PS3 fans quit jobs and postpone engagement to wait in line


Caffeine Addict
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People are willing to go through hell to get the upcoming Sony PlayStation 3 console and there are already lines forming for November 17th launch. We went to the Best Buy store in Burbank where people started lining up on Monday November 6th, 11 days. Watch our video as one guy explains how he quit his job to stand in line, while another won't be buying his girlfriend an engagement ring anytime soon.

Food and drinks weren't a problem because the group brought a cooler full of sodas, bottled water and other beverages. There were plenty of fast-food restaurants within walking distance and fellow group members along with Best Buy employees were happy to save spots. Employees also let the group use the restrooms inside.

Waiting in line for more than a week is bad enough, but some in the group called off sick and one guy even quit his job to stand in line. To make it even worse, the one who called in sick has postponed his engagement with his girlfriend because the money that would have gone into buying a ring will be used to buy a PlayStation 3.

The last guy in line didn't want to go on camera, but he told us that he wasn't sure if there were enough PlayStation 3 consoles. Apparently Best Buy employees are very tight lipped on exactly how many consoles the store will be receiving.

You may remember the media reports of people being robbed of their Xbox 360 consoles during last year's launch, but this group won't let that happen. They have vowed to 'back each other up' if anything happens and even boasted that an armed robber won't take them down. "He won't have enough bullets to take us all down," said one guy. They added that the police have been quite nice and are regularly drive by to check on the group.

Some passing customers asked if the line was for concert tickets or for a musician signing, while others gave weird looks, but these guys took it in stride, saying, "They look at us like we have nothing to do... but we are getting a PlayStation 3."

Video and images here :PS3 fans quit jobs and postpone engagement to wait in line - Video | TG Daily
Because such decadent people shouldn't be allowed to exist. A guy puts off his engagement so that he can get a PS3. Shows what value he puts on human relations. I hope to god he never has any kids, bastard will probably sell them to finance the $50000 cost of the PS5 (presuming Sony doesn't go bankrupt before then. I was sure they would, but seeing that such jerk offs exist, I have lost all hope of that ever happening).
damn :S....its getting increasingly easier to find dunderheads :rofl: these guys should go get a new life or better..... stick that PS3 controller down their own throat ....
@KK Dont be immature. What maybe important to you may not be to others and vice versa. Its just a perception. People do that for lots of other things also. Remember Harry Potter ? Just that this looks a bit worse. Dont have so much hostility.

I guess u just had a bad day.
I got the 6th book on the day of one of my sem exams. A friend's friend's father was the distributor for the books and we got our copies at 5:30 in the morning :D :D

@KK --- I cant help but marvel at your posts....... I feel like I am looking at myself from a 3rd person :lol:

But in this case I do think these people are taking it too far. 1 week !! Crazy fellows...... But whatever.....doesnt trouble me does it :p ??
Its just shows you the Fanbase sony has created with the PS/PS2.

Now, Whoever was doubting that the PS3 will fail, should think otherwise.

This is just a store somewhere in burbank.

My cousin, in Syosset, long inland, new york, said, 20 of his acquaintances, are already standing in line, outside a Store called "Target"... My cousin, will get 1 at 20% discount, coz his Dad works there :/..
I'm with Josh here. I'd love to try something like this at least once cause I'm a f'reakin maniac when it comes to games. Of course, nothing to the extent where I'd put off important events of my life or anything.

Nikhil said:
@KK --- I cant help but marvel at your posts....... I feel like I am looking at myself from a 3rd person

Now that's quite an ego, man.:p
whys everyone so surprised.. things like this have been happening for a long time .. not only for gaming consoles.. for sales,mp3 players and dunno what nots as well

you should have seen the lines for the launch of the shuffle when it first released
This only shows the level gaming has reached. Quitting and gaining another job isn't in the U.S really isn't a hard thing, the guy was probably working at Burger King or just stood around in Blockbuster looking after DVDs, 9th grade students are supposed to get these jobs to pass the class.

The engagement ring dude, well there are all sorts of weird people around the world, good thing is they exist in minority.

Though I know, If I were there right now, I'd probably camp too, firstly because its more fun than you think it is, and second because the next shipment wouldn't be arriving till December which are already projected to be sold out and then the next one arrives in March.