Graphic Cards RMAgic - 9800GTX in lieu of old 7600GT

Apr 7, 2006
Hey all,

Yes, you read right!!!

here's my story -

3 (or 4) years ago ordered EVGA 7600GT superclocked from newegg. An Uncle brought it to India when he was visiting. Ran well for as long as it did. 3 months ago, it got fried. Yellow patches, no other display. With help of Apollyon, narrowed it down to problem with card (hence the conclusion - it was fried). When i was considering buying a new one, he made an offhand suggestion - if it's EVGA it ought to have life time warranty.

As luck would have it, my dad was going to go to the US that very month! :clap:

He dropped it off at aforementioned uncle's house. I had had the wise notion of registering my card. So i changed the address to that US address. I initiated RMA (very simple) and my aunt did a good job of following instructions. I received the replacement within a week, but didn't know what it was. My grandparents were also there, due home in 2 months. They arrived yesterday.

I'm away from home and hence asked them over phone to tear packing and read the name.. Lo and Behold! the 9800 GTX Superclocked!

Howzzat folks? my 1st experience of RMA and what results!

every silver lining, though, has a dark cloud:

sad part is, my old Asus A8N - VM is not going to support it...

reason enough for an upgrade??? I doubt my dad is going to think along same lines :)

Apr 7, 2006
thanks.. this probably means more thumbs up for EVGA?

also, i'm wondernig how this lifetime warranty thingy works.. if THIS gets fried do i get free replacement? or would it be within a stipulated period of time...

some light upon this would be welcome...