Graphic Cards Price difference on the R7 260x

Hi guys !!!
My query is this, i was checking out the sapphire R7 260x to see whether its a good budget buy or not...
now on the price is 139.99 dollars.
and on flipkart it is about Rs. 12,199 (although the manufacturer is MSI)
converting 139.99 dollars at Rs.62 per dollar its comes to about Rs. 8,680 (on the high side)
my question here is, why this large a discrepancy in pricing ??? is it purely because of customs and duties?
8.7k + 29% customs = 11.2k so Fk is only 1k more expensive than importing it (discounting shipping). If someone carries it for you from US then obviously its cheaper.
Yeah duties are pretty high. Plus order quantities are quite low in India while in the US retailers order in bulk. For 12.5k see if you can get a Geforce 650 Ti BOOST edition which should be better than the 260x.

If you can increase your budget to 15k or so the 270x is a MUCH better card.
8.7k + 29% customs = 11.2k so Fk is only 1k more expensive than importing it (discounting shipping). If someone carries it for you from US then obviously its cheaper.
In which universe is it 8.7k + 29% customs ?
$139.99 or 8.7k is the retail price in the US. Are you importing your stock from US at retail price + add the shipping + add the customs + local taxes + the dealer's profit ?
$139.99 is the retail price suggested by AMD, and that includes AMD's profit, MSI's manufacturing cost + profit, shipping cost from Taiwan to USA, US customs, US distributor's profit, and retailer's profit. Nominal local taxes may be extra. People need to understand this before buying from these greedy Indian dealers.
^^ Its not totally correct to call the dealers greedy. The GPU market in India is but a miniscule fraction of the US market so dealers here need to add their margins to PC components in order to remain competitive.
i went for the r7 260x because although the ti boost is better, it seems to run hotter ( i'm guessing that translates to shorter lifespan) and also they are almost identical, with only a minor difference in potential hardly worth the price difference and i felt the upgrade to a r7 270x would be much better than opting for the 650, but since my budget was the deciding factor.... though the shop owner kept insisting on buying the hd 7770 saying is was much better than the r7 260x
^^ Ha ha. Shopkeepers can really brighten your day with their silly statements. :p

The 260x is only slightly less hot and noisy than the 650 boost AFAIK but still the differences are not large anyways.

How much did you pay and what brand did you pick ?
dreamCatcher made a very good point regarding pricing abroad that people often neglect. Many big brands have direct presence in India. There's no reason why they can't price their GPU's more competitively. They simply choose not to.

As for the GPU market in India being miniscule, there's a very good reason for this - the pricing is absurd. The Importers/distris/dealers are to blame for this and no one else. If they want to improve sales they need to lower prices and make products more attractive to buyers.

The sad thing is that not only do they charge ridiculous prices for GPU's, they provide pathetic support when things go bad...
^^ Ha ha. Shopkeepers can really brighten your day with their silly statements. :p

The 260x is only slightly less hot and noisy than the 650 boost AFAIK but still the differences are not large anyways.

How much did you pay and what brand did you pick ?
Bought Sapphire...paid 10,850 inclusive of 5% VAT for it
one silly trick to get them to lower prices... what happened was thtat i asked them quotations and left to check another shop, i found that the other shop was charging 100 extra on all items... so i came back to the first shop and in the mean time i had written the price of the components of this same shop in a book and told the guy to get these parts for me.... this was a different guy and thought these prices written were from some other shop and lowered all of the prices.