


Apr 18, 2007
I am wary of these fad diets. I just want normal diet and normal weight loss :(

Intermittent Fasting (that @NeXT) is talking about is just another method of rationing your food intake that works well for a lot of people. (Especially ones who like to eat big meals and then aren't hungry for a while). I wouldn't classify it as a fad diet.


May 10, 2009
Yeah, having 5-6 small meals works well if aiming for weight loss. It keeps the metabolism working. For people who tend to gain weight easily(slow metabolism), this change in eating habits is important.


Mar 11, 2008
Btw get this app called MyFitnessPal! Excellent app to track calories. There is no other way to keep a count of calories and you have to keep track if you want to lose weight. Its got a huge db of indian food and supplements in it.


May 10, 2009

For me it worked.
Because when I used to eat 3 big meals I used to eat proper Indian food including Parathas and Daal with Ghee, etc. When I started eating six small meals my portions of this fatty food decreased and got replaced by fruits which were my other 3 meals.
For example, I started eating 1 paratha instead of 2 for breakfast because I knew I would be eating a couple of apples after an hour or two. Earlier I used to eat 2 or even 3 because I knew I wouldn't be eating till 2 or 3 PM in the afternoon.
Many obese people suffer from this problem that they don't know when to stop eating. For example I never get the feeling that I am full. So I tend to over eat. I get the feeling that since I haven't eaten for X hours I should eat at least this much food. Now that I have divided my meals properly, I rarely over eat.

You are right in saying is that the reasoning might not be true, but for many people this methodology works because it helps in controlling the portions.
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It's Nothing Personal
Nov 3, 2010
^^He was refuting your point about "keeps the metabolism going." Eating timed smaller meals doesn't do any of that, contrary to popular knowledge. It will help some people address their hunger pangs, or check what they eat, but that's it. There's no special biology behind it.


May 10, 2009
^^He was refuting your point about "keeps the metabolism going." Eating timed smaller meals doesn't do any of that, contrary to popular knowledge. It will help some people address their hunger pangs, or check what they eat, but that's it. There's no special biology behind it.

Yeah I got that. The thing is everyday there comes a new study which says this wasn't right or this isn't correct anymore. So now I take all these findings with a pinch of salt. Yes, in the end it is simple maths. If no of calories burned are more than no of calories taken, one will lose weight. However the means to this end are many and not everything works for everyone.
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Jun 5, 2010
Guys, I just stumbled across this thread, don't feel like going through all 106 pages of this thread, so wanted to ask directly.
Where do you guys buy your supplements from? And any recommendations for websites for buying the same, apart from healthkart?