port forwarding help

I have an Asus AAM6000 1 port router + modem which I use to connect to my BSNL connection. Now I am gonna be connecting Linksys wrt54g to share the connection between two comps. ie from splitter to ASUS, from ASUS lan port to Linksys internet port, and from the LAN ports of LINKSYS to two comps.. How do I forward ports now?

Asus router configured in DHCP with IP pool of 32, from onwards

Linksys with a pool of 50 addresses, from onwards.

I should be forwarding ports on both routers right? how do I do that since both are configured as DHCP? or should I just set static IP on my computer(s) say and then forward these ports on the linksys router.

and on the Asus router how do I forward the ports? :O
u will have to set static ips on the computers..
u can leave dhcp enabled but manually set the ips in the computers, and remove these ips from the pool available for dhcp

ur linksys has to have a fixed wan side ip 192.168.1.xx
from ur asus, forward ports to this ip
from linksys, forward ports to static ip u set on the comps.

refer guides @ portforward.org
yep did that, but the speeds got really lousy, torrents speeds dropped by 75%, and browsing became worse than dial up.. even with only 1 comp connected... :O whats the issue?