PC Peripherals Sound Card Problem

Sorry, my bad, I should've seen in the first post that he's got the 24-bit Live! which is a software device, so the Kxdrivers will not support it.

What OS are we dealing with here, and which are the driver versions you have with you? Is the machine in ACPI mode and is PnP disabled in BIOS? And what is the PCI latency number in BIOS?

You might want to try the card in a friend's computer as suggested. The 865GBF has but on electrical interrupt, and this might be causing an issue.

I'm almost 100% sure it is an memory space conflict. The technical manual for the 865GBF is pretty dark on this front, so you will have to do some hardcore debugging.

First, there are only two interrupts available to the user on the PCI slots, that is number 10 and number 11. Your graphics card uses INTA or INTB, and slot 3 and 5 look the safest for your card, as far as I can decode the interrupt and PIRQ tables of the board.

Win2K assigns IRQ11 or 9 to all devices in ACPI mode (difference: APIC versus ACPI), so for that OS to work correctly ACPI needs to be turned off and replaced with APM. Of course if you're running XP then you should try these two slots.

If you by any chance land up with IRQ17 on the card you're toast, as that is the Soundmax and modem IRQ. Both have to be disabled in BIOS.

Post the output of memory address space and IRQ from System information, or the whole file. Let's see what we're dealing with.
There is an option for digital audio . make sure that is set to off . since i assume you are using analouge spakers .

This is a known issue with Sound Blaster cards . :) and i hope this fixes , the issue .

And on a resource conflict issue ,

go to msconfig , Boot.ini , advanced options , and check the pcilock option .
Most probably IRQ or Driver conflict. Tried a different PCI shot (PCI3, as suggested by Sangram) and cleaned the Soundmax drivers with DCP (in Safe Mode, as suggested by RiO). Also, installed the drivers from CD. Finally it workd. :)