Question On Girls

The only way you can guarantee that she will say yes is if you are holding a .45.

Yeah, do that. And if you begin singing the song 45 by Shinedown your chances of pataofying will increase.

Btw, don't get your hopes up. 99% chances are that the girl will say no. Try the friendship route. " Me n a freind going for a movie, wanna come" then when the gullible biyach agrees and goes out with you, grab a bottle of chloroform, get her unconscious, put her in your gunny bag, take her to a deserted area, knock her up and tell her that you will tell her daddy about his lil girl if she does'nt go out with you again.

Rinse and repeat.

And I'm sorry for being such a d1ck. Too much World of Warcraft have played havoc with my societal skills. :)
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Yeah, do that. And if you begin singing the song 45 by Shinedown your chances of pataofying will increase.

Btw, don't get your hopes up. 99% chances are that the girl will say no. Try the friendship route. " Me n a freind going for a movie, wanna come" then when the gullible biyach agrees and goes out with you, grab a bottle of chloroform, get her unconscious, put her in your gunny bag, take her to a deserted area, knock her up and tell her that you will tell her daddy about his lil girl if she does'nt go out with you again.

Rinse and repeat.

And I'm sorry for being such a d1ck. Too much World of Warcraft have played havoc with my societal skills. :)

He should ask himself, what would Leroy Jenkins do.

[Damn, it's difficult to get someone off WoW]
^ lolz, i think 1337's post would have set everyone straight about asking for advice on romance on a tech forum.... :p

I can see the sansani khabar now

Orcs chale naadaan ladkiyan ki izzat lutane. WoW ki asli rup kya hai? Kya "Burning Crusade" asal main "Hawas ki Aag" hai? Jaanne ke kiye dekhiye Aaj Tak.

On a serious note, if you like her, ask her out for a movie/coffee, its inncocent enough so nothing changes in your relationship, and you can get your foot in the door (if there is an entrance :p)
I'd like to rush my girlfriend, put in 3x sunder armour before I use my heroic strike to pulverise her.

I always wonder what happened when you sunder armoured a guy. In real life, his clothes would prolly fall off.
lol....its infatuation!!!! Everyone goes through that in that age. My advice- just be friends with her first rather then scaring her off (atleast not in the start). Techies do fall in love....but then again the relationship MIGHT break up faster or end before its even started. Been there, done that. Brought me nothing but ages of depressing life....but that's what experience teaches you. I say- do what you want...but dont be depressed if it doesn't work out or you find her with some guy the next morning. Life is too small, once you become depressed it takes ages to come out of it.
make sure even if you dont say it out loud , she knows your intentions.

for eg , celebrate small things , some test where she does well , ask her when are you taking me out for dinner to celebrate this or something .

eventually she will know that you like her , and if she still feels comfortable around u , you know there is something on the other side as well.

Then you just gather some balls and say it that you like her or ask her out for dinner ..
16.5 huh?

I guess you would be in your 12th standard now, preparing for upcoming competitive exams.

Don't waste your time on an infatuation / obsession during this crucial time of your life.

What are your plans?

This is the time to study hard and build the stepping stones of your career.
The Sorcerer said:
lol....its infatuation!!!! Everyone goes through that in that age. My advice- just be friends with her first rather then scaring her off (atleast not in the start). Techies do fall in love....but then again the relationship MIGHT break up faster or end before its even started. Been there, done that. Brought me nothing but ages of depressing life....but that's what experience teaches you. I say- do what you want...but dont be depressed if it doesn't work out or you find her with some guy the next morning. Life is too small, once you become depressed it takes ages to come out of it.

exactly what i want to say...:hap2:
oh come on guys ..let the guy feel what he wants to feel well do you know this crazysah that u guys are convinced its infactuation and maybe it is or its not ...the point is he feels its love ..let him go through it would you guys feel when u were 16 and the others said its infactuation ,, you would go balls this is love and go on with it guys stop the preaching about life and depression and let him go through the emotions of life ...
...rant over

dude take her out for a nice candlelit dinner and see what happens
You are 16, the world is waiting for you. At that age are allowed to be stupid in love and make mistakes, no point fussing about it.

You have probably already made a decision and looking for reaffirmation for your decision. If you like her tell her nevermind her friend. Don't be soppy, painful or overserious about it I can't live without you types, be straight forward and fun.

The most important thing, don't be afraid of rejection, you can't second guess other people decisions and reasons, its not always about you. All your friends are in the exact same mental state, nobody is sure or secure contrary to the image they give out. Everyone is in doubt like you. You are still growing, changing everyday. Tomorrow you will be a different person than who got rejected today. You will have to take chances in life some will fail miserably some will work out but unless you take chances you will never find out. Don't keep stuff inside, express yourself be positive, you will make mistakes, some gloriously bad but you will also learn. Cheers.
^geez i'd give a heck of a lotta nickels even to get to that point, most stop me before I even start :p

Anyone notice that regardless of the resentment of having such threads on a tech forum, they attract the maximum responses and attention? ;).

@Crazysah - if you are in 12th follow SunnyBoi's advice, if you are in 11th get it over with quickly and dont obsess about the result regardless of what it is....
The spirit of techboi lives on in TE :eek:hyeah: just kidding :p

On a more serious note, do it like a band aid. just tell her quickly n get it over with instead of obsessing over it. Just go up to her n do it, maybe over coffee or something, dont b too romantic or cheesy bout it. if she likes u she ll tell u.
I would say, ask the question if you are in 11th.

And do as Sunnyboi said if in 12th.

But, if you are putting the question be prepared for whatever the outcome will be. Im pretty sure ur not prepared for both (i mean the answer) ;)
would you believe i was in a similar situ. in the end , the gal dumped him as well, and we(me + him) ended up as lifelong friends.

Life really is funny :lol: