Graphic Cards Sugest Best Graphics card for my Old PC


Hi guys...

Plz suggest a graphics card for my old PC...

Proccy : AMD Athlon 64 3000+(939 Socket)

Ram : 256 MB DDR 333MHz + 512 MB DDR 400 MHz

MoBo: Asrock 939NF4G-SATA2(
# NVIDIA® GeForce 6100 chipset
# nVidia nForce 410 MCP)
It have 1 PCIE x16 slot
HDD: Samsung 80GB SATA I

I know my PC cant stand new graphics cards...

will an 8600GT enough???

Please help me...Thanx in advance
i cant do that bro...i dont have the money for an upgrade...

but i want to play games like Prince of Persia, COD, FEAR etc...

Budget is 4k...