Playing CS 1.6 Online with friends in different cities

Is it possible? All of us are non-steamers, but we do have a damn good Internet connection. I read about it online that you can create an online server by | creating a game>sv_lan 0>status>share IP>connect | and VOILA, you should be able to play with your friends online. But it's not happening. So tell me if it's possible to play online with my friends. If yes, then tell me how? Right now our gang is spread across Mumbai & Bangalore.
creative420 said:
Is it possible? All of us are non-steamers, but we do have a damn good Internet connection. I read about it online that you can create an online server by | creating a game>sv_lan 0>status>share IP>connect | and VOILA, you should be able to play with your friends online. But it's not happening. So tell me if it's possible to play online with my friends. If yes, then tell me how? Right now our gang is spread across Mumbai & Bangalore.

You have to download HLDS = Half Life Dedicated Server. Then create server give your Global Ip to your friends. Though not sure about the pings .. It will be high you would not get Steam Pings like <100 though your city boys would get kinda that ..
rajveersingh09 said:
You have to download HLDS = Half Life Dedicated Server. Then create server give your Global Ip to your friends. Though not sure about the pings

I do have HLDS, although I was the only one who could get into it. It gives me an error "Lan servers are restricted to local clients" This is after typing sv_lan 0 in the console. not sure what you mean by global IP. Is it different than local IP?
Try Hamachi.. It's easy to get your friends into the same LAN. Since they are direct p2p connections the latency should be low. Or you can also hire those cheap dedicated servers that appear on your "internet" servers list.