TE CSS Server Gameplay Discussion


Always i see switch and sometimes funky too camping at their respective bases. its only when the dust settles at the end they come out of their holes and ambush 1 or 2 opponents.:eek:hyeah: Shame on them :p ...it seems they are playing only for statistics. :tongue:

I dunno about other TE members since i dont know their id's.

I see ad1 a.k.a GF is improving his gameplay a bit. His aiming is superb. many a times i see him jumping in the air, turning 180 degress and slaying 1~2 opponents ....wow!!!...I do not have any idea about the other TMG clan members since i do not know their id's and most probably they might be getting killed by my "suicidical charges" early in the game :no: :bleh:
(I do like to kill him (GF) frequently in midair though !!!)

I am improving in the game. previously i hardly used to kill anybody now atleast i get 12 ~ 18 Kills per session. (i give target practise(meaning getting killed) for about 50 ~75 times ....thats a different issue). my problem is keyboard handling ....i have great difficulty in identifying the keys on the keyboard to change weapons , movements, reload etc ... i mean i have to actually look down on the keyboard to locate them and by the time i look up again at the monitor ...bang ...finished !!!

This game is all about strategy and co-operation within the teams. sometimes i see 3 CT members moving in tandem and doing their dirty deeds......their fluidity of motion, and their strategic moves are perfectly synchronised. ...its like watching a Hollywood Movie .... free of cost.:rofl:

@ Funky only ,
Have you enabled that bind "[" thing for me to isolate and remove the cheaters on a regular basis as you had specifically told me yesterday ?? please let me know when you do it.

ps: i saw this morning some CT players were spraying a picture of their player on the doors and walls at strategic locations ....i nearly fell for it ....can anybody make a similar picture of Terrorists so that we can use it too ....;)

PS: BTW What is awp ?? i see this term being used a lot .....
AWP = The Sniper. Its actually called Arctic Warfare Magnum. But it earn its name as AWP, since it was called AWP in the Console. See the Console, after some1 kills with an Sniper. It will come "Blah killed noob with awp".

Thanks Deejay :tongue:...

Other TMG Members are much better than me. Aks and Rowin (Virus) have Hacks inbuilt in em. Vuns(Karan) is a sucky base camper :p J/k.. His Sniping is awesome and no1 can match it.
deejay said:
Always i see switch and sometimes funky too camping at their respective bases. its only when the dust settles at the end they come out of their holes and ambush 1 or 2 opponents.:eek:hyeah: Shame on them :p ...it seems they are playing only for statistics. :tongue:

I dunno about other TE members since i dont know their id's.

I see ad1 a.k.a GF is improving his gameplay a bit. His aiming is superb. many a times i see him jumping in the air, turning 180 degress and slaying 1~2 opponents ....wow!!!...
yeah! never seen switch camping but funky hides a lot :bleh:
aks (he also uses aqueitas as a nick?) n ad1 r awesome, never seen virus play, vunami was basecamping last night,albeit awesome use of the awp :p
tifosi,sandy r quite good too
yesterday night some dood called pikmin was playing really well

Appo, dont insult Aks by calling him Aequitas. Aeq is from Cube Clan, in Singapore itself, and he sucks :p.

Aks always plays with the Nick akS ! or 1234 :p..
Aditya said:
AWP = The Sniper. Its actually called Arctic Warfare Magnum. But it earn its name as AWP, since it was called AWP in the Console. See the Console, after some1 kills with an Sniper. It will come "Blah killed noob with awp".
Thanks Deejay :tongue:...
Other TMG Members are much better than me. Aks and Rowin (Virus) have Hacks inbuilt in em. Vuns(Karan) is a sucky base camper :p J/k.. His Sniping is awesome and no1 can match it.

