Security Software Talking trojan Alert

Malware authors have developed a talking Trojan capable of taunting its victims even as it goes about its work trashing their PCs.

The BotVoice-A Trojan informs victims that their Windows PCs have been infected as it deletes files. The malware uses Windows text reader to play the following message:

You has been infected I repeat You has been infected and your system files has been deletes. Sorry. Have a Nice Day and bye bye.

The comments are continuously deleted as the Trojan attempts to delete the entire content of the computer's hard disk, according to an analysis of the malware by anti-virus firm Panda Software.
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Even if BotVoice-A only deletes a portion of files it can still render Windows PCs unusable. Changes the malware makes to the Windows registry mean that installed programs will fail to run. BotVoice-A Trojan also disables Windows registry editor, making the process of undoing these changes doubly difficult.

The Trojan spreads via a variety of means, such as by exploiting vulnerabilities to infect visitors to infected websites and by posing on media files on P2P networks.

source:Talking Trojan taunts victims | The Register