Suggest a Good Pedestal Fan for home in Mumbai.



Where can i find a Good Durable Pedestal Fan that actually blows air to beat the heat in Mumbai?
Are there any good brands to stick with and those to avoid...

Any good stores in Mumbai where one can actually check it out before buying? Any online sites?

Please suggest!.

Thanks in advance,

baksharp said:
Pedestal Fan that actually blows air to beat the heat in Mumbai?

USHA, cinny are good brand and long lasting, but just don't EXPECT to beat Mumbai Heat with FAN as the fan will give you the air what's there in environment.

That is, if the our environment is full with HOT AIR the fan will give you hot air and vice versa.

You can try Air Cooler though not SO EFFECTIVE in Mumbai but it will give you some what cold air, but you need to put ice warter or cube in.
I have this NATIONAL fan which I have used for a few years now - it has a remote control and is absolutely silent - and good air flow - I think about 3 years back I paid about 4k for this fan.