Thanks for the info aditya, its only a sniper rifle :huh: ...i thought it was something more mystic.

and the guys in BOLD above, I would be keeping an eye on them in future....They would be perpetually in my crosshair ....3 kills of each one of them guranteed.!!!

ps: The Train map sucks ...its so dark ....most of the time i am running blind .....a few minutes ago i was playing on the TE server ....i had the bomb ...and some guy was telling me to plant it ....i was like :huh: ...i asked him where to plant it ?? ..the train map is that baad ....

@ appo , whats ur id ?? the next time join me in Terrorist camp ...and just see how these CT lads run for cover at the mere sight of me ....you see a loaded, Charging , suicidical soldier is the most dangerous soldier ....:eek:hyeah:
yeah train is quite dark...thats y some ppl use NVGs :p

btw..deejay..is it u or someone else whos using ur id?
cos a guy named deejay always camps around :bleh:
apollyon said:
yeah! never seen switch camping but funky hides a lot :bleh:

aks (he also uses aqueitas as a nick?) n ad1 r awesome, never seen virus play, vunami was basecamping last night,albeit awesome use of the awp :p

tifosi,sandy r quite good too

yesterday night some dood called pikmin was playing really well

thanks aditya........

OnTopic: Guys guys guys.... hold the horse. I have been shitted with my semester exams. The WebPanel is long overdue i Know and will be delivered with full SHOW "BY MONDAY."

No need for any panic. This is a grievances discussion thread, please keep your appreciation of my awp :tongue: to other threads !
Heh, np m8. Will wait for it till monday.

Deejay yesterday TE went down and your steam id was in my PM so couldnt add you yesterday. Will do it today and leave ya message on msn.

As far as i go, yes i do hide, i believe in killing the ambush first. And i camp hard when i am CT, thats needed most of the times to protect bomb sites :p. Actiually CT campers get killed more protecting bomb sites than those who wonder off :p

I camp with sniper when needed on initial stages, thats what you are suppose to do with sniper anyway. But i dont camp whole round time to just get kills.

My camping is at max first 40 seconds to 1 minute of the round and then i move out :D
apollyon said:
yeah! never seen switch camping but funky hides a lot :bleh:
aks (he also uses aqueitas as a nick?) n ad1 r awesome, never seen virus play, vunami was basecamping last night,albeit awesome use of the awp :p
tifosi,sandy r quite good too
yesterday night some dood called pikmin was playing really well

haha , youve not seen me play coz im in uk and play for uk clans at a top level , but i drop by in te servers many times to keep in touch with indian community , with 300 ping that is , but a normal score of around 30-5 , nikhil , switch i think have seen me play ;)

BACK ON TOPIC - limit use of awps ,ban base campers .

OT : look guys this is my suggestion , some of u as i can see have recently started source , dont do 10 things at one time , right now just concentrate on raw skill , get used 2 playing the game smoothly , SEe what is the headshot level in the game :)

ps : i will love to play with sandy on one server with 80 ping with i come 2 india , looking forward 2 it.
Funky said:
Heh, np m8. Will wait for it till monday.

Deejay yesterday TE went down and your steam id was in my PM so couldnt add you yesterday. Will do it today and leave ya message on msn.
As far as i go, yes i do hide, i believe in killing the ambush first. And i camp hard when i am CT, thats needed most of the times to protect bomb sites :p. Actiually CT campers get killed more protecting bomb sites than those who wonder off :p
I camp with sniper when needed on initial stages, thats what you are suppose to do with sniper anyway. But i dont camp whole round time to just get kills.
My camping is at max first 40 seconds to 1 minute of the round and then i move out :D

haha no yaar , ill tell u what a sniper is suposed 2 do , the sniper is suposed 2 cover his team mates with his one shot kill gun , not stay back , camp and wait for enemies 2 pop by , thats noobness not sniping , in tmg matches i used 2 be a sniper at first and i was the 3rd guy to rush to cover the 1st two , not sit back and relax . ill try to convince akshay 2 snipe once in a pub server , he knows how to use the sniper properly , but dont ban him lol , coz he wont be dying :tongue:
oh we terrorists guys do not worry about such awping .....
our blitzkrieg is too fast for the ct awp's to react even ....
and we have a found a neat foil for it atleast at the start of dust2, we simply lob a smoke bomb in that tunnel (from where the ct awp used to shoot us even as we were choosing guns etc ...) and we avoid another more popular location (hunting ground) for the ct awp which is just near that tree , you know in front of that tunnel where one road slopes down and the other goes straight towards that bomb site ...

Now we terrorists are adopting a new strategy ...instead of blindly rushing and attacking we will wait for CT'S to make the offensive move, we will just "wait" at strategic locations and slay them one by one ....although occasinally there would be some kamikaze 360 degrees sparying with the machine guns ....

@ Sandy ,
my nephew's id is fireblade. there is one more nephew who plays ....and me camping ?? ..you gotta be outta ur mind ....i only do the "guarding" part sometimes as per our team strategy ....lol, but it is never at base camp.
Anish said:
^^ From what I gather, looks like deejay is the sacrificial lamb :bleh:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hey Deejay, wanna play with Ozone sometime, you can demonstrate your 'strategic locations' by waiting.....waiting......waiting and suddenly realising there is only 20 seconds left and your still 'waiting' at your strategic place.:eek:hyeah: :bleh: You seem to be a pro.:D
:rofl: since this is becoming a challenge thread , digitall wanna play tmg sometime in august when i come itll be the last time u play counter strike :rofl: , we wont wait we will rush and we will tell u where we are rushhing also and all 5 of u can wait there :D :rofl:
Anish said:
^^ From what I gather, looks like deejay is the sacrificial lamb :bleh:

Me too :p Virus was playing last night.... He, Adi, Vunami and Systemic in one team..... We were getting massacred.... Got bored and quit.

Then Tifosi agreed to join Ts... So I joined back and joined CT :lol:

But These TMG lamers(j/k), Red, Sandy are AWESOME!!!

Our own Switch and Funky are also superb. I think Me and Deejay are the most dedicated to TE as we allow ourselves to be used as target practice
^^ Unfortunately yall are target practice to others :eek:hyeah:... Not youtr own members. :p...

Yes, we TMG Lamers p00n you :eek:hyeah:
V!RU$ said:
haha no yaar , ill tell u what a sniper is suposed 2 do , the sniper is suposed 2 cover his team mates with his one shot kill gun , not stay back , camp and wait for enemies 2 pop by , thats noobness not sniping , in tmg matches i used 2 be a sniper at first and i was the 3rd guy to rush to cover the 1st two , not sit back and relax . ill try to convince akshay 2 snipe once in a pub server , he knows how to use the sniper properly , but dont ban him lol , coz he wont be dying :tongue:

This is possible when team is behaving as team.

Most of the times in PUB its chaos. I observe players. Some players do same thing again and again. Those are easy kills for sniper. I have seen bomber going rambo alone and whole team other way:p

And when players like ADI always rush 1 way or other. Now unskilled rushers are easy pickings. Any in maps like dust 2 the sniper is effective at base for first 30-40 seconds. But there are idiots who will do nothing but camp at base even if time runs out. I am against that kind of camping. I dont know how much you have seen me play but i dont camp like that ever.

I rather die trying to defuse bomb than stay out of picture for better KD ratio. And even many skilled players do that just to get better KD ratio and for personal score. Thats what i hate.
[D]igital [D]eath said:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hey Deejay, wanna play with Ozone sometime, you can demonstrate your 'strategic locations' by waiting.....waiting......waiting and suddenly realising there is only 20 seconds left and your still 'waiting' at your strategic place.:eek:hyeah: :bleh: You seem to be a pro.:D

:huh: Excuse me please, but i swear i got my highest kill rate on the ozone server....you guys are good but you will require massive doses of gameplay strategy, aiming and movement skills, if you want to compete with us TE members....:cool2: