Graphic Cards Power of SM3

can u see the reflections in the water .... try to see the details anyways pics sud not be sharp every time ... and sharper doesn't mean good .....
I dont completely agree with you aces... Look at the reflection of the palm trees in water... Individual leaves are also getting reflected... The second pic looks much brighter... Lets wait for a game demo to make a judgement...

P.S. Rahul, You just beat me to it :bleh:
here is a screenie taken with my 9800 pro, everything at max

i dont actually see any difference with SM3 enabled... :S
There seems to be some sort of extra lighting with SM3 ..see the building on the right...with SM3 its lighting changes significantly.

the pics look better on the 6600..definitely
The end question is how much FPS 6600GT is churning out. I am seriously wondering how it will run on my 6600GT with SM3.0.

And to be honest i dont expect good framerate with this game with all eye candy on and SM3.0 on too from 6600GT.

Bye yeah, pic on X800 is little too red. Lightning effects are simply missing on X800.

Strangly water looks bit better on X800.
i get about 25 - 30 FPS with everything maxed out, so expect the 6600 gt to give you about 35 FPS, but with SM3 enabled, i have no idea, perhaps you can try it and let us know ;)
Well look at the details in sky etc, I feel with SM 3.0 appears much more blurry. Apparently FPS falls down to 15 fps on my Radeon 9800 pro in battles, but reducing the texture quality improves the framerates hugely.

Personally I yet find the X800 image, apart from a lil better water reflection IQ seems to be very blurry with SM 3.0.
Well strange stuff... The image quality you get on the X800 is high shader quality. The other one is very high shader quality. The framerate remains exactly the same - 21-22 fps on 6600GT. However the wierd thing is if i force it to run as a 9800 pro (changing deviceid using 3danalyze), the framerate drops to 16fps maintaining the exact same quality as what you get on shader detail high. So where is the 6fps hit coming from :S. Also when i force deviceid using 3danalyze, the very high shader quality disappears from the menu :\. Something really stupid is happening or they have intentionally crippled the ATi cards :p.

Edit: Shader model 3 mode uses FP textures for that bloom effect. (HDR in layman's terms :p) So it actually is something useful.
The x800's Pic looks better. SM 3.0 hasnt been fully developed.
Honestly, the SM 3 pic on the 6600 looks worse than the one on the x800.

Theres just some lighthing difference, which honestly looks bad.
The water in the 6600 looks more real but the one on the x800 looks better.
goldenfrag said:
The x800's Pic looks better. SM 3.0 hasnt been fully developed.
Honestly, the SM 3 pic on the 6600 looks worse than the one on the x800.

Theres just some lighthing difference, which honestly looks bad.
The water in the 6600 looks more real but the one on the x800 looks better.
lol, right said, if u dont get into the intracies of the image , for sure the ati 1 looks quite better and very much juicy and the nvidia 1 is totally bleached out..
i was wondering why few guys out here felt 6600 1 better and thus i was rubbing my eyes twice just to see if my eyes have gone wrong or smthin, anyone will say if u show both the images that ati 1 is far superior and crisp image if not detailed but quite juicy and colourlfully rather than the hazy and bleached 1 of 6600????????
dont kno about the technecality though but jus that was a laymans outlook to both the images!!!!!!
Overall mood, sky and water look better with sm3, somewhat like a painting.
Without sm3 the edges stand out way too much giving it a cartoony look.
I agree with Saumil, the 6600 pic looks more realistic. The ATi pic looks better to us as we are used to playing "video" games.

As far as reality is concerned, SM3 looks awesome !
i agree with both the guys above ... the development of gfx cards is aimed at making the images look more real...all that extra lighting in the SM3 actually makes it look better with the light reflecting on the buildings n all...

@ Goldi: Yaar listen....... you know the effect fog has at greater distances. The X800 is not capable of using SM3.0, therefore that effect is not showing which was probably implemented using SM3.0 specific instructions.

@ Rave: 9800 XYZ core do now support SM3.0. Hence you cannot notice the difference.

Also, these games are highly optimized to the extent of using different code paths for differnet VPUs. So when you change the device ID to 9800pro, you are making the game execute a code path which was optimized for a 9800pro and not a 6xxx series card. Both the cards are very different as they perform differently under different instructions. So when you forced a code optimized for a different VPU to run on a 6600GT, you got suboptimal performance. As simple as that...........

To ensure that I am not speaking crap..... fire up ur copy of Doom3 and switch different code paths and see the fps difference. The one optimized for ur VPU will give max fps/quality and all others (while they will RUN as they make use of OpenGL 1.5) will have some quality+fps tradeoffs.

IN MY HONOURABLE OPINION: The SM3.0 image looks more realistic to the extent of being 3> than the X800 image. Mind you, I own a 9800xt currently so I have no reason to be biased.


Same here, owning a 9800 pro, I'm certainly more of a fanATic than an nvidiot. But there's no doubt about which image has better quality. The geforce with SM3 easily makes the game looks better.
actually there is a blooming(actually currently i don't have the game dunno remember the name correctly) effect if u switch off that effect the image will be same as x800 on any nvidia cards ...... blooming effect switches on the HDR in nvidia cards so the image looks like that .....
nothing new that i wanna say...but the pic in 6600 looks wahsed out when compared to the Ati... but the Ati pic looks more artificial, like a painting...and the water reflections on nvidia are worth noticing...