ssh into windows?


I've begun studying the basics of ssh, and I learnt how ssh into a linux PC from my own linux PC (which is simple..) Now i want to ssh into a Windows PC. suppose I've got a pc with IP address 'X', and it's running Windows. I want to ssh into it, and copy/paste some files to/from it, issue basic commands, etc. I know the username and password on that machine but I don't have physical access to it (figure out any reason.. I'm not at home, the room is locked, etc.) But the machine is on my LAN, I know the IP.

On linux, it simply is a single line :
$ ssh user@IPaddress
followed by a 'yes' and the password.

How can I do the same thing on Linux?

Note: I put this in networking, but if it belongs elsewhere, please move it. Thanks :hap2:
You need to run a ssh service on the windows pc/ server. it is not present by default.

lookup openssh and cygwin.
If i need to access the windows files, but can't install any ssh server on the PC (damn lab PCs don't give us the rights for installation) then is there any other method that I can use to achieve the same end?
u always need a server running. since windows doesn't have any installed by default u have to install it. but linux has things like that installed by default.
ralbhat said:
If i need to access the windows files, but can't install any ssh server on the PC (damn lab PCs don't give us the rights for installation) then is there any other method that I can use to achieve the same end?

Nope You need a related server service running which will understand your request and connect accordingly.