Samsung Galaxy Pro Vs Nokia E5


Hi guys,

How is Galaxy pro ( qwerty) compared with Nokia E5. Mainly email checking ,Reading/ editing of email attachment downloads- ms office, pdf etc. Camera, Music, games not a great concern, But BATTERY LIFE IS A MAJOR CONCERN, Which of these is better ? your comments please.
Hey! A friend's dad is having the same confusion. Galaxy Pro seems to have a bigger screen and larger keys atleast on picture. Nokia E5 wastes a lot of space around its soft keys and has a smaller screen. Given these, is it still better ? He's a strictly business user (being a business man) and wants the phone for surfing from office wifi, and lots of office tasks. He basically needs a phone which can act as a proper PDA.
MHG said:
Hey! A friend's dad is having the same confusion. Galaxy Pro seems to have a bigger screen and larger keys atleast on picture. Nokia E5 wastes a lot of space around its soft keys and has a smaller screen. Given these, is it still better ? He's a strictly business user (being a business man) and wants the phone for surfing from office wifi, and lots of office tasks. He basically needs a phone which can act as a proper PDA.
I don't think any of these two phones can act as a proper PDA. However if surfing is a main activity then Samsung Galaxy Pro makes a lot of sense as it not only has a bigger screen but also has a touchscreen which makes browsing so much simpler and also, the battery on Samsung G Pro is of a higher rating than E5. However i still have doubts about its ability to keep up with the average 3 day battery life of e5 as android is a battery hogger :)
zhopudey said:
You can't save attachments in android. Or least I haven't found a way to do so :ashamed: Seems really stupid.
Yeah, thats true and very stupid of google out of the box...

Just search market for something called "download all". then when you click on any attachment regardless of the file type you will get an option to save it.
I just happened to purchase the Galaxy Pro yesterday, i agree the low res screen is a downside but its definitely not a put off. The battery backup doesn't seem to be that bad, i charged it to full yesterday night and did a fair amount of browsing before falling asleep and happened to use it today morning as well without charging, listened to a some music for 15mins or so with the some tinkering in the background so the back-light was on all that while. Made couple of Calls and few SMS's the battery is still around 75 % or so....

I have set the phone to use only 2g network and the brightness setting is less that half from the default option which is more that sufficient. I am told i should get around 2 days .. lets see...