The Fitness Thread !

Hey guys i reduced from 100 kilos to 80 last year rite now iam aiming at a 72 or 70 and kill what's left of my paunch

i came down to 80 from 100 through strict diet and yoga

and now i want to reach the 70 and be paunch free

i have started cardio along with yoga and even more oil less strict diet and i dont think loosing the kilos will be problem but loosing the inches willl

so any good pointers on how to kill the paunch and tighten up my body?


i dont wanna get ripped but i want to have a tight and solid body just like Rob lowe if yo uhave seen parks and recreation youll know what i mean
Yo! Joined a new gym after sitting idle for almost two months now! Very happy and am eager to get back in shape. Will follow strict diet and strict gym routine "as much as possible". (God, Marketing teaches so much diplomacy
you wont reduce 'fats' by going to the gym

Not exactly true. I lost a lot of fat just doing weights and eating healthy. Later I alternated between weights and cardio. So if Monday was weights, then tuesday was cardio. Best way to lose fat if youre an impatient person like me.

The only downside is that you can't bulk up and can't eat any supplements. They have way too much fat.
weight loss pills will fcuk up your hormone system, STAY AWAY

to gain weight, there is nothing better then whole milk...lots of milk (dont get skim or toned milk)

GOMAD program exists for ppl who want to gain weight...gallon of milk a day(~2.7lt/day for a month)

tight body is the same as low body fat

you dont have to cut down on fats too much, but you have to cut down on rice/bread/pasta/maida/cakes/sugery foods for starters

Not exactly true. I lost a lot of fat just doing weights and eating healthy. Later I alternated between weights and cardio. So if Monday was weights, then tuesday was cardio. Best way to lose fat if youre an impatient person like me.

The only downside is that you can't bulk up and can't eat any supplements. They have way too much fat.
you lost weight by eating healthy and got fit in the gym
^ True. I didn't put it across correctly. My point is that lifting weights help with fat loss. Although you have to combine it with cardio and a good diet for optimum results.

Also, anyone here actually tried the convict conditioning program? The results in the book seem exaggerated.
Guys, i am bit free these days as having college holidays and then march has little of college work.. Thus wish to reduce my fat

Currently i am 6 feet and ~93kg..

Planning to do regular jogging for the days.. Not inclined towards gym as i know after two months i wont have enough time to carry on

What should i do to reduce Weight and cut waist fat??

I also have 6kg dumb bells with me.

Plus, everywhere its mention to have a control diet.. But what is actually the controlled and healthy diet??
^ Jogging would do fine for a start. Do about 30-45 mins and you should see results. Though for fat loss, diet is most important.

Eat every 3 hrs while you're awake, that would be about 6 meals a day. Decrease carbs if you're eating too much, like rice and chapatis, but include veggies, fruits, protein sources. Decrease sugar intake and avoid junk for few weeks. Better to eat whole grain foods for carbs in moderation, like oatmeal, brown rice and whole wheat bread.
So, my friend finally decided he should slim down. He weighs around 110kgs and height 5'11". I need some help in figuring out a good way to start and a right routine to follow. Though I understand it takes time to get results, being able to see the results as fast as possible will be motivating for continuing the routine. So please suggest whats best.

Also I weigh 60kgs and same height...I just want to get fit as my body feels kind if loose though BMI says Im slim. Dont want to be muscular, just want my abs and biceps to look like Im fit. Dont want to gain weight or look too muscular. Thanks..
Anyone here tried MyoFusion ?? I generally take ON 100% Gold Standard Whey, its about to get over so thought of trying this... And how much 5LB can of MyoFusion cost ?
So, my friend finally decided he should slim down. He weighs around 110kgs and height 5'11". I need some help in figuring out a good way to start and a right routine to follow. Though I understand it takes time to get results, being able to see the results as fast as possible will be motivating for continuing the routine. So please suggest whats best.

Also I weigh 60kgs and same height...I just want to get fit as my body feels kind if loose though BMI says Im slim. Dont want to be muscular, just want my abs and biceps to look like Im fit. Dont want to gain weight or look too muscular. Thanks..
he needs to reduce his diet

you need to start lifting weights...heavy ones eventually
So, my friend finally decided he should slim down. He weighs around 110kgs and height 5'11". I need some help in figuring out a good way to start and a right routine to follow. Though I understand it takes time to get results, being able to see the results as fast as possible will be motivating for continuing the routine. So please suggest whats best.

Also I weigh 60kgs and same height...I just want to get fit as my body feels kind if loose though BMI says Im slim. Dont want to be muscular, just want my abs and biceps to look like Im fit. Dont want to gain weight or look too muscular. Thanks..

>want abs and biceps

>don't want to gain weight

Not possible. If you want to even go ottermode from skinny mode, you need to eat more and lift heavy weights even if its just +300 calories to make muscle which will only come along with some new fat. Then you can cut the fat away and preserve as much of muscle as you can and become aesthethic.

Or if you just want to show abs, keep doing cardio to lose the bodyfat till its visible but you'll just look pathethic. Skinny dudebro abs look like shit and you'll have to take off your shirt anyways to even get a girl's attention.
>want abs and biceps

>don't want to gain weight

Not possible. If you want to even go ottermode from skinny mode, you need to eat more and lift heavy weights even if its just +300 calories to make muscle which will only come along with some new fat. Then you can cut the fat away and preserve as much of muscle as you can and become aesthethic.

Or if you just want to show abs, keep doing cardio to lose the bodyfat till its visible but you'll just look pathethic. Skinny dudebro abs look like shit and you'll have to take off your shirt anyways to even get a girl's attention.

LOL... Not trying to get anyone's attention.
My post appears to give a different meaning. I just want to "feel" fit. I just assumed those were the side effects of being fit
Anyway... Im not important...someone please tell me what kind of diet should my friend follow and exercises if any.. Any good links with info would be helpful...Thanks
#artikle - your friend seems to be pretty much in the state I was a few years back. I was around 115 kilos, 6 feet. I am now 79 and my focus has shifted from losing weight to tightening up. That makes me no expert but I followed the following and got good results -
  • You have to compliment your work out with a proper diet. In fact a proper diet is more important to lose weight than just working out.
  • Diet - Cut off sugar/sweets from your diet completely. No desserts and chocolates. Minimize the carb intake. Cut down on rice/white bread and other maida stuff. No fried foods at all. Have fruits (avoid banana), preferably fibrous but make sure to have them before 5-6 pm. Get rid of snacking especially after 6 pm in the evening. Milk should be avoided, if had, have the double toned ones in limited quantity. I followed the following diet - Sattu in water before work out, 2-3 slices of brown bread with boiled egg white(s)/Corn flakes and some fruits for breakfast. 2 chapati, sabzi and 1 cucumber for lunch, evening meal was not fixed for me but tried to eat something with low carbs/oil. 2 chapati and sabzi for dinner.
  • TIPS - replace normal biscuits with digestive/cream cracker sugar free biscuits for the occasional chai breaks. Keep cucumber handy for those sudden hunger pangs. Also boiled/germinated black chana is good.
  • Workout - Cardio at least thrice a week. The other three days can be distributed as - 1 day for circuit, 2 days for light weight training. Legs should be given the prime importance. Try to build up thigh muscles. This will minimize the stress from the knees when you do cardio. Go easy on the cardio i.e. don't start running @9-10 kmph from the beginning. With that weight it can scr*w up your knees pretty fast. Include free hands/medicine ball exercises in your cardio sessions.
  • Mental conditioning - VERY IMPORTANT. Do not let go of the resolve. At times you will feel like letting it go but don't. Perseverance pays. Even if you do not make progress for a few weeks in the middle keep working. The results will come sooner than later. Also make sure that you feel extremely guilty when you break your diet and indulge in a high calorie meal. It will help you the next time to avoid it.

  • As you make progress and start lifting heavier weights include protein in your diet. Whey should be good and also lean meat if you are non-vegetarian.

The entire process takes time. Losing over 30 kilos is no joke. It has taken me ~2 years (I did not enroll in a gym for the first year neither was i very strict with the diet). If you can follow the above strictly it would be faster. But remember healthy way of losing weight is around 3 kilos/month.

Hope this helps.

DISCLAIMER - This is based on personal experience and an expert should be consulted for best results.
Anyone here tried MyoFusion ?? I generally take ON 100% Gold Standard Whey, its about to get over so thought of trying this... And how much 5LB can of MyoFusion cost ?

I had tried myofusion.. But it made my shake too thick for comfort.. So I went back to 100% gold..
Ok, noobie here.

Been gymming for only 2-3 months every year over the past 2 years.

Rejoined the gym and decided to stick to it. Need some advice though.

My aim:

General fitness

Lose a little weight (am 170 cms tall and weigh 75kgs)

Build some muscle on upper body side.

Usual diet:

Morning: apple / brown bread+honey, fruit juice (Tropicana types), tea/coffee

Lunch: Chappatis+veggies / veg sandwich (white bread). (Office food menu sucks)

Evening: Chaat
, tea/coffee

Dinner: Chappatis+veggies, fruit juice (Tropicana types)

Of course, i eat out on weekends. (am a foodie, and do not wish to change my weekend eat-outs) But i believe a steady weekday diet should keep things in control.

My usual work out is

1) Treadmill 10 mins

2) Jogger 10 mins

3) Shoulders 30 counts

4) Ab crunches 30 counts

5) biceps/triceps : 30 counts

My stamina isn't great, which is why i never manage longer cardio sessions.

Advice needed:

a) Gym is on my way to office, so technically i can/should get up early and go for a workout.

But i'm NOT a morning person, so this is turning out to be difficult.

Any specific benefits/advice regarding morning workouts?

In case i dont make it in the mornings, which would be a suitable time in the evenings for a work-out? (post-6:30pm)

c) In case of evenings, pre-dinner or post-dinner? Or light snacks at 6pm, followed by workout at 7pm, then dinner at 9:30-ish?

d) Family has a history of heart trouble, so I do not know what to include in my routine.

I'd appreciate any advice you guys could provide!
^ what rubbish workout

For a starter do cardio for 20 minutes atleast. Gradually you can increase it. For weights you can try doing two body parts each day or even one if you are going regularly for a 5 days a week. Do abs and core alternatively.